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(AC-S05) Week 5 - Task: Assignment - What I

usually do vs. What I'm doing


 F
r ank

Handerson Rufino Castro (U20219230)

 Estrella Nayeli Chunga Gonzales (U23234137)
 Rodrigo Alejandro García Lozada (U22204070)


 Nataly De Los Milagros Reto Pino

What I usually do vs. What I'm doing

Mi Rutina en Vacaciones: On vacation, sometimes I travel to visit my friends or stay at

home. If I stay at home, I spend time with my mother, whether it's going out to eat,

going to the movies and taking walks.

My Normal Routine: I get up at 8am to have breakfast, at noon I help my mother with

lunch, in the afternoon I always prepare by reading the classes I will have at night, so

when I leave for class I already have some ideas of what will be done, some Sometimes

I return 10 at night or 11 at night, I return home to have dinner and sleep.


My Vacation Routine: When I'm on vacation, we plan to go to the beach as a family, we

travel at 7 AM and arrive at 11 AM, we go into the sea and in the afternoon we go out to

eat, at night we walk around the square and travel back to home.

My normal routine: I get up at 8:00 AM and make my breakfast, clean my room and

help my mom prepare lunch, then I take a shower and get ready to go to university, I

leave at 5 in the afternoon and go to the gym, I leave at 7 at night, I come home, I have

dinner and I go to sleep.


My vacation routine: Is more about working to save money to buy my things, pay debts

and, above all, save money for university, and on weekends when I don't have work we

go on a road trip with my motorcycle buddies to see new towns, above all, we like it.

Visit towns in the mountains, and that would be my vacation.

My normal routine:

I get up at 8 am, have breakfast and get ready to go to work. I get home at 5 pm and get

ready to go to university again, I get home at 10 pm and go to sleep, on the weekends I

work straight.


Rodrigo: hi guys

Estrella: Hello, it's time to talk about our routines.

Frank: Of course my friend

Rodrigo: What is your routine on vacation, friend Estrella?

Estrella: When I'm on vacation, we plan to go to the beach as a family, we travel at 7

AM and arrive at 11 AM, we go into the sea and in the afternoon we go out to eat, at

night we walk around the square and travel back to home.

Frank: And what is your routine on a normal day?

Estrella: I get up at 8:00 AM and make my breakfast, clean my room and help my mom

prepare lunch, then I take a shower and get ready to go to university, I leave at 5 in the

afternoon and go to the gym, I leave at 7 at night, I come home, I have dinner and I go

to sleep.

Rodrigo: Now Frank, what is your routine on vacation?

Frank: Is more about working to save money to buy my things, pay debts and, above all,

save money for university, and on weekends when I don't have work we go on a road

trip with my motorcycle buddies to see new towns, above all, we like it. Visit towns in

the mountains, and that would be my vacation.

Estrella: And what is your routine on a normal day?

Frank: I get up at 8 am, have breakfast and get ready to go to work. I get home at 5 pm

and get ready to go to university again, I get home at 10 pm and go to sleep, on the

weekends I work straight.

Rodrigo: My vacation routine , sometimes I travel to visit my friends or stay at home. If

I stay at home, I spend time with my mother, whether it's going out to eat, going to the

movies and taking walks.

Estrella: And what is your routine on a normal day?

Rodrigo: I get up at 8am to have breakfast, at noon I help my mother with lunch, in the

afternoon I always prepare by reading the classes I will have at night, so when I leave

for class I already have some ideas of what will be done, some Sometimes I return 10 at

night or 11 at night, I return home to have dinner and sleep.

Estrella: Excellent dialogue guys,bye

Rodrigo: bye

Frank: bye


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