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What we had just studied are the major intellectual revolutions in the past.

At present, what are

the widely acceptable theory that could explain.

1. Celestial Mechanics
- The theory which is widely accepted by the scientific field that could explain Celestial
Mechanics is Einstein’s “General Relativity” and the “Relativistic Celestial Mechanic”. The
application of his theory showed that the two-body motion laws introduced by Newton (and
Kepler) should be corrected. RTC is based on Einstein’s theory of General Relativity which
differs from its Newtonian counterpart in two aspects; first, the mathematical structure of the
relevant equations of motion. Lastly, the manner of comparing of the solutions of these equations
with observations.

2. Evolution of Human Beings.

- The Theory which is widely accepted that explains Evolution is Darwin’s “Theory of Evolution
by Natural Selection” or “Darwinism/ Darwinian Theory” in short. This is a theory developed by
the English Naturalist Charles Darwin, stating that all species of organism arise and develop
through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual’s ability to
complete, survive, and reproduce. According to his theory, everything has evolved over about 3
million years ago, from single cell organism to modern human beings. Each passing generations
shows miniscule differences to each other. Constantly evolving and adapting to the changes of
their environment. Another renowned part of the theory is the “Survival of the Fittest”. Darwin
believed that weaker species are deemed to be devoured or less likely to survive whilst the
stronger ones will continue to live, adapt, and evolve

3. Psychoanalysis
- The theory which is widely accepted that define and explains Psychoanalysis is
“Psychoanalytic Theory”, it is founded by Sigmund Freud and later then refined by the passing
generations. It is a theory of personality organization and the dynamics of personality
development that guides psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology.
Basically, it is a method for treating mental disorders by investigating the interaction of
conscious and unconscious elements in the patient’s mind and bringing repressed fears and
conflicts into the conscious mind, using techniques such as dream interpretation and free

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