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SESSION 2021-22


Period– 1
Reciting the poem and Explanation
Children will underline the new words given below in the book.
clatters, fiery, tramp, hoofs, gushes, struggles, gutter, wonted, spout, commotion,
mimic, fleet, treacherous, engulfs, turbulent, tawny

Period– 2 (Note book work)

New Words and Frame Sentences:
1. gush: (of a liquid) to flow quickly and in large amount
Sentence: Water gushes from a fountain.
2. wonted: habitual, usual
Sentence: He worked on with his wonted cheerfulness.
3. commotion: a state of noisy confusion
Sentence: I heard a commotion and went to see what was happening.
4. tramp: the sound of heavy steps
Sentence: I heard the tramp of marching feet.
5. engulf: to surround and cover someone or something quickly.
Sentence: The valley was engulfed by the thick fog.
Home Work: Write the word meaning of the given words and frame sentences in the
1.spout 2.whirling 3.turbulent 4. fleet
Read the extract carefully and answer the given questions.
1. ‘With more than their wonted noise
And commotion;’
a) Who makes a noise and commotion?
Ans. The boys from a neighbouring school make a noise and commotion.

b) Why do they make a commotion?

Ans. They make a commotion as they are very happy to play in the rain and to sail
their paper boats in the water.

c) What does this say about their feelings towards the rain?
Ans. They are very cheerful and they welcome the rain.

2. ‘Engulfs them in its whirling

And turbulent ocean.’

a) Name the poem and the poet of the above lines.

Ans. The above lines have been taken up from the poem “Rain in Summers” by
b) Who engulfs what in the above lines?
Ans. The treacherous pool engulfs the paper boats made by the school kids.

Q.1 Why is the rain called beautiful?
Ans. The rain is beautiful because it cools the earth, brings ease to the people, and
quenches the thirst of the dry land.
Q.2 How has the tide become ‘muddy’?
Ans. The tide has become muddy because the rain has carried away all the dust and
dirt from the streets and rooftops..

Q.3 How do the school children show their excitement?

Ans. The children show their excitement by making more noise than usual and sailing
their boats while returning from the school.

Q.4 Why is the pool called ‘treacherous’?

Ans. The pool is called treacherous because it is deep and it engulfs the paper boats
that sail in water.

Q.5 What imagery has been used to describe the plain?

Ans. The plain has been compared to the leopard. The brownish yellow colour of
leopard’s skin has been compared to the colour of dry grass on plains.

(Activity- Homework)
Draw a picture of ‘A Rainy Day’ in the note book. Also, write a small paragraph
on what you like to do on a rainy day.

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