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IT 515 Milestone One

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IT 515 Milestone One


The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact worldwide. It hit businesses hard due

to government mandates and limitations on the number of customers allowed in stores. As a

result, businesses had to find new ways to connect with their customers. One major challenge

they faced was recreating the in-person shopping experience where customers could touch and

interact with products. This issue led companies like HYPERVSN to come up with a solution.

HYPERVSN is a well-known provider of holographic solutions and experiences for marketing,

education, and communication on a global scale. Their main aim is to continually introduce

innovative and captivating products to the market. By utilizing holographic technology, the

company helps businesses bridge the gap between physical and virtual shopping experiences.

This enables customers to visualize and interact with products as if they were physically present

in the store. Consequently, the Covid-19 pandemic offered HYPERVSN a great opportunity to

thrive by offering advanced solutions that enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.

Needs and Challenges

HYPERVSN aims to create a holographic suite that provides a fully immersive

experience and allows customers to see and feel the products on display. However, the company

lacks expertise in this type of holographic technology. To overcome this limitation, HYPERVSN

has teamed up with Euclideon Holographics. Despite this, the two companies still lack the

necessary knowledge and experience to achieve a truly immersive hologram suite with both

visual and tactile features.

To tackle this challenge, HYPERVSN has several potential solutions. Firstly, they should

consider forming a research and development partnership with a specialized immersive


holographic technology company. Collaborating with experts in the field will help them develop

the required technology for customers to see and feel the products. In other words, pooling

resources and expertise will accelerate the development process and result in a more immersive

holographic suite.

Another option is for HYPERVSN to explore acquiring a technology company already

proficient in immersive holographic technology. This acquisition would grant them access to the

necessary expertise, which might otherwise be difficult to develop internally. Integrating the

acquired company's capabilities into their existing holographic suite would expedite the

development process and stimulate innovation within HYPERVSN.

Additionally, HYPERVSN can establish collaborations with industry experts and

consultants who specialize in immersive holographic technology. These experts can offer

valuable insights and guidance to enhance their holographic technology and make it more

interactive and immersive for customers.

Throughout the development process, HYPERVSN should conduct extensive user

experience testing. Gathering feedback from potential customers will help identify areas for

improvement and refine the holographic suite to meet market expectations. To optimize the cost

of the product without compromising quality, HYPERVSN should focus on efficient

manufacturing processes, strategic sourcing, and economies of scale. The company should also

work on promoting a culture of continuous innovation. To do so, HYPERVSN can invest in

research and development to stay ahead of the competition and consistently improve their

holographic technology. Embracing emerging technologies like augmented reality and virtual

reality can further enhance the immersive experience.


Lastly, HYPERVSN should implement a robust marketing and sales strategy to ensure the

launch of the holographic suite is successful. Clearly communicating the unique value

proposition of their immersive holographic solution and its benefits to potential customers is

crucial. This may involve targeted advertising, participation in industry events and trade shows,

and forging strategic partnerships with retailers.

In summary, HYPERVSN has the task of making an interactive holographic solution that

lets customers see and experience the products they want to buy. To tackle this, they can explore

collaborations or acquisitions for research and development to gain the needed know-how.

Moreover, testing the user experience, cutting down costs, and using a robust marketing plan will

enhance their holographic suite and ensure a successful launch within the set budget and


Innovative Technologies

HYPERVSN can create an engaging holographic solution by utilizing cutting-edge

technologies. These include gesture recognition, haptic feedback systems, Artificial Intelligence

(AI), and Natural Language Processing (NLP). By incorporating these innovations, HYPERVSN

will be able to provide customers with an immersive and interactive experience that allows them

to visualize and interact with products in a whole new way.

Gesture recognition technology enables users to interact with virtual environments using

natural hand and body movements (Meshram & Rojatkar, 2017). By integrating gesture

recognition into the holographic suite, HYPERVSN will enable customers to manipulate and

navigate holographic images without the need for physical controllers. This technology enables

users to step into the holographic image and control it with their movements, providing a

seamless and interactive experience. The implementation of gesture recognition addresses the

need for smooth interaction with holographic images, as it allows customers to manipulate

objects using natural gestures, enhancing overall interactivity.

Haptic feedback systems on the other hand provide users with tactile sensations that

allow them to feel and interact with virtual objects (Mass Challenge, 2021). By integrating haptic

technology into the holographic suite, HYPERVSN will enable customers to experience the

weight, texture, and physical properties of the products they view. Haptic vests, gloves, or

wearable devices can stimulate the user's sense of touch and provide a more realistic interaction

with holographic images. This technology meets the need for customers to feel and touch the

product, offering an enhanced and realistic encounter by assessing the physical attributes of a


Finally, AI and NLP technologies can be used to enable voice commands and intelligent

interactions within the holographic suite. By integrating AI and NLP algorithms, customers can

change items using verbal commands, providing a hands-free and intuitive experience

(Gruetzemacher, 2022). AI accurately analyzes voice commands, while NLP algorithms

understand the context and intent behind customer instructions. This technology enhances the

convenience and interactivity of the holographic suite, delivering a seamless and personalized

experience to customers. AI and NLP technologies cater to the need for intuitive and hands-free

control of the holographic suite, allowing customers to navigate and customize holographic

images effortlessly without physical input devices. This streamlines the user experience and

offers a more convenient way for customers to interact with the holographic suite.


Gesture recognition technology enables systems to understand and respond to human

gestures and movements. This technology has become more affordable in recent years due to

advancements in computer vision and sensor technology (Meshram & Rojatkar, 2017). The cost

of implementation depends on the complexity of the gestures. Cameras and sensors are used to

capture customer movements accurately, and software algorithms interpret these gestures as

commands for the holographic system. Gesture recognition will offer several benefits, such as

providing customers with a natural and intuitive way to interact with holographic images,

enhancing the immersive experience, and giving HYPERVSN a unique and futuristic interaction

method that sets it apart in the market.

On the other hand, haptic feedback systems provide users with tactile sensations,

allowing them to feel and touch virtual objects. In HYPERVSN's holographic suite, haptic

feedback can simulate the sensation of touching the displayed products' surface. However,

implementing haptic feedback can be relatively costly, especially for large-scale applications,

depending on the sophistication of the haptic devices used (Mass Challenge, 2021). These

systems typically involve actuators, sensors, and controllers to create tactile sensations.

Integrating haptic technology into the holographic suite can greatly enrich the customer

experience by providing a sense of touch. Customers can feel the texture, weight, and other

properties of virtual products, making the experience more engaging and memorable. Offering

haptic feedback can also give HYPERVSN a competitive advantage with a unique and realistic

product interaction.

Furthermore, AI and NLP technologies enable voice and touch commands, allowing

customers to interact with the holographic suite through spoken and touch-based instructions.

The cost of implementing AI and NLP technologies varies depending on the complexity of

natural language understanding and processing required. While off-the-shelf AI and NLP

platforms are cost-effective compared to custom solutions, these technologies involve training

models on large datasets and developing algorithms to understand and respond to user commands

(Gruetzemacher, 2022). Integrating AI and NLP systems with the holographic suite requires

seamless communication between them and the holographic software. The potential benefits of

AI and NLP technologies include enabling customers to interact more intuitively and

conveniently with the holographic suite through voice commands and touch gestures.

Additionally, they can enhance the overall user experience by making the interaction more

natural and accessible. Moreover, AI-powered analytics can provide valuable insights into

customer preferences and behaviors for HYPERVSN.

In summary, gesture recognition technology allows systems to interpret and respond to

human gestures and movements, providing a natural and intuitive way for customers to interact

with holographic images in the holographic suite. Haptic feedback systems offer the sensation of

touching virtual objects, making the experience more engaging and realistic for customers.

Integrating AI and NLP technologies enables voice and touch commands, enhancing the user

interface and providing valuable insights for HYPERVSN. These technologies can all contribute

to a more immersive and interactive customer experience, setting HYPERVSN apart in the

market with its unique and futuristic interaction methods. However, the costs of implementation

vary depending on the complexity and scale of the desired features. Nonetheless, the benefits to

both customers and the company make these technologies valuable considerations for enhancing

the holographic suite's overall performance and appeal.


After careful evaluation of various factors, I believe that the technology that aligns with

HYPERVSN's goals is haptic feedback systems. Although gesture recognition and AI/NLP

technologies have value, haptic feedback offers a unique and immersive experience, enabling

customers not only to see but also feel the products. This tactile interaction fulfills the need for

customers to engage with holograms on a more sensory level, allowing them to perceive the

texture of the products they are interested in. Retail businesses, in particular, would benefit from

this capability, as customers often rely on touch to assess product quality before making


Despite potential implementation costs, HYPERVSN has set aside a budget of $2.5

million, which should be sufficient for developing a high-quality solution. Additionally, the

company can leverage Euclideon Holographics' expertise to seamlessly integrate haptic feedback

into the holographic suite. This would differentiate HYPERVSN from competitors, as it provides

a sensory immersion beyond just visual and auditory stimulation. Such a unique selling point

could attract more customers and positively impact sales and brand reputation.

The significance of haptic feedback lies in its ability to offer customers a fully immersive

and multisensory experience, going beyond mere visual representation. When users can not only

see but also physically feel the products, their engagement and satisfaction increase, leading to a

deeper connection with the brand and its offerings. This level of interaction sets HYPERVSN

apart from competitors, making it the preferred choice for customers seeking a more authentic

and realistic experience.

Furthermore, haptic feedback systems hold potential for innovative applications across

various industries. In healthcare, for instance, they could be employed in medical training

simulations, enabling medical students to virtually practice surgical procedures and sense the

resistance and texture of human tissues. In gaming, haptic feedback can enhance players'

experience by providing realistic sensations during gameplay. Such expanded applications could

create new revenue streams for HYPERVSN and make the technology more versatile and

appealing to a broader audience.

Considering the broader societal impact, haptic feedback technology could offer a more

inclusive experience for individuals with visual impairments. By integrating haptic feedback into

the holographic suite, HYPERVSN can create a more accessible environment, allowing visually

impaired individuals to engage with holograms through touch. This move would make their

products and services more inclusive and appealing to a diverse range of customers.

In conclusion, while gesture recognition and AI/NLP technologies have their merits,

haptic feedback systems emerge as the most suitable choice for HYPERVSN's needs. Including

this technology would offer customers an unparalleled level of interaction and immersion,

enabling them to both see and feel the products in the holographic suite. Moreover, it would

distinguish HYPERVSN from competitors, attract more customers, and lead to increased

satisfaction and brand loyalty. Embracing haptic feedback technology positions HYPERVSN as a

trailblazer in the industry, offering a fully immersive and multisensory experience that

revolutionizes the way customers interact with holographic displays.



Gruetzemacher, R. (2022). The Power of Natural Language Processing. Harvard Business


Infosys. (2023). Optimizing products for improved cost performance.


Kestenbaum, R. (2017). This Is Why Companies Make Acquisitions. Forbes.


Mass Challenge. (2021). Haptic Technology: The Future of Engagement?

Meshram, A. P., & Rojatkar, D. V. (2017). Gesture Recognition Technology. Journal of

Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 4(1), 135-138.

Schmitt, R., & Almeida, F. (2020). Building a Culture of Continuous Innovation: How Pixar and

Google Address This Challenge? Journal of Management, Economics, and Industrial

Organization, 4(1), 22-39.


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