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Media: Freedom or Slavery

In our world today where social media has been so rampant that it seems to become a
necessity, do we mean it as a means of our freedom? Or have we become slaves of it? At the developing
stage of media, it became an essential tool to aid us for a better communication and connection to the
world. That perhaps affect the society by bringing the people to connect, to share and to view the world
in a different perception.

As technology is dynamic, usage of social media has become more and more powerful upon
which society seems to be obsessed with the usage of it. While social media was controlled by human,
now, it implies that we have become slaves of media. Perhaps we are blinded by perception that media
is an instrument of our freedom of expression. True enough, our expression should be limited to our
responsibility as a moral person – a responsibility of always knowing what is good and true. Democracy
and freedom comes hand in hand, but we must always remember that it should always reiterate the
responsible freedom. In this sense, media should become an instrument of truth, uphold what the
society is voicing for, and not as a platform to corrupt the dignity of life. Media is only a platform to
express our freedom, but it is only that we limit within our responsibility should we not become slaves
of it.

Personally, I find media helpful in sharing my persona. Social media also becomes a confidant, as
millennials would often throw there rants, thoughts and feelings. It has also been an instrument for me
to connect to those who have been away. So as media has been helpful to us, we should always
remember to be responsible with our actions so that we may enjoy the freedom it gives, but not to
become slaves of it.

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