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Presentation on:-

Lecture and discussion

Guided by- presented by-
Ms.L Diva Chanu mam Pragati Rawat
Associate professor M.Sc(N) 1st year
Lecture method:-
‘To lecture well,that is with profit to your listener and without
boring them,requires not talent but experience and skill’.
-Anton chekhov in ‘dull story’
Lecture method is the oldest method of teaching based on
the philosophy of idealism and is an autocratic style of
teaching. The lecture method is most widely used form of
presentation in this method the teacher is more active while
students are passive listeners. This method is centred on the
presentation of content and does not consider the listeners
abilities interest and personality.
‘lecture is when an instructor is the centre focus of
information transfer. Typically and instructor will stand
before a class and present information for the student to
learn. Usually very little exchange occur. between
the instructor and the student during a lecture’
-Carter God's Dictionary.
‘Lecture method is the teaching procedure comprising the
presentation of content,clarification of doubts and the
explanation of facts,principle and relationship’.
‘Lecture method is a teaching method in which information
is presented orally to a class with the minimal amount of
class presentation’.
Purpose of lecture method:-
● To provide structured knowledge
● To motivate and guide in hunting knowledge
● To arouse student interest in a subject
● Introduce students to new area of learner
● To clarify difficult concepts
● To assist in preparing student for a discussion
● To provide critical thinking.
Domains of lecture method:-
1. Objective:- to achieve the cognitive and affective
2. Activities:- knowing and telling.
3. Nature of content :-it include
g and creativity.
Structure of lecture:-
1. Introduction
2. Body of the text
3. Closure or conclusion of the lecture.
Factors affecting the planning of a lecture:-
Related to student
Related to teacher
Related to environment
Related to student:-
● Learner capability and ability
● Learner interest and attitude
● Learner cognitive level
● Previous knowledge of learner
● Types of program eg.ANM,GNM,B.Sc(N)and M.Sc (N).
Related to teacher:-
● Teacher knowledge and mastery over subject matter
● Teacher tactics
● Teacher Learner relationship
● Preparation of lecture before presentation
● Purpose or reason to be taught
Related to environment:-
● Time of the day eg.morning lecture seems superior to
afternoon lecture for recall information
● Duration and length,i.e.lecture more than 40min can
reduce the absorption and assimilation power of student
● Use of AV aids
● Good light facility.
Lecture techniques:-
1. Body movement and distance
2. Facial expressions
3. Gesture
4. Pronunciation
5. Voice quality
6. Variety
7. Pauses
8. Proper body launguage
9. Control annoying mannerism
10. Effective use of audio visual aids
11. Simple plans and key points
12. Proper feedback from students
13. Management of time.
Advantage of lecture method:-
● Factual information
● Useful for large gathering
● Cost effective
● Quick and straight way
● Great control
● Useful method for auditory learner
● Easier to create
● Familiar method
● Time saving.
Disadvantages of lecture method:-
● Content or subject centered
● One sided affair
● Need proficient oral skill
● Passive audience
● Minimize feedback from students
● No place for and practical activity,observation,experiment
and demonstration
● Leaves gaps in understanding
Discussion method


The word “discuss”has been derived from latin word “discutere”, which
means to shake or strike.Thus “discussion” refers to thoroughly shaking
up the subject i.e.examining it thoroughly to reach a conclusion.

-discussion occur when a group with group orientation purposefully

interacts orally for enlightenment policy determination.

-A group of 3 to 15 members,can be formed and some kind of organization

is formed.
- Discussion is student centred teaching method.
- ‘Group Discussion is a cooperative,problem-solving
activity which seek a general agreement regarding the solu
of a problem.
- ‘The or more participants who have an agreed topic to
discuss and share view in all the aspects of
submits/presents their view in the form of report to
bigger gathering’.
Purpose of discussion:-

● To teach context specific interpretation and application of

principal theories and concept
● Assist students to develop, Express and validate there
opinions or believes regarding legal,ethical and controversial
issues in nursing
● To clarify information and concepts
● To share information
● To develop team building and Social Skill
● Development of right attitude to develop problem solving
skills as a group
● To arouse student interest.
Principles of discussion:-

● Objective should be clearly defined and understood by all

● Teacher should prepare carefully as a facility to guide
● Question outline should be prepared carefully
● Members of the group should come prepared and have basic
knowledge about topic to be disclosed
● Leaders needs to guide and co-ordinate the proceeding so that
discussion can be kept to point
● Record main point of discussion
● Each one in the group should feel free to participate and shy
ones should be encourage to contribute
● Discussion should be properly and ended why are report.
Characteristics discussion method:-
● Ensure maximum participation
● Students have the opportunity to criticize and evaluate
● Logical and meaningful criticism should be accepted
● Students should anchor the discussion themselves
● Keeping teachers as a guide
● Teachers selects the topic only with the help of Student
● Teacher divides the class into different group and gives the
topics of the discussion to each group.
● Every group has a leader to anchor and conduct the
● Student who have leadership quality should be selected for
● Relevant topics should only be considered
● In the end,teacher draws the conclusion of the discussion
with the help of leadership.
Types of discussion/Forms of discussion
Small group discussion:- Large group discussion:-

● Role play ● Formal group discussion

● Seminars
● Participatory Learning ● Dialogue
Approach ● Symposium
● Panel discussion
ROLE–PLAY:an activity in which people do and say things while
pretending to be someone else or while pretending to be in a
particular situation.

Participatory Learning Approach: engages students as active

participants in the full life cycle of homework, projects and

Formal discussions:usually take the form of a guided discussion

or focus group (discussions are based on a series of questions
that are developed before the group session) - can help you
identify important issues and generate ideas for improvement.

Seminars: seminars are simply a group of people comming together

for the discussion and learning of specific techniques and
Dialogue:is communication or discussion between people or groups
of people such as governments or political parties. the
conversation between characters in a novel, drama, etc.

symposium: an occasion at which people who have great knowledge

of a particular subject meet in order to discuss a matter of

Panel discussion: a panel discussion is a format used at

conventions, conferences, and meetings where a group of people
who are skilled in a specific topic engage in conversation
together in front of an audience.
Methods of discussion:-
Preparation and conduct of discussion method:-
● Orientation
● Engagement
● Debrief
Advantage of discussion method:-
● Emphasis on Learning instead of Teaching
● Participation by Everybody
● Training in Reflective Thinking
● Discussion made topic intresting
● Training in Self-expression
● Enhancing student self-esteem
● It help to develop the problem solving skills, ability
to compare and contrast ,democratic values,team
building and Social skills.
Disadvantages of discussion method:-
● More time effort
● Success is based on good preparation
● May not end with a solution
● May create emotional stress
● Few students May dominate in the discussion
● When both the teachers and students come ill-prepared for
a discussion nothing good can be achieved except some
meaningless verbal exchange b/w the student.
Make a group discussion Effective:-
A successful class discussion involves planning on the
part of the instructor and preparations on the part of the
student.For making group discussion method Effective.
● Prior intimation
● Skilled facilitators
● To stimulate the discussion the trainer may pose
● The trainer should remain neutral
● Physical setting.

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