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Your success 12 months from today…

Your current monthly income: 0

Your DESIRED monthly income in 12 months: 637.000$

Your current rank: leader manager

Your DESIRED Rank in 12 months: vice president

Your Self Audit Score (10 is world class)

Mindset: 10
Presentation Skills: 9
Duplication: 4
Social Media: 3
Leadership: 7
Total Score: 33

Presentation Power Ranking

Personal Story: 100
3rd Party Validation:
Opportunity Presentation: 80
Onboarding New Team Members: 75
Training Your Team: 90

Your three biggest opportunities for improvement:

1. formation
2. action
3. dreams
Radical Duplication
You will be Independent by 01.06.2021

Radical Duplication Ranking

A - Assignments:
C - Campaigns:
T - Tools: 3
S - Systems: 2

Your one action to create duplication within your team…?


Social Media Excellence

Your Social Media Usage Rank: 2

Your Biggest opportunity for improvement:

better use of social media

Your FIT Analysis

Facebook Followers: 100
Facebook Followers in 12 Months: 200
Instagram Followers: 3
Instagram Followers in 12 Months: 32
Tik Tok Followers: 0
Tik Tok Followers in 12 Months: 1

Beyond Leadership
Your Ability to Lead YOURSELF: 5
Your Ability to Lead YOUR TEAM: 4
Potential Leaders on YOUR TEAM: 3

Bringing it all Together!

If I can master these areas, it would be worth the following…

Personal Growth: 10000

Presentation Power: 10000
Radical Duplication: 10000
Social Media Excellence: 3000
Beyond Leadership: 5000
Total Value: 38000

How Committed Am I to making this change happen? 3

What is MOST standing in my way: Shame_Self-doubt

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