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Hi [Client name]

This is Sandra Lopez with Epoch Financial. I’m calling because our senior officer would like to
schedule a call with you to discuss a financing for your company. I just wanted to know if you
have some time this week or sometime next week to speak with him.

Great! What is the best time for you?

May I also have your email so that I can send you a calendar invite?

Awesome! We analyze data on Dun & Bradstreet and some of the information isn’t always
accurate, So could you let me know what your revenues were for 2022? This will help us in the
upcoming call. If they ask what is the revenue listed there? (It shows here that it’s more than
$6 million, is that right?)

If it’s less than $6M rev

Great! The head of underwriting Gerald Watson will give you call. Again, this is Sandra Lopez with
Epoch Financial. Bye for now.

If it’s more than $6M rev

Thank you the president of our company (President) will give you a call.

Thank you very much. Again, this is Sandra Lopez with EPOCH Financial. Have a great day!


What kind of Financing do you do?

-We provide line of credit, asset-based financings, and bridge loans.

Who is your President?

-Todd Atenhan (A-Ten-Han)

What is your rate?

-The rate range varies it can fall between 0.75% - 1% per month

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