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Year 37 No.

12 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) — Green September 24, 2023

National Seafarer’s Day / Migrants’ Sunday


“No Fishers, No Fish!”

by Fr. Paulo Prigol, CS

F or twenty-eight consecutive
years now the Church in
the Philippines has celebrated
they belong to the “forgotten
category” or “never mind about
with injustice.
Along this line, the Second
them.” For the Church, however, Reading highlights how hard
the National Seafarer’s Day they are a special category in Paul has worked for the Kingdom
organized by Stella Maris. Today need of specific attention. where everyone is equal. The
we pay tribute to fishers who are proclamation of the Kingdom of
Rereading today’s Gospel,
part of the people-of-the-sea. God is as laborious as catching
we find Jesus comparing the
There are 1.03 million domestic fish. In either work, there is need
Kingdom of God to a fisher’s
fisherfolks and just around for a good and faithful “fisher.”
vessel owner. The latter goes
25,000 Filipino fishers in
out at different times and hires This 28th National Seafarers’
international waters.
fishers. While in the Gospel Day is a unique opportunity to
We love fish, but sometimes the landowner, God, not only pay more attention to fishers.
we forget that “No Fishers! No honors the agreement but shows As we remember Filipino
Fish”! We may not be aware that immense generosity towards fishers working on domestic or
many fishers live as well as work his hired workers, the reality international waters who, by the
in their vessels, in conditions of the fishers, especially those nature of their work, are deprived
that can be cramped and working in international waters, of many things, including the
congested. There may be long is far from this. For example, opportunity to receive the
periods away from home and many fishers are led to increase proclamation of the Kingdom
very long working hours. Access their income by applying the of God, not only do we include
to adequate food, drinking water, “catching system.” Jesus makes them in our prayers, but in our
and recreational facilities when clear that the Kingdom of God generosity, we declare that they
fishers are off-duty, is often does not operate as a catching are not the forgotten category.
limited or non-existent. Fishers system we are not rewarded Likewise, as they travel from
sacrifice to provide the tasty fish by a point system, but like port to port, we pray that they
on our tables. the First Reading says, we are may remain steadfast in their
We appreciate fish! Do we challenged to imitate God “who faith, be witnesses to Christian
also appreciate and thank the is generous.” Generosity knows values, and find generous people
fishers? Or do we just take no bounds, does not promote who will assist and guide them.
for granted the hard-working jealousy, does not give room to Blessed National Seafarer’s/
reality of fisherfolks? For many complain and is not synonymous Fisher’s Day!
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES All—Lord, have mercy. thoughts; let him turn to the
P—Christ, have mercy. Lord for mercy; to our God,
Entrance Antiphon All—Christ, have mercy. who is generous in forgiving.
(Recited when there is no opening song.) P—Lord, have mercy. For my thoughts are not your
All—Lord, have mercy. thoughts, nor are your ways
I am the salvation of the my ways, says the Lord . As
people, says the Lord. Should Gloria high as the heavens are above
they cry to me in any distress, All — Glory to God in the the earth, so high are my ways
I will hear them, and I will be highest, and on earth peace above your ways and my
their Lord for ever. thoughts above your thoughts.
to people of good will. We
Greeting praise you, we bless you, we —The word of the Lord.
(The sign of the cross is made here.) adore you, we glorify you, we All—Thanks be to God.
give you thanks for your great
P—The grace of our Lord Jesus Responsorial Psalm (Ps 145)
glory, Lord God, heavenly King,
Christ, and the love of God, and
O God, almighty Father. Lord
the communion of the Holy R—The Lord is near to all who
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten
Spirit be with you all. call upon him.
All—And with your spirit. Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,
Son of the Father, you take Sr. M.C.A. Parco, fsp
Introduction away the sins of the world, have Am C E7
(These [or similar words] may be used    
to address the assembly.)
mercy on us; you take away the      
sins of the world, receive our The Lord is near to all who
P—God is generous and gives prayer; you are seated at the
us more than we may ever right hand of the Father, have

5 Dm E7 Am
deserve. In turn, we have to mercy on us. For you alone are     
mirror this generosity to others, the Holy One, you alone are call u pon him.
going beyond the limits of the Lord, you alone are the
1. Every day will I bless you,/
strict justice. When we see Most High, Jesus Christ, with
and I will praise your name
the “latecomers,” our brothers the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
forever and ever./ Great is
and sisters who turn to God God the Father. Amen.
the L ord and highly to be
after living dissolute lives, we Collect praised;/ his greatness is
must encourage them in their unsearchable.(R)
struggle to change their ways P—Let us pray. (Pause)
rather than wish that they be O God, who founded all 2. The Lord is gracious and
made to pay for their sinful past. the commands of your sacred merciful,/ slow to anger and
Law upon love of you and of of great kindness./ The Lord is
Penitential Act our neighbor, grant that, by good to all/ and compassionate
P —Brethren (brothers and keeping your precepts, we toward all his works. (R)
sisters), let us acknowledge may merit to attain eternal life.
3. The Lord is just in all his
our sins, and so prepare Through our Lord Jesus
ways/ and holy in all his
ourselves to celebrate the Christ, your Son, who lives
sacred mysteries. (Pause) works./ The Lord is near to all
and reigns with you in the
who call upon him,/ to all who
All —I confess to almighty unity of the Holy Spirit, God,
call upon him in truth. (R)
God and to you, my brothers for ever and ever.
and sisters, that I have greatly All—Amen. Second Reading
sinned, in my thoughts and in (Phil 1:20c–24, 27a)
my words, in what I have done THE LITURGY
and in what I have failed to OF THE WORD When our life is Christ’s, says Paul,
do,(striking your breast) through First Reading (Is 55:6–9) (Sit) any option is desirable. When we
my fault, through my fault, live, we are happy to serve him, and
through my most grievous The Lord is generous in forgiving when we die, we shall be with him.
fault; therefore I ask blessed and so the wicked person is invited
Mary ever-Virgin, all the to forsake his wicked ways. It is never A reading from the Letter of
Angels and Saints, and you, too late to return to the Lord. Saint Paul to the Philippians
my brothers and sisters, to pray
for me to the Lord our God. A reading from the Book of BROTHERS AND SISTERS:
the Prophet Isaiah Christ will be magnified in my
P — May almighty God have body, whether by life or by
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, SEEK THE LORD while he may death. For to me life is Christ,
and bring us to everlasting life. be found, call him while he is and death is gain. If I go on
All—Amen. near. Let the scoundrel forsake living in the flesh, that means
P—Lord, have mercy. his way, and the wicked his fruitful labor for me. And I do
not know which I shall choose. came, they thought that they the Lord, the giver of life,
I am caught between the two. would receive more, but each who proceeds from the Father
I long to depart this life and be of them also got the usual and the Son, who with the
with Christ, for that is far better. wage. And on receiving it Father and the Son is adored
Yet that I remain in the flesh is they grumbled against the and glorified, who has spoken
more necessary for your benefit. landowner, saying, ‘These last through the prophets.
I b e l i e ve i n o n e , h o l y,
Only, conduct yourselves ones worked only one hour, catholic, and apostolic Church.
in a way worthy of the gospel and you have made them I confess one Baptism for the
of Christ. equal to us, who bore the forgiveness of sins and I look
day’s burden and the heat.’ He forward to the resurrection
—The word of the Lord.
said to one of them in reply, of the dead and the life of the
All—Thanks be to God.
‘My friend, I am not cheating world to come. Amen.
you. Did you not agree with
Alleluia (Cf. Acts 16:14b) Prayer of the Faithful
me for the usual daily wage?
(Stand) Take what is yours and go. P —Jesus reveals to us the
All—Alleluia, alleluia. Open What if I wish to give this Father who is good to all
our hearts, O Lord, to listen to last one the same as you? Or his children and who is not
the words of your Son. Alleluia, am I not free to do as I wish outdone in generosity. Full of
alleluia. with my own money? Are confidence, we pray to him:
you envious because I am
Gospel (Mt 20:1–16a) generous?’ Thus, the last will R—Loving Father, hear our
be first, and the first will be
P—A reading from the holy
last.” C—That Church leaders and
Gospel according to Matthew
All—Glory to you, O Lord. — The Gospel of the Lord. laity alike may zealously work
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus in the Lord’s vineyard, content
JESUS TOLD his disciples Christ. with the promise of heavenly
this parable: “The kingdom reward, we pray: (R)
of heaven is like a landowner Homily (Sit)
C—That government leaders,
who went out at dawn to
Profession of Faith (Stand) policymakers, and businessmen
hire laborers for his vineyard.
may answer the people’s needs
After agreeing with them for
All — I believe in one God, for more decent employment,
the usual daily wage, he sent
the Father almighty, maker of we pray: (R)
them into his vineyard. Going
heaven and earth, of all things C—That labor and management
out about nine o’clock, the visible and invisible.
landowner saw others standing I believe in one Lord Jesus may settle issues through hon-
idle in the marketplace, and Christ, the Only Begotten Son orable and peaceful dialogue,
he said to them, ‘You too of God, born of the Father we pray: (R)
go into my vineyard, and I before all ages. God from God, C—That family members may
will give you what is just.’ So Light from Light, true God from realize the importance of each
they went off. And he went true God, begotten, not made, other and the need for daily
out again around noon, and consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were dialogue and encounter with
around three o’clock, and one another, we pray: (R)
did likewise. Going out about made. For us men and for our
salvation he came down from C—That those who have died
five o’clock, the landowner
heaven, (At the words that follow may see God’s eternal embrace
found others standing around, up to and including and became
and said to them,‘Why do man, all bow.) and by the Holy of peace and lead them to the
you stand here idle all day?’ Spirit was incarnate of the everlasting life, we pray: (R)
They answered, ‘Because no Virgin Mary, and became man. C —Let us pray for the urgent
one has hired us.’ He said Fo r o u r s a k e h e wa s concerns of our community
to them, ‘You too go into crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was and our personal intentions
my vineyard.’ When it was
buried, and rose again on the (pause). We pray: (R)
evening the owner of the
vineyard said to his foreman, third day in accordance with
the Scriptures. He ascended P—Father, may your divine
‘Summon the laborers and providence not lead us to self-
into heaven and is seated at
give them their pay, beginning righteousness and selfishness,
the right hand of the Father.
with the last and ending with He will come again in glory but to selfless love for all.
the first.’ When those who to judge the living and the Make us generous like you,
had started about five o’clock dead and his kingdom will that we may live fully and
came, each received the usual have no end. bring others to life.
daily wage. So when the first I believe in the Holy Spirit, All—Amen.
Presentation of the Gifts
P—Pray, brethren…
All—May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P —Receive with favor, O
Lord, we pray, the offerings
of your people, that what they
profess with devotion and
faith may be theirs through
these heavenly mysteries.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface (Ordinary VII)
P—The Lord be with you. and drink this Cup, we Graciously raise up, O
All—And with your spirit. proclaim your Death, O Lord, Lord, those you renew with
P—Lift up your hearts. until you come again. t h i s S a c ra m e n t , t h a t w e
All—We lift them up to the may come to possess your
P—Let us give thanks to the redemption both in mystery
Lord our God. The Lord’s Prayer and in the manner of our life.
All—It is right and just. Through Christ our Lord.
All—Our Father… All—Amen.
P—It is truly right and just, P—Deliver us, Lord…
our duty and our salvation, THE CONCLUDING RITES
All—For the kingdom, the
always and everywhere to give power and the glory are yours P—The Lord be with you.
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, now and for ever. All—And with your spirit.
almighty and eternal God.
For you so loved the world Invitation to Peace Prayer over the People
that in your mercy you sent Invitation to Communion P—Bow down for the blessing.
us the Redeemer, to live (Kneel) (Pause)
like us in all things but sin, Turn your people to you
so that you might love in P—Behold the Lamb of God, with all their heart, O Lord,
us what you loved in your behold him who takes away we pray, for you protect even
Son, by whose obedience the sins of the world. Blessed
are those called to the supper those who go astray, but when
we have been restored to they serve you with undivided
of the Lamb.
those gifts of yours that, heart, you sustain them with
by sinning, we had lost in All—Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under still greater care.
disobedience. Through Christ our Lord.
my roof, but only say the
And so, Lord, with all word and my soul shall be All—Amen.
the Angels and Saints, we, healed.
too, give you thanks, as in P—And may the blessing of
exultation we acclaim: Communion Antiphon almighty God, the Father, and
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord (Ps 119 [118]:4–5) the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
God of hosts. Heaven and come down on you and remain
earth are full of your glory. You have laid down your with you for ever.
Hosanna in the highest. precepts to be carefully kept; All—Amen.
Blessed is he who comes in may my ways be firm in
keeping your statutes. Dismissal
the name of the Lord. Hosanna
in the highest. (Kneel) P—The Mass has been offered.
Prayer after Communion
Acclamation (Stand) (Stand)
Go in peace, glorifying the Lord
by your life.
All—When we eat this Bread P—Let us pray. (Pause) All—Thanks be to God.

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