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Our life are full of unsure things, vague plan, and unpleasant events. Seeking the truth it is cliché
phrase but it has a deep meaning to those people who want peace of mind and balance life, like
me when I started to learn some prior knowledge it is also I started to seek truth about myself
and the environment that I’m belong. People who are truth seeker are searching for their
realities. They have a deep seated desire to know, to understand, reflect and feel what is accurate
or that fit in their life. That is why when the time goes by we keep trying to do something just to
find the truth within in ourselves but sometimes focusing attempting to seek truth, there is a
possibility to lead us to disappointment in ourselves. Some of us are in denial when our truth are
revealed. We resist it. We become passive. We avoid it but avoiding it doesn’t stop the truth
being true. In finding truth we need to learn how to accept things. If our truth are reveled and
doesn’t match what we are expecting, we need to accept that even it is hard but you must learn
how to accept thing. We can’t find the truth if we stay our eyes closed, open it and accept it. It is
very simple but if we apply this in our lives, realities about yourself will come out at the right
time. People living in reality or people who lead from within are successful because they know
themselves inside and out. Their darkness and light, their strength and weaknesses and they build
form that knowledge because they have the courage to face whatever they find. That is the
power or seeking truth with accepting what you found. Truth seeker make better version of
ourselves because as seekers we have the desire to see truth even if it is going to be
uncomfortable or make them deal with some out of the comfort zone things. If you are truth
seeker you make your truth your compass in life. Seeking truth and accepting what we found,
that is the time we could say that is the self what I looking for.

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