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Terishna Mahabally

MICR215 SI worksheet 7.
Fungal nutrition and reproduction.

1. Fungi are chlorophyll deficient cannot synthesis their own food. Discuss How fungi
secure food.
-Fungi secrete enzyme into the surface which they are growing .The enzymes digest
the food, which then is absorbed directly through the hyphal walls. Food must be in
a solution in order to enter the hyphae and the entire mycelial surface of a fungus is
capable of absorbing materials dissolve in water.

2. Define the following:

i. Saprophytes : getting their nourishment from dead organic matter
ii. Symbiote : mutually beneficial with another organism, often a plant.
iii. Parasitic : causing serious damage to their host.
iv. Heterotrophs : they obtain their nutrients by absorbing simple, soluble nutrients.
3. Describe how parasitism occurs in humans. Provide an example.
Parasitic fungi most commonly enter the body through a wound in the epidermis.
Example of a fungus that causes disease in humans is Claviceps purpurea, the cause
of ergotism. Ergot, contains a number of poisonous organic compounds called

4. Explain the symbiotic relationship between mycorrhiza and plants.

Mycorrhiza where large number of fungi infect the roots of the plants. The fungus
invade the roots to absorb nutrients.Mycorrhiza fungi establish a mild form of
parasitism that is mutualistic.
5. Name and explain the Two main types of mycorrhiza.
Ectomycorrhizae: are fungi that are only externally associated with the plant root.
Endomycorrhizae: form their associations within the cells of the host.

6. List 4 different ways fungi nutrients can be assimilated through.

passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, diffusion channels,active transport.
7. Differentiate between asexual and sexual reproduction.
Asexual occurs via Budding /Fusion and an Asexual spore is produced. Sexual
occurs by Fusion or union of gametes via meiosis to produced sexual spores.
Terishna Mahabally

8. Match column A with column B.

Column A Column B Answers

i. Sporangiophore A. Multiple/single spore C
are produced at the
end of aerial hyphae
ii. Conidiophore B. Candida Albicans A
iii. Basidiophore C. Sporangium incase D
this spores at the end
of aerial hyphae
iv. Blastopores D. Sexual spore B
v. Chlamydospores E. Cell swells up & E
develops thick
resistant wall

9. Provide the names of the male and female sex organs for fungi.
Male sex organ – Antheridium. Female sex organ – Oogonium
10. Differentiate between monoecious and dioecious.
Monoecious- Male & female sex organ in same thallus. Dioecious- Male & female
sex organ in separate thallus
11. Name the 3 stages that occurs under meiosis
Stage I – Plasmogamy .Stage II – Karyogamy .Stage III – Spore formation.

12. Which class does mushroom belong to and describe its spore arrangement.
Basidiomycota. Spores are present in 4 in numbers in one basidium.
1. What is a zygospore?
fusion of 2 gametes.
13. Name two species that form ascospores.
Aspergillus Sp. Penicillium Sp

14. Define budding.

cells buds off to form parent cell.

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