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Testing, assessing, and teaching are the main learning activities.

According to the presentation

Teaching -present information provide feedback and support
Testing is used to assess students' achievement, knowledge, and performance and focuses on
measuring a person's ability to comprehend and apply the meaning of a particular concept. (It
can be multiple choice, true false answer the questions)
Assessment is broader category like observation of the student focuses on evaluating a person's
overall knowledge and skills in a particular area (evaluate how to prepare, homework done,
come in class or late, interactive into class and etc.)
! Principles of testing
Validity: it’s a complex idea. A test should measure what it is intended to measure. It should be
designed to assess the specific knowledge or skills that are relevant to the subject being tested.
(more objective, focus on content validity from the past knowledge of vocabulary, accuracy
grammar, written, reading, list or speaking )
Reliability: a test should produce consistent results over time. This means that if the same test is
administered multiple times, the scores should be consistent and reliable. (student’s
organizations and markers depend on psychology and physiology factors)
Authenticity: how closely tested materials matched a real word application. A test should reflect
real-life situations and scenarios as closely as possible. This means that the questions and tasks
should be relevant and meaningful to the subject being tested. It is used for speaking or writing
in a context text.
Objectivity: A test should be free from bias or personal opinions. The scoring and evaluation of
the test should be based on objective criteria and standards.
Practicality: it includes logic strategic timing. A test should be feasible and practical to
administer. It should be efficient and cost-effective, and should not place an undue burden on the
test-takers or administrators. Multiple choice

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