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It is known that every country has a different a unique culture around the world, in terms of food, celebrations, etc.
Some people from these countries are aware of the importance of preserving their own culture, however, there are
some governments which do not take this situation as seriously as they should. In this essay I will discuss two
possibles priorities that should be taken into acount by governments.

PRIORITY 1 protect old buildings

The first priority is the wide variety of actions to preserve and protect old buildings. We often hear that more
archaeological sites are having more restrictions in terms of the maximum visitants per day, which is a great action
that other governments need to imitate, for example the seven wonders that we know are exposed to get damaged by
visitors and this eventually will cause a negative impact in the cultural value.

PRIORITY 2 teach the importance of cultural heritage in schools

While it is true that governments should handle the preservation of cultural heritage in direct actions, they should do it
indirectly as well. As we grow up in school, it is vital that governments introduce and intensify more topics to young
students about preserving their cultural heritage, because once they are mature enough, they will be conscious about


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