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1. Answer the following questions.

2. Write your answers on one whole piece of yellow paper.
3. Separate paper for Activity 1.1 and Activity 1.2.
4. Submit on Saturday (September 9, 2023).

Activity 1.1
Lesson 1: Course Orientation and the Importance of Rules

1. Give an example of a constricting rule or law. What should be done with it?
2. The ancient Chinese sage named Lao Tsu taught: “Leave the people to themselves, no laws and
inner goodness will flourish.” “The more laws and commands there are, the more thieves and
robbers will be.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

Activity 1.2
Lesson 2: Moral and Non-Moral Standards

1. Distinguish between moral standards and non-moral standards.

2. Does belief in God strengthen a person to be moral? Explain your answer.
3. Here are two questions:
a. Can one eat while praying?
b. Can one pray while eating?

Which is a moral question? Which is a non-moral question? Explain your answer.

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