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Audit Ethics
in an

Harendra Kumar Chandra

Internal audit ethics in an
organization refer to the
principles, values, and standards
that guide the conduct of internal
auditors in their roles. These
ethics are essential to ensure
that internal auditors maintain
objectivity, integrity, and
professionalism while carrying
out their responsibilities. Here
are some key aspects of internal
audit ethics:

Harendra Kumar Chandra


Internal auditors must remain

independent and free from any
bias or undue influence. They
should not have any personal or
financial interests that could
compromise their objectivity. This
independence ensures that their
assessments are unbiased and

Harendra Kumar Chandra


Integrity is fundamental in internal

audit ethics. Auditors must be
honest and truthful in their
reporting and interactions. They
should not engage in any
fraudulent or unethical activities
and should report any wrongdoing
they discover.

Harendra Kumar Chandra


Internal auditors often have access

to sensitive and confidential
information about an organization.
They are ethically obligated to
protect this information and only
disclose it to authorized
individuals on a need-to-know

Harendra Kumar Chandra

Professional Competence
and Due Care:

Auditors must possess the

necessary knowledge, skills, and
experience to perform their duties
effectively. They should stay
current with industry trends and
best practices. Additionally, they
must exercise due care in planning,
conducting, and reporting on

Harendra Kumar Chandra


Auditors should maintain an

objective and impartial mindset
throughout the audit process. They
should not let personal biases,
conflicts of interest, or undue
pressure from management
influence their assessments.

Harendra Kumar Chandra

Professional Behavior:

Auditors should behave

professionally in all interactions
within the organization. This
includes treating colleagues,
clients, and other stakeholders
with respect and courtesy.

Harendra Kumar Chandra

Compliance with Standards:

Internal auditors are typically

guided by professional standards,
such as those established by the
Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
Adhering to these standards is an
ethical obligation and helps ensure
the quality and consistency of
audit work.

Harendra Kumar Chandra


Auditors should be transparent in

their communication and
reporting. They should clearly
communicate the scope,
objectives, and findings of their
audits to relevant stakeholders.

Harendra Kumar Chandra

Conflict Resolution:

If auditors encounter ethical

dilemmas or conflicts of interest,
they should have a process in
place to resolve these issues. This
may involve seeking guidance from
superiors, the audit committee, or
external authorities if necessary.

Harendra Kumar Chandra

Continuous Improvement:

Ethical internal auditors strive for

continuous improvement in their
own professional development and
in the effectiveness of the audit
function. They should seek
opportunities to enhance their
skills and contribute positively to
the organization's success.

Harendra Kumar Chandra

Maintaining strong internal audit
ethics is crucial for the credibility
and effectiveness of the internal
audit function. It helps ensure
that auditors provide valuable,
unbiased insights to the
organization's management and
stakeholders while upholding the
highest ethical standards.

Harendra Kumar Chandra

Thank You

Harendra Kumar Chandra

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