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Australian Oceans, Seas and Other

Bodies of Water

4 5 6


Across Down
2. Name of the ocean found to the 1. The Gulf of is
east of Australia. at the top of Australia.
4. Name of the sea found next to 3. The Strait is
New South Wales and Victoria. between Victoria and Tasmania.
7. The Strait is above 5. Name of the sea found north of
Queensland. the Northern Territory.
8. Name of the ocean found to the 6. Name of the sea found next to
south of Australia. Queensland.
10. Name of the ocean found to 9. Name of the sea found north of
the west of Australia. Western Australia.

Labelling a River
Use the labels at the bottom of the page to identify each of the parts of the river system.

tributary confluence delta estuary floodplain levee

meander mouth oxbow lake source waterfall main channel

Year 6

Name:_____________________ Section:_____________ Date:_______________

Chapter 2; Structure of Earth and Types of Rocks Total marks: 10

1. Name some factors that contribute to air pollution in urban areas and
discuss their impacts on human health. (3 marks)
2. What is the Continental drift theory, and how does it explain the
formation of continents? Provide evidence to support this theory.
(3 marks)
3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of continental plates and
oceanic plates. How do these differences impact plate interactions
and the Earth's surface? (4 marks)

Year 6

Name:_____________________ Section:_____________ Date:_______________

Unit 2 : Ancient Egypt Total marks: 15

Q 1:Choose one Ancient Egyptian god or goddess and describe their

significance and domain. (5 marks)

Q 2: Describe the social hierarchy of Ancient Egyptian society. Include the

roles of pharaohs, scribes, artisans, and farmers. ( 5 marks)

Q 3:Describe the purpose of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt. What role did
they play in the afterlife beliefs of the Egyptians? (5 marks)

Tectonic Plates
Cut out along the
dotted lines to make
each plate from the
Earth’s crust.

Can you put the

pieces back together?
Use a world map to
help you!
CT 1


UNIT 1: The Middle Ages

Total Marks: 25
Q1. Choose the correct answer. Marks 5 (5*1=5)

1. The Middle Ages began with the fall of the city of ____________ in 476 CE lasting up to
the fourteenth century.
a) Rome b) Cordoba
c) Byzantine d) Crusades

2. Crusades are the series of religious wars which were fought majorly to take the
____________ back from Muslims.
a) Byzantine b) Rome
c) Jerusalem d) Feudal Land

3. Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine Empire and it was conquered by
Constantine in ____________.
a) 330 CE b) 330 BCE
c) 303CE d) 1453 BCE

4. Byblos Crusader Castle was built by Crusaders in the twelfth century in _____________.
a) Jerusalem b) Anatolia
c) Lebanon d) Syria

5. ____________ formally adopted christianity as the religion of the state in the 4th century.
a) Justinian b) Constantine
c) Mehmad d) King Roderick

Q2. Correct the statement and re-write it below. 5 marks (1*5=5)

1. Increase in population was one of the major reasons for the decline of feudalism due
to wars and external invasions.


2. Feudalism resulted in the decrease in social class gap and on which the peasants were

so depressed.


3. Overall, Roman people were monotheistic and believed in only one God.



4. The Middle Ages is also referred to as the Golden Time Period of Romans due to

increase in their power and royalty.



5. Religious scholars during early Middle Ages had Supreme Power however they had

no control over the senate and army.



3. Find the right date and write in the Column C. 5 marks (1*5=5) Events Dates Column C

1 Fall Of Constantinople 1054 CE

2 Period of crusades 1453 CE

3 Fall of Rome 9th century

4 Great Schism 1095-1274 CE

5 Central Middle Age 476 CE

Q4. Write a brief note on the following 10 marks (5 marks each)

a) The Conquest of Constantinople by Memet II
















Reasons behind the fall of the Roman Empire.


















Equator, Hemispheres, Tropics, and Poles
Across 2

2. The hemisphere where you would find Australia. 2

5. The northernmost point on the planet. 3

5 1
6. Tropic you would find in the southern hemisphere.

7. Imaginary line around the center of the Earth.


1. The hemisphere where you would find North America.

2. The southernmost point on the globe.

3. Continent you would find in the southern hemisphere. 6

4. First name of the explorer who first reached the

South Pole.
5. Continent you would find in the northern hemisphere.

6. Tropic in the northern hemisphere.



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