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TAC Attack

JAnUARY 1976


MC fill




Angle: of Attack 3 EDITOR
TAC Tips 12
Down to Earth 22
Safety Awards 29 ART EDITOR
Aircrewmen of Distinction 30
TAC Tally 31


TAC RP 127-1
Articles, aceldertt beleft, and associated Matilliial In This magatine ete ribri4lirisetive in nature. All sOggifitions and recorftWiehdations
are !MAIN:WI to remain within the scope of existliNg ditettlVes. Infortriatl&I used to brief Joie:lentil amid incidents doss not Identify the
plarstini, places, or units involved and may not be torittfUed as incriminating under Article 31 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Ne nit% dates, and places user In conjunction with aceldeht Stories are flictitioils. Air Force uAitsillYetrototiraged to republish the material
Containiki herein; however, contents are not for public refease. Written permit-Sion Must be Obtainikl from 1-4Q TAC before material may be
republished by Other than Department of Defense organizations.
ContrIbutiont of articles, photos, and items of Interest from pers4nnel in the field are encouraged, as are comments and criticism. We
reserve the right to edit all manuscripts for clarity and readability. °nett Communication it authorized with The Editol, TAC ATTACK,
TAC/SEPP , Langley AFB, Va. 23665. Autovon 432-293/
Distribution F X, Controlled by SEPP.
Angle of SALUTE-


Chief of Safety

Happy New Year! the number of accidents left for both years com-
That greeting is offered with considerable pares favorably . Thirteen in 1975 versus fourteen
relief. It feels like we may have escaped from in 1974!
1975 more than anything else . Put another way, Now, discounting materiel failures for both
1975 appears to have been a lousy year with years and recomputing rates, 1975 produces 3 .0
respect to the Safety business. With 26 major and 1974 drops to 2.3. But, if we also take away
aircraft accidents, our rate was 6.1 - higher than the pad provided by the comparatively accident-
any year since 1969 and almost double the 1974 free transport flying hours recorded in 1974 and
rate . Ground Safety performance was improved early 1975, the rates are 3.3 for '75 and 3.3 for
in all areas except civilian disabling injuries. '74.
Everything else in Ground Safety was down from Reflecting once again on the improvements
1974. The real shining light in this cursory made in explosives and ground safety areas
survey was Explosives Safety. We experienced together with our "corrected" version of flying
some dumb accidents, but there were only seven, safety performance, we see a better picture.
and that shows steady improvement. While we still feel that we survived '75 more
You may notice the use of cautious words like than we defeated it, your safety record insofar as
" appears" and "cursory." And for a special those factors you could control is a good one. A
reason! When you take a closer look at our very good one!
performance in 1975, you will see that it was a Our TAC-gained reserve forces were also suc-
much better year than statistics indicate . cessful in their accident prevention efforts. Air
In 1975, as mentioned, we had 26 major air- National Guard had 14 major aircraft accidents
craft accidents. Ten of those were definite ma- for a rate of 5.2. Five accidents less than in 1974
teriel failures . Three more were most probably and only two more than their best year out of the
materiel failures, but there was not quite enough last five . Our Air Force Reserve partners turned
evidence available to allow us to pin it down that in the best performance of all with one accident
fine. We are confident enough, though, to say and a rate of 2.4.
here that we had 13 materiel failure accidents. We at TAC proudly salute you folks doing the
Subtract those from our 26 total accidents and job. We believe that the record truly reflects
we are left with 13 that resulted from defi- conscientious effort and close teamwork dedi-
ciencies in areas we can directly influence and cated towards accident prevention. In other
even control - operations and maintenance . words - good on ya! Successful safety programs
In 1974, a banner year for TAC, with a rate of will continue to demand maximum effort . You
3.2 and 2 important safety awards, we had 19 should not expect nor accept less from yourself
major aircraft accid~nts. Only 5 of those were or those you work with. The mission - safely -
materiel failures, which left 14 we should have must remain our goal in '76 .
been able to prevent.
So, if we take the liberty of discounting ma-
teriel failure accidents in both 1975 and 1974, Have an extra good one!

Birdstrikes ... And the Ejection Seat

By Mr. Michael R. Grost

Martin-Baker FSR, PACAF

Unfortunately. the sky is not man 's natural statement to make. but many questions remain
domain. Each year a large number of our unanswered. How. for examp le . can one be com-
feathered friends prove this fact beyond any pletely prepared at all times for this type of
doubt by slamming into aircraft which are in eventuality. or could anyone possibly estimate
flight. In 1974 alone. there were 465 reported th e damage which might be caused? These
birdstrikes in the USAF and since 1 969. the rate points are va lid. as the prevailing circumstances
of these encounters has at least doubled I While for a birdstrike are fairly unpredictable. But a
ce rtain measures can be undertaken to help great deal of disturbing facts are already known.
reduce the likelihood of these engagements. in For instance. the impact force of a 2-pound bird
the end. much must still depend upon the at 250 knots equates to over 1 7 million foot
pilot's readiness to react correctly. should a pounds of devastation. The effects of such a
birdstrike occur. This. of course. is an easy hazard are apparent. Therefore. all a flight crew

4 JANUARY 1976
can really be expected to do is to comply with steady and although he could feel me on the
all safety directives insofar as potential controls. he still asked a couple of more times to
geographical birdstrike areas. etc. and of be sure. While I could hear him. he couldn't
course. know as much as possible about what hear my answers for some reason. The intercom
actions should be taken if a birdstrike occurs . was working. but I guess it was the loud sound
With this in mind. let's take the subject of in the cockpit affecting the microphone or head-
birdstrikes and look at it not only from the phone system. Consequently. my first words
van tage point of what it is like to ha ve that fea- were severe to him.
thered object come crashing into your cockpit. "I eased back on the throttles just a bit and
Let' s also review some safety reminders of how started the nose up about 5- 10 degrees in a
suc h a happening could affect your escape really gentle maneuver. We were still close to
system. the water and I did not want to be in that posi-
Recently at Clark AFB. another birdstrike tion or going that fast. in case some thing else
statisti c was etched into the historical records. went wrong. At the same time. I didn't want to
when a white medium size bird (with its wings make any drastic motions. There was a crack in
folded) collided with the cockpit area of an F- the windscreen from the left base quarter which
40 which was on a range mission. Fortunately. ran all the way back from the hole to the first
both crewmembers escaped serious injury and cavity well. It was a pretty big o/' crack. which
the aircraft was landed safely. Here is the air- looked like it might lead to a third or a half of
craft commander's story: that left quarter panel coming out and falling in.
So naturally. I figured that if I was going slower
... "We were about 100 miles out from shore in it would not have such a good chance to do it.
a basic spread formation with our aircraft as After getting a little more altitude. I had more
flight lead. At this time. we were traveling at 420 time to think things out. but I still did not know
knots and were· about 500 feet above the water. if the backseater was OK. Although he kept ask-
At about 3 5 miles from the target I was getting ing about me. I still didn't know whether he was
ready to push it up. when I looked out to my 11 hurt
o 'clock position and I noticed this white blur. I "The windblast really didn't bother me too
don't know why, but I knew right away it was a much and it was a little like driving on a
bird. It was too small and fast moving to be very highway at high speed with the windows open.
far away or anything else and I had just about Once or twice I looked through the hole to
enough time remaining to move my head a little check it out. but did not make a habit of it, in
bit to the right. I didn't have time to move the case something else flew through.' I kept looking
airplane drastically and I was too close to the around the outside of the aircraft. but could not
water to do anything much. It's difficult to say see any other birds. Being out front in the flight
how far out in front it was when I first saw it, you can generally see a flock. but in this case I
maybe a matter of 20-30 feet. it was just like did not see any. About this time. it became
that - Zap! I also knew it was coming in. It was much easter to talk to one another. Control was
just too close to miss me. I didn't even have time no problem and we began to head back towards
to mutter Oh -Of x •• or anything. when it hit the base.
left quarter panel of the windscreen. I did not " The next thing that really bothered me was
see it actually hit because I guess I blinked and that after I had told my backseater I was OK. I
flinched. and it was through. began to have real doubts about my co ndition. It
" We were still doing about 420 knots and my was a strange feeling which I have never had
backseater had his head down in the radar before. but I seemed to know that if I was hurt
scope. so he had no idea what happened. He really bad I might still not know about it. Con-
later told me that when he saw all the feathers sequently. I was afraid to really look around too
flying round. it wasn't hard to guess what had much. particularly at my left shoulder where I
happened. However. he became worried about had felt most of the pieces hit. Most of the bits
whether I was still alive or injured in the front had felt like small particle-type debris. but I
seat. I heard him ask me three times at increas- could have amassed a larger hit and not realized
ing volume levels if I was OK. About the second it. This doubt was unnerving. To a degree. it had
time he put his hands down on the stick and the sensation that I had walked through a
throttles. Meanwhile the aircraft was fairly cactus. with the little fragments of plexiglas act-

ing like the spines. As time passed by, I dared a blue splotches which I think were caused by the
few looks around. and moved my left hand up plextglass. As for the bird, I think they figured it
and down like a throttle motion. My fingers, was a 2 -3 pound sea bird, like a tern. One
hand and arm all seemed to work well. Next, I definite thing I did do later - my helmet pre -
moved the stick around a little with my right viously had a single sun visor, which I had down
hand to see if it responded normally and again at the time of the birdstrike, but the helmet had
everything seemed fine .' At this point. I finally not been modified to a dual visor. Now it has
looked across at my left shoulder and there was dual visors - one visor will always be down from
blood leaking all over the place. Everything now on.
looked really messy, but knowing that my limbs
Little can be added to this interesting narra-
functioned, I was all the more convinced that I
tive. except to re-emphasize again that debris
was OK and that everything was just bird debris.
from a birdstrike in the cockpit can produce a
"Meanwhile the rest of the flight had pulled up
serious FOD potential to critical eJection seat fir-
with me. Maybe they thought that I had pulled
ing linkages. If you sustain a birdstrike. please
the target pop -up about 80 miles early! My
consider these points:
number two was also getting in close to see
what was wrong. so I told three and four to a. Immediately after· the impact. communica-
continue on to the target and for two to come tion problems may occur from the inrushing
back with me. Our speed by then was . about airstream. Determining crew injuries is im-
250-275 knots, not because of anything I had portant. but may be difficult.
remembered from Safety Supplements or the
b. Upon verifying that control is still being
like, but more because of the noise. I could talk
maintained. insure that you are in a good posi-
on the radio better and communicate with my
tion to eject. should the need immediately arise.
backseater. Of course, there was still the same
c. With cracks present in canopy or
concern about the crack in the windscreen. We
windshield sections. airspeeds may need to be
pressed on back, but I still knew that if the
slowed to reduce the possibility of further debris
windscreen went, we could be in serious trou-
d . Appearance of bird remains splattered
"On the way back, we notified everyone of our across you and the cockpit can definitely be
emergency, how much fuel we had, where we unsettlmg. Be prepared for these shock-inducing
were headed and what was happening. The effects.
transmissions generally had to be made more e. After a normal landing. under no circum-
slowly and spoken very carefully, if I talked too stances should crewmembers unstrap from their
quickly they lost some of the words. About 15 ejection seats or raise either canopy until seat
minutes had now transpired since the birdstrike firing linkages have been visually checked by
occurred and at 15,000 feet I had regained con - competent personnel. such as egress.
fidence. However. I still considered that the f. Evaluate your own flying helmet and its ca-
more flying time we took, the worse we would pability to protect you at all times. A dual visor
be. so I requested a straight -in GCA. I had also may protect you and save your sight. as did the
asked for egress to be out there at the end of visor being used by the JOCk in the above in-
the runway where I was landing, just in case cident. That's really worth thinking about.
there was a slim chance something had lodged g . Be knowledgeable of birdstrike preventive
itself in the seat. The landing was then more or measures and use standard precautions
less uneventful whenever possible.
"I pulled off the runway and as we had left the Oh. did you know. that Starlings have been
canopies down throughout our landing checks, known to congregate in a flock of 1 5-20 million
everything was now ready for egress to check birds - that the highest birdstrike occurred at
us. They carefully inspected both the firing 3 7.000 feet - that a chicken was hit at 800 feet
linkage mechanisms of our e;ection seats, and AGL - or that the heaviest birds which fly weigh
having verified that they were clear. told me to in excess of 20 lbs7 Now let's see. a 2 lb bird
shut down the engines and open the canopies. equals 17 million foot pounds. divide 2 into 20
Although I had a few bruises in my left shoulder, x 17 million . 11
they were very minor and neither of us were in - Protect yourself against BIRDSTRIKES - as
jured. Mine mainly consisted of little black and much as possible . __;;:;-

6 JANUARY 1976
low flight

None of which is calculated to enhance one's By Capt Bill Sadler

career or increase one's longevitv. .. 390th TFS
Mountain Home AFB ID

Oh! I've slipped through swirling clouds of dust,

A few feet from the dirt,
I've flown the Aardvark low enough,
to make my bottom hurt.

I've TFRed the desert, hills and valleys,

Mountains, too,
Frolicked in the trees,
Where only flying squirrels flew,

Chased the frightened cows along,
Disturbed the ram and ewe,
And done a hundred other things,
That you'd not care to do. ~ ~~

I've smacked the tiny sparrow, ~

Bluebird, robin, all the rest,
I've ingested baby eagles,
Simply sucked them from their nest.

I've streaked through total darkness,

Just the other guy and me,
And spent the night in terror of
Things I could not see.

I've turned my eyes to heaven,

As I sweated through the flight,
Put out my hand and touched,
The Master Caution Light.

With deepest apologies to John Gillespie Magee Jr.

Home on the range
By Maj John N. P. Reisbick

A certain cowboy movie star modern strays at these two lo- MK- 84 (2.000 lbs) and you get
once popularized a western cations and at the other eight an idea of how cluttered the
song. "Home on the Range ." He TAC range complexes . The ranges can get What happens
spent hours rounding up strays strays are the tactical munitions to these items once expended?
- cattle and wayward citizens - items which TAC units expend Are they removed? Who gets
all over the Southwest No on the ranges each month . This that job? These are points to
doubt some of the range he article is dedicated to the ponder and the point of this
roamed is now occupied by two people who round up these story.
of TAC's largest land areas : strays . As mentioned earlier . TAC
Luke Range complex at Gila Tactical munitions come 1n has 10 range complexes of
Bend and the Nellis Range all sizes. from MK-24 flares and various stze and scope .
complex at Indian Springs . 2 .75" rockets to AIM-9 and Consider. for example. the
TAC employs a great number AIM-7 missiles . Add bombs of Nellis complex. operated by the
of modern day "cowboys " en- all sizes and types. from MK- Tactical Fighter Weapons
gaged in the roundup of 1 06 and BDU-33 (5-25 lbs) to Center. This is TAC's test range

8 JANUARY 1976
where many of the newer muni - quirements -- the need to crank necessary work - and our hats
tions are tested in a ta ctical en- out aircrews to fight the bad are off to them .
vironment. This range also in- guys -- have delayed range A few words of caution to
cludes manned / scored gun- clearance and maintenance. In you who work on the ranges or
nery targets used by TAC active other cases. the ranges were supervise operations. In your
and reserve forces and naval cleared but the junk (munitions efforts to get the job done.
aviation units. Most of the residue) was handled as shown sometimes a few corners get
range is divided into tactical by the photos . cut . During recent visits to
targets . You may ask. "Who does the some of our ranges. we noted a
TAC also has two other large work?" Well. AFM 50-46 / TAC number of soft spots in range
range complexes which are pri- Sup 1 sets the rules . Support safety programs that detract
marily training ranges . Avon bases . or combat support from all the fine work accom-
Park in central Florida serves squadrons in the cases of plished . If you supervise or par-
Ninth Air Force and Luke at Gila Nellis. Gila Bend and Avon ticipate in range maintenance
Bend serves Twelfth Air Force . Park. provide operational con- and clearance operations. you
Both ranges include manned/ trol and maintenance support. may notice something that will
scored gunnery targets as well Explosives Ordnance Disposal improve your safety program
as numerous tactical targets. (EOD) support is provided by and make your job easier and
The remaining seven range the local EOD detachment . certainly a lot safer . Take a look
complexes are used for train- Range maintenance personnel at the following "quickie"
ing . TAC-gained reserve forces handle most of the manned / checklist .
also have ranges that are used scored target maintenance and Is a range explosives safety
for training - 13 in all. assist EOD during range program 1n effect? Is it
Back to my point. What hap- clearance operations . published in an appropriate di-
pens to all the aluminum . Unless you have visited a rective?
brass. iron. lead and other TAC range or participated in a Are range clearance opera-
metals H·tat are dropped. fired . range clearance operation, you ting procedures published?
and deposited on our ranges? may not appreciate the scope Is an additional duty range
In some cases. the metal has of the problem. Ask someone safety NCO appointed? Is he
been allowed to accumulate for who has spent days trodding trained?
years . Headquarters TAC has through the muck of Avon Park. Is munitions residue In-
recently established the fre- Dare County ; or Claiborne spected by EOD prior to being
quency of range clearances . All Ranges. or the sand and dust handled by range personnel?
ranges either have cleared their of Gila Bend , Indian Springs. or Are range personnel briefed
target areas. are currently Melrose. Troops assigned to by EOD upon initial assignment
clearing the range, or have the ranges earn their pay. It is to range duty and quarterly
target clearance scheduled . In hot. dirty, unglamorous work to thereafter?
some cases. operational re- keep the ranges in shape - Are range personnel familiar
with hazards they may en-
counter on the range?
Are targets . impact areas .
and residue burial sites posted?
Are they identified on range
master plans?
Yes. range clearance and
maintenance is hard work, but
it can be made easier and safer
by conscientious management
and planning . Get the pro-
verbial "handle" on the situa-
tion at your home on the range.
Do the job the right way- the
safe way.
Have a good roundup . _.::>-

• •
I er can I
There was a time when a good many pilots'
philosophy could be expressed as "everybody's
trying to kill me ." Sound paranoid? Perhaps . But
a lot of people survived World War II simply be-
cause they believed it. and acted accordingly.
They didn't believe that a wartime aircraft
company could find 35.000 additional highly
skilled assemblers by placing an ad in the paper.
They couldn't accept the idea that their 19-year
old crewchief. fresh off a farm in Arkansas . had
matured into a combination master mechanic
and flight engineer in three months. Or. that the
weather briefing officer has been transformed
from a bank teller into a first-rate meteorologist
big mother can kill you
in a similar length of time. They were skeptical
of everything and everyone. regardless of posi-
tion . rank or credentials. and they often found
that skepticism was justified .
Between then and now . aviation has become a
highly sophisticated business. Aircraft and
hardware have been developed to an undreamed
of degree . Freed from the exigencies of war. a
highly trained body of specialists has taken its
place in the aviation field. And most signifi-
cantly. FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has
developed from a few sleepy individuals tuning
communications receivers in radio range sta-
tions into a huge authoritarian complex with an
air force of its own. a representative in every
neighborhood . and a mandate from a nervous
air traveling public to keep pilots on a safe and
narrow path from takeoff to landing .
Nowadays pilots engaged in their normal
duties of getting a highly vulnerable conveyance
from point A to point B interface with a whole
body of experts and specialists who not only are
qualified by regulation to advise. but many of
whom. as FAA representatives. are charged with
making sure that advice is adhered to. as in the
case of air traffic controllers .
Unfortunately. after just so much coping with
"Big Brother." the tendency is to begin to see

10 JANUARY 1976
By Captain Marshall Hydorn
Courtesy TWA "lANCET"

"Big Brother" as "Big Mother." and eventually to A Boeing 331-C cargo aircraft suffered major
be found sucking at the breasts of the regulatory damage recently while landing in conditions ad-
agency. "everybody's trying to kill me" is sup- vertised to be Category I by the tower. The tower
planted by "they couldn 't lie to me. They're there neglected to issue a new RVR (runway visual
to help me." Or. "they wouldn't allow the carriers range) to the flight as conditions worsened and
to operate an unsafe airplane ." RVR fell to 1.800 feet during the approach . As a
The truth is that FAA is just people. and result. the captain. who had already made it
people have a measurable failure rate. Particu- known that he would divert if conditions
larly in dealing with controllers. pilots must worsened. was led unknowingly into attempt-
retain the natural wariness that has proven suc - ing a landing on a Category I runway . with Cate-
cessful in the past. Skepticism is indicated. even gory I landing aids in actual Category II condi-
necessary. when on the ground or in the air in tions . The controller also failed to inform the
the terminal area . crew of the fact that an air carrier aircraft. lost
In an increasing number of recent accidents on the fog-shrouded taxiway. had actually
the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) parked on the high-speed taxiway the TWA flight
has found controllers to be causal factors , would most likely have used. just feet short of
Could it be that the real trend developing is an the runway .
attitude of complacency and a decline of No need to belabor the point. but it's common
skepticism on the part of pilots? knowledge that the O'Hare tower was found to
Recently. a TWA flight awaiting takeoff ob- share in the responsibility for the collision
served a near-miss between a light plane and an between a taxiing aircraft and one in the
air carrier aircraft taking off. The TWA plane was process of taking off from the field.
then cleared to take off only to have another light If you 've gotten the idea that this is a diatribe
plane taxi across the runway in front of it after against controllers. forget it. Controllers are a
the takeoff clearance had been issued. An highly trained and able body of men whom
observing FAA controller riding in the cockpit pilots respect and admire for their
told the crew that the flight plan situation professionalism. The key here is that pilots need
around Denver was . in his opinion . " out of con- to remember that controllers are men. That
trol " and more than ATC could handle . Two light voice crackling in the headset doesn 't issue from
plane midair collisions have occurred in the some sacrosanct. infallible embodiment of the
Denver area in recent months. agency . Controllers. like ILS components. are
Criticism of control practices is found in the subject to failure - but they don't display warn-
NTSB report of an accident at St. Louis : ing flags. Like pilots . controllers have marital dif-
"Through the use of radar incapable of display- ficulties. grow older. occasionally forget. can be
ing different levels of precipitation echo distracted and are definitely overworked.
intensity. controllers vectored several aircraft And by the way. when you make the list of all
through a solid squall line which contained those who are "trying to kill you ." don't forget to
severe thunderstorm and tornado activity . . in include an occasional dispatcher . the
our opinion this was a very dangerous practice maintenance foreman who thinks his job
because the controller 's radarscope display did description includes salesmanship. and last. but
not indicate whether the line of echoes not least. the guy in the other seat. But that's
contained a severe thunderstorm or tornado." another story. ~

interest items,
tac tips
with morals,
for the

TAC a1rcrewman
The wise may learn many things from
their foes.
Ari s tophanes


A " Chicken" model F-4 pitched out for a full-
stop landing. Final approach and touchdown
were normal. Approximately 400 feet after
AlONE, UNARMED, AND UNPROTECTED touchdown. the left main tire blew.
An RF-4C was holding in the published hold- Nose gear steering was engaged. anti-skid dis-
ing pattern at a Southwestern naval base. While connected and tailhook was lowered . Aerody-
in the pattern. the pilot noticed another jet div- namic controls and light opposite braking were
ing and climbing through the holding pattern used to keep the aircraft on the runway. The jet
airspace. This ruffled our aviator's tail feathers. stopped with 5.500 feet remaining and 25 feet
and when he got back home he talked to his left of centerline.
safety officer who sent a message to the NAS Why include this in a TAC Tip? We don 't often
about the incident. get a chance to show what happens when an
Investigation revealed that the holding pattern aircrew does everything right . This aircrew did.
for the approach is not coincidental with a and the aircraft was stopped on the runway with
federal airway. but the holding pattern and ap- minimal damage. Here was a perfect example of
proach portion of the TACAN procedure are a crew who knew what they were going to do
located within an "Alert Area " ... "airspace which before the emergency occurred. Their response
may contain a high volume of pilot training was cool. professional and correct. Moral ? Know
activities or an unusual type of aerial activity." your aircraft and procedures. Then. when you
These areas are marked on low altitude charts have an emergency. apply them . It works .
prefaced with an "A" (e .g .. "A-201 A") . The
Phantom was on an IFR flight plan. but operat-
ing in VMC below FL 1 80. Therefore . the other PUT PRIDE IN IT'S PlACE
aircraft was perfrectly legal . In fact. he could
have done acrobatics through the holding pat- A flight of four Phantoms was returning from a
tern airspace since it wasn't on an airway! range mission . While descending in preparation
It's the same old story. guys ... when you are for landing. the leader split the flight into two
in VMC. keep the eyeballs moving . Even if you elements because of weather at the home
are on an IFR clearance. you're only guaranteed drome .
separation from other IFR aircraft. even if you While being vectored to avoid weather. the
are within a designated holding pattern . lead element encountered heavy rain showers

12 JANUARY 1976
and light turbulence. The flight had been in the OUT OF TRIM HUN
rain about 5 seconds when the lead WSO stated
that he lost sight of number two . A' thump was During the rejoin with the tanker. the F-1 00
felt and the WSO stated they had been hit by pilot found that the aft stabilator trim was in-
two . Lead asked the wingman if he was OK and perative (slab leading edge down) . The Hun was
received an affirmative response . The flight then trimmed for 370 KIAS and considerable stick
broke out of the clouds. performed a con- force was required to maintain level flight below
trollability check and landed . Fortunately , 300 KIAS .
damage was limited to a bent stabilator and The jock attempted to set takeoff trim . but this
dented drop tank. feature was also inoperative. Half flaps were
What caused the collision? The wingman de- selected and the stick forces lightened enough
layed executing the lost wingman procedure to maintain control. A straight-in approach and
when he lost sight of lead. Why? No one knows uneventful landing were accomplished. After
for sure. but pride could be a part of it . landing. the stab trim began working normally
Everyone knows that when pride was handed aga1n .
out. fighter pilots took most of it . That is good - The culprit was the trim actuator motor . The
if worn properly . But sometimes. it can get you motor would operate intermittently - occa-
between a rock and a hard place . No pilot likes sionally failing to operate in one direction or the
to be told he can't hack it. but there 's no stigma other. This trim motor was an older type that is
to using that lost-wingman procedure. If anyone no longer in stock and is replaced on an attri-
says there is. he's a fool - and he may cause tion basis .
an accident. Let's put pride in its place - Trim problems can be serious in fighter air-
temper it with good judgement and common craft and this jock did a good job in analyzing
sense . the problem and making a nice landing - even
with control difficulties. Know your jet. its limita -
tions (and yours) -it'll pay big dividends.

Here's one for all you guys flying two-holers. A
T-38 IP was startled during nose wheel touch- ANAS STREPORA
down after a normal landing when the red light ATTACKS PHOTO PHANTOM
came on in the landing gear handle . Then the
nose gear and right main gear retracted. The air- An RF-4 was on a night low-level mission at
craft slid in this configuration until departing the 1 200 feet AGL and 420 knots when a loud
runway. 3 .800 feet from the runway threshold ·. thump and shudder were experienced. A left
Examination revealed the rear cockpit landing climbing turn was initiated and the pilot noticed
gear lever in the down-position and the front the number two engine EGT at 700 degrees at
landing gear lever in the up-p'osition . What hap- military power. Engine power was reduced and
pened? The landing gear control interconnect an uneventful RTB and landing were made .
cable failed . Post flight inspection revealed that a Gadwall
The IP. flying the aircraft from the rear seat. Duck (ANAS STREPORA) had ricocheted off the
lowered the gear and flaps. Three green were number two engine vari-ramp and impacted in-
checked in the rear cockpit and the student con- side of the right intake duct.
firmed three green in the front cockpit. However. This was the second time during a 3-day pe-
the stud in the front seat did not check the riod a Photo-Phantom was involved in midair
actual position of the landing gear lever- which with a bird during a low-level mission . Both oc-
had stopped at an intermediate position . When curred in the Southern United States where
the nose wheel touched down . the front cockpit birds migrate in the winter. Whenever you 're do-
landing gear lever moved to the up-position and ing low-level work. extra attention should be
the nose and right main gears retracted . paid to your route of flight. Routes should be
Moral: If you fly an aircraft with more than one designed to avoid areas where birds nest or feed
landing gear lever. make sure you check the heavily -- such as swamps . lakes . rivers. etc . If
positions of both landing gear handles as well large flocks of birds are noted. report their loca-
as checking for three in the green. tion so this area can be avoided by other pilots .
The 0-2 was being fueled for its first flight
when the crew chief noticed a peculiar odor
coming from the left main tank. Later. he
checked the left main sump and drained one to
two quarts of clear foamy liquid from the tank.
chock talk
The fuel samp le was analyzed and found to be
115 / 145 AVGAS contaminated with JP-4 . Sam-

... iluide!tu rutd iltcidt~ttaLt ples from the other t.9nks were taken and found
to be within specifications for 115 /1 45 AVGAS.

will a mailttetta~Ue tLattt.

The fuel truck was checked and it contained
What happened? The location where the 0-2
was being fueled had JUSt switched from JP-4 to
AVGAS five days earlier and this was the first
refueling from the truck. The truck's tanks had
been purged - but its overwing pump had not
been properly purged . Result? Contaminated
lO~D tREWMEMBER GETS BOMBED Thanks to a sharp crew chief. an aircraft in-
Cident (or disastrous accident) was averted. Hell
of a good JOb. Chiefl
The munitions load crew had completed four
aircraft loadings. They were in the process of
loading the fifth with BDU-33 practice bombs in
a SUU-21 and on the left inboard TER. The DON'T SIGN IT OFF
BDU-33 we re positioned under the left inboard UNlESS IT'S DONE I
pylon and a load crewmember instal led a bomb
on statio n 2 of the TER. He thought the bomb The F-4E was on missed-approach from a
was locked in and gave it the shake test. pul led practice GCA When the flap lever was raised.
the cotter key safety device and began to tighten tra iling ~dge f laps did not move . The master
the forwa rd sway brace . Whi le tig htening the caut ion lig ht and check hydraulic gauge read
sway brace w ith one hand. he reached down for zero. The gear and flaps were lowered pneu-
the rack safety pin w ith his other hand . At this matical ly and a GCA approach and approach-
time. the BDU-33 fe ll off the TER station. end ba rrier engagement we re made .
The signal charge activated upon contact with Invest igation revealed that the cause of the
the ramp. The fl ame struck the airman on the util ity fai lure was materiel fai lure of the left wing
right side of the body and head. igniting his hair flap upline. TCTO 1052. which calls for the re-
and the right shou lder of his fatigue jacket The placement of the aluminum flap upline with a
other members of the load crew responded im- stee l line. had not been complied with. The air-
mediately and extinguished the blaze. craft records. however. indicated that the TCTO
Th is airman was lucky. He only received minor had been comp leted 8 months earlier at another
burns and was released from the hospital the base.
same day. It could have been a lot worse. This is the second time in a month that inves-
Membe rs of load c rews have lost fingers and t igations have uncove red signed-off work which
eyes because of not fol lowing Tech Data whi le had not been accomplished . The first was dis-
loading practice bombs. The BDU-33 is only a covered during a major aircraft accident investi-
pract ice bomb. but t he spotting charge is gation. Whet he r t he prob lem resu lts from sloppy
powerful enough to injure or c ripple you. When administ rative procedures. poor inspection tech-
wo rking w ith t hem. use caution. Hand le t hem niques. inadequate supervision or simple
the same way you would handle a MK-82 - and pencil-whipping. we must put an end to it If the
use the Tech Data. job is not done and done right. don 't sign it off!

14 JANUAR Y 1976
If that doesn't scroll your nurd . try this one :
!UNGl~$$£$ ~ND tR~!HE!
The airman was in the process of making a U-
During the early morning hours. the driver of turn around a power pole in the parking area of
a one-ton van was dispatched to pick up a a weapons storage site. As he came around the
worker on the flight line . He entered the ramp pole. he struck a supporting guy wire. Why
and made a left turn at the entry point. He then didn't he see the w1re? The sun was shining
proceeded straight ahead and impacted the directly in his eyes. He wasn't wearing sun-
right trailing edge wing fold of a parked F-4. The glasses.
driver stated that he had not seen the aircraft. Let's try and use com mon sense. When it's
How cou ld anyone not see such a large dark out. don't wear sunglasses- even if it does
obstacle? The driver was wearing sunglasses look cool. When the sun's out. use them . Sun-
prior to sunrise. By the time he saw the g lasses help reduce glare and reduce the possi-
Phantom . it was too late. bility of getting momentarily blinded by the sun.

fleaglegram responses from the front

and associated emergencies than they are curing.

Fleag- What's the straight word?
Safety Officer
The F-4 Dash-One states that CNI operation on
ground power is limited to I0 minutes total in a !-
Dear SO,
hour period. Crews carefully adhere to this restric-
tion , even when the loss of communications by turn- Rob and Griff were sent scurry111g to the
ing off the CNI is very inconvenient. maintenance nest to check out your squawk.
However, maintenance types claim this is un- The maintenance manual that covers CNI limita-
necessary. Communications technicians claim they tions for the F-4 E is TO I F-4E-2-14. (These
leave the CNI on with just ground power for long limitations also apply to the Chicken and Dog
periods while repairing radios. They claim the 10 Model Phantom). Para 2-23 of this manual states:
minute limit only applies if the radar is on. Since "During ground operation, cooling air should be ap-
aircrews never turn the radar on unless the engines plied to the CN I. Without cooling air, the system
are running, there is no need for a CN I limit on may be operated for I 0-minute intervals spaced 50
ground power. minutes apart."
So ... EITHER As far as the operation of the radar is concerned,
a. Aircrews need not worry about CNI operations it is not affected by CNI operation. It appears that
since the radar is off on ground power and the either the Rumor God has gotten loose on your base
restriction is just another useless number. or the maintenance troops may be overheating the
OR communications, navigation and identification equip-
b. Maintenance types are overheating the com- ment. Are you having more CNI problems than
munications gear and creating more radio problems other F-4 wings?

Flight Control Disconnect
Switch-What Does It Mean To You?
By Capt Ross Becker
Nellis AFB, Nev

What does the flight control disconnect switch discu'ssing those features . let's start with the
mean to you? Does it really disconnect the flight flight control functions upon which the FCDS
controls as the name implies? Is it the switch has no effect. The Dash-One lists :
you will scramble for when the ol ' Aardvark 1. Stability augmentation.
decides to do its own thing? Checklist 2 . Series trim while the auxiliary pitch trim
procedures for unscheduled pitch . roll or yaw switch is in stick position .
maneuvers ignore the flight control disconnect This means that the FCDS has little effect on
switch . How. can you ignore a red-guarded how the F-111 flies! Stability /c ommand aug-
switch? Well . let's look at the functions of the mentation encompasses 90% of the "magic" of
FCDS (one more acronym. please) and attempt the flight control system. Take a look at the
to give it the priority it deserves . figures in the Dash-One labeled Pitch . Roll . or
Functions of the FCDS can best be described Yaw Channel Electri ca l Schematic (TYPICAL)!
by stating its purpose for being in the aircraft. It Notice that the FCDS is always an input signal
provides a means of alternatively deactivating to the computer - not an output. Follow the line
those features of the flight control system which out of the computer and name the switch that
are not protected by triple redundancy . Before interrupts the signal to the damper. That's right-

18 JANUARY 1976
Attitude Problem?
By Capt Dan Brown

During 1974. a Voodoo. recce type popped

into a 900-foot ceiling on a locally required
noise abatement climb. Upon terminating AB .
the attitude indicator indicated an uncom-
manded pitch attitude increasmg through 20
degrees. nose high. Disorientation resulted and
the pilot successfully ejected just before the air-
craft smote the ground a mighty blow. Voodoo
drivers beware - 101 s have experienced addi-
tional failures during the last year. The most
recent occurred in November when the attitude
indicator rolled 90 degrees when ABs were lit
on takeoff roll. How quickly can you find and in-
terpret the STANDBY ADI7
Non- Voodoo drivers- every aircraft in the in-
ventory has some history of ADI/MM-3 / J-8
failures indicating the world is round in a dif-
ferent direction. Don't get caught IFR with your
crosscheck down.

the damper switch. When the computer gets

sick. the "OFF" position of the damper is the
For those still in doubt. let me be more
specific. Pitch and roll autopilot. roll trim. TFR
climb/dive commands. auxiliary pitch trim
inputs to the pitch damper. AYC and pedal
shaker commands are all deactivated by placing
the FCDS to OVRDI This list is considerable but.
unfortunately. it does not include everything .
Such failures as hardover pitch. roll or yaw
dampers . runaway parallel or series trim and
TFR 3-G fly-ups are unaffected by the circuitry
under that red guard.
In the case of the flight control disconnect
T-33 Pilot Gets High
switch -you literally "can't tell a book by its
cover." It's a very useful switch - providing you Nope. not self-medication. alcohol or grass.
with a means of deactivating certain functions of but 28.000 feet high. Finger numbness . dizzi-
the flight control system without sacrificing ness and blurred vision got his attention and
stability augmentation. It will not. however. brought him back down to earth - both literally
guarantee the termination of an unscheduled and figuratively. Cause - hypoxia due to a de-
maneuver . The way to reduce the wizardry of our fective regulator. Moral? ( 1) Pull a thorough
flight controls to a simple mechanical linkage is oxygen system preflight and (2) know your
through the damper switches. Keep this in mind hypoxia symptoms.
the next time your Aardvark decides to bolt for This JOCk knew his and it probably saved his
the stables. life . ~

By (;apt George E. Nolly
18th TFW/DOT
Kadena AB, Okinawa

Anyone who's been around

ta ctical aircraft very long has
heard of -- and probably occa-
sionally tried -- the Fighter
Pilot's Breakfast . Well . once the
fighter jock trades in his helmet
for a headset. when the inevita-
ble "career broadening" assign-
ment comes his way and flying
is done in support aircraft on
weekends. he's ready for the
Staff Pilot's Breakfast.
The ingredients are quite
simple : a candy bar. a cup of
the staff pilot's breakfast coffee and a MARF. And a
what? A MARF. the abbreviation
(where would the Air Force be
without its acronyms?) for
Master Answer Reference File.
In reality. it's your completed
and annotated Master Question
File -- you know. the pamphlet
you memorize once a year at
c heckride time. Now. way back.
even before the Air For ce
planted silver wings on your
chest. you learned that the pilot
is responsible for everything in
the Da sh One . That's true . Yet.
with the exception of diagrams.
virtually everything that's im-
portant from a safety
standpoint is in the MARF. It's
kind of like having the Dash
One outlined for you.
Now. you will never catch me

saying you should not study this breakfast is that you areal- pro cedures .
your Dash One. but I' m a ready thinking about flying . By The Staff Pilot's Breakfast will
realist . especially after flying the time you get to th e air- never (nor is it intended to) be a
with other staff pilots for two plane . you should be up to repla cement for thorough study
years . Normally. we staff speed. You've just added and knowledge of the Flight
weenies have the best inten- another factor of safety to your Manual . It is. however. a good
tions regarding studying our flight by insuring you 're well way to get up to speed when
Flight Manuals (remember the ahead of the aircraft. In 5 or 10 you haven't flown in a while or
paving on the road to hell) . minutes. you've reviewed all the if you don 't fly) often .
But just about the time we get easy-to-forget normal The Staff Pilot's Breakfast : try
to " wingspan : 44 feet 6 procedures. all the emergency it. you 'll like it . By the way. the
inches." the colonel walks into procedures . and maybe a few candy bar and coffee are op-
the office and hands us a other things . like cold-weather tional . ~
priority project due yesterday ..
. and there goes the Dash One
study. And the Dash One is
best stud ied in longer sittings -
- say an hour at a time-- rather
than 5-minute spurts .
Brief time periods . though ..
are where MARF study really
yields benefits . You are read-
ing. assimilating . and digesting
a bare fact. with all the frills left
off. Read the stem of the ques-
tion . the correct answer. and
then go on to the next ques-
tion . For example: " 0 : If the
electrical master switch is
turned off during an abort. the
pilot should be prepared to use
..... "A: His emergency brakes ."
That's a nice thing to know. and
now it's right at the forefront of
your consciencousness when
you fly today. In a 5-minute pe-
riod . you can refresh your
memory -- assuming you
learned the facts previously -
on about 60 questions and
answers .
One of the best spinoffs of

down to earth

I scene - and the traffic hazard caused while they
give the cyclist emergency treatment and/or
load him into the ambulance? How about the
valuable time spent by the busy doctor in the
Recent ly, two people died in a tragic accident emergency ward trying to save the guy's life
while hill-climbing in their 4-wheel drive vehicle. and if this fails. the time and expense spent on
They had attempted to climb a 300 foot. 40-45 the autopsy? How about the cost to the in-
degree hill when the Jeep CJ-5 lost traction. surance company and the resulting increased
overturned and rolled about 280 feet down the premium costs passed on to other policy
slope. Their bodies were found the following holders? How about the loss to the Air Force
day Both individuals had their seat belts on. which trained him and needs his skills? Most of
Both had good driv1ng records and were all. how about lingering costs. both monetarily
conscientious and highly motivated people. The and emotionally. to the next-of-kin? What you do
driver knew his vehicle we ll - in fact. he had with your body does affect other people - a lot
driven it in the same area almost every wee~end of people.
since its purchase . Although the jeep was equip- By now. it may seem I've gone off on a
ped with a substantial ro ll bar. the collapse of tangent. but what I've said so far does apply to
the vehicle's rear end had forced the bar for- the hill-climbing accident. Why do most states
ward about 10 inches and down about 6 inches . require motorcyclists to wear helmets? Because
Off-the-road vehic les are great fun. One of the people were killing themselves in motorcycle ac-
biggest kicks from driving these FWD RVs is tak- cidents as the result of head injuries . Why is
ing them back into the boonies where there there no law requiring full roll cages and
aren't all the rules and regu lations found on helmets while hill-climbing a('ld brush-busting?
public roads. I would be the last guy to suggest Why is there no Federal law prohibiting the use
that things should be different. but I would like of off-the-road ve hicles from operating off the
to offer a few thoughts on this accident by citing roads? One answer to these last two questions is
an example of a different. but related problem . simple. There probably will be such laws if
There are those who say that "big brother" is people who participate in these activities
limit ing their personal freedoms. They cite the continue killing themselves in alarming num-
requirement to wear a helmet while driving a bers. The image of a helicopter patrol chasing
motorcycle as an example: "If I want to bust my down a Bronco or Blazer sneaking its way into a
backside. that's my business and nobody else's!" remote section of a salmon stream gives me the
Up to a point. this guy is right. but he's com- willies - how about you? If we are going to
pletely out of the park about "nobody else's continue enjoying our ever decreasing public
business." It is a lot of peop le's business. How freedoms we'll have to do something positive
about the hazard to the first motorist who risks about it . We must treat our environment with
his life stopping to assist the victim on a busy respect and prevent personal injury by using the
road? How about the dangerous high speed run good sense that God gave us . It's important to
made by the police car and ambu lance to the everyone . ..->-

22 JANUARY 1976
flenak predicts

Our omniscient soothsayer is back again to predict

TAC accidents for 1976. His missives have been kept
in a "Golden Flow" receptacle in TAC Safety's base-
ment since Thanksgiving. Here goes:

There will be five midairs in TAC in 1976 birdstrike on a low-level training mission.
resulting in loss of eight aircraft and two aircrew TAC will have two minor accidents as a result
members. Three will involve aircraft in forma- of blown tires on landing. One will be caused by
tion. the other two will involve civil aircraft. the pilot. the other because of a faulty anti-skid
Four TAC aircraft will be lost for undetermined system .
reasons. Two will occur during night range There will be four drone accidents -- one
missions. operator-caused and three from materiel failure
TAC will lose three aircraft during unau- of recovery system .
thorized maneuvers -- buzzing. unofficial air-
shows. etc. * * • •
Two aircraft will be lost because maintenance
troops failed to follow Tech Order procedures. No way. you say? May a randy gnu lock horns
Two aircraft will be lost because of engine with your Kawasaki! These forecasts are based
materiel deficiencies in new aircraft. on a combination of past history and WAGs.
Twenty aircrews will attempt to eject. Unfortu- Last year. the great Fleanak batted about 75%.
nately. six won't make it -- attempting to eject Hopefully, this year we will ruin his average by
outside the envelope. not having the "preventable" accidents . It's up to
One aircraft will crash as the result of a you . May happiness be yours in the New Year . ..->-

command influence?

of the local area by sedan and would like a heli-

copter on standby Saturday in case his schedule
was tight .
On Saturday. Major Marston . our exec and a
senior aviator. and CW4 Blythe checked
weather . and the picture was not so good- 500
feet overcast with 1-1/2 miles visibility. dropping
in the afternoon . They procee~ed to preflight
The aviation detachment was situated outside and review the general 's inspection route .
a large city . The location was ideal and so was After 1 530 we learned that the general was to
the mission ; strictly VIP flights in plush U-8Fs be picked up at a place about 1 5 minutes from
and UH-1 s. The unit . headed by a lieutenant the airfield and transported back to his head-
colonel. was made up of some of the most quarters 30 miles away.
experienced officers and warrant offi cers in the CW4 Blythe was concerned a bout the
command . weather. His years of experience told him this
The "old man" had been commended per- was not time to be flying. The weather was in-
sonally for a job well done early in th e week and termittently 100 feet overcast. with 3 / 4-mile vi-
he had dec lared a training holiday on Friday and sibility. He told Major Marston how he felt butthe
Saturday. with minimum crew on standby. Major said they should try it anyway .
Friday afternoon we got word that the com- They strapped in and began the runup
manding general would be making an inspection checklist. Halfway through the c he c klist. Major


By CW3 Raymond Watts, Sr.

Couresty FLIGHT FAX US Army

Marston agreed with Blythe that the flight wings. one master and one senior. I wondered
should not be made . He left the helicopter and how many other crews take unnecessary risks
called the unit com mander and told him the when the mission could be accomplished in
situation. other ways . ...->-
The comma nder arrived at the airfield about
15 minutes later and after a quick discussion
told them the detachment was to support head-
quarters on all missions and that he would re-
place CW4 Blythe on the flight
Although there were IFR facilities in the area.
and the aircraft was instrument-equipped. the
mission required VFR weather and landings at
small helipads.
The commande r. a master Army aviator. and
Major Marston departed low level to the pickup
site . The weather forced them to fly low over the
route and the commander was heard to com-
ment over FM at operations .
"I hope we can get over that damn pass into
the valley; then we're home free ."
At approximately 171 5. 45 minutes after the
flight departed . operations was notified that the
general was proceeding by sedan back to head-
quarters because the helicopter had not arrived .
About 1815 a ground search was initiated .
The wreckage was found and all crewmembers
were dead . The co mmander was still on the con-
trols .
Cause? You guessed it Trying to maintain VFR
in IMC . The reason ? Command influence ... or
just- damn fools? As I looked down into the
crushed cockpit and saw two pairs of aviator

To Exercise ... Or Not To Exercise

Illustrations by Jim Long


By Lt Col Harold Andersen

HQ TAC Physiological Training Coordinator

TRUE or FALSE?: FALSE. you have been brainwas hed by the anti-
1. Vigorous. prescribed exercise promotes a exercise crowd . If you answered TRUE to 2 and
healthy heart. 6 . they've really gotten into your head!
2 . Jogging cou ld be a form of mass murde r. Conversely. if you answe red 1, 3. and 4 as
3. Strenuous exe rcise delays or prevents heart TRUE and 2 and 6 FALSE . then th e exe rcise mob
disease . has gotten to you. (You may have noted that
4. Exercise can modify the structure of the both camps agree on number 5 being FALSE;
coronary ci rcu lation (i e .. improve co llateral cir- more about that later)
culation) . And so the cont roversy rages! The pro-forces
5. The ECG (electrocardiogram) customari ly are led by an ex-AF type. former Lt Col (M. D.)
given as part of you r annua l physical is effective Ken Cooper who has published seve ral paper-
in assessing your fitness to do strenuous backs dealing with Aerobics. Th e con-fo rces
exe rcise. have no such c lear ly defined leadership. bu t
6. Golf. fishing. billiards. pool. croquet and number several outspoken physicians in their
bowling are sui tab le substitutes for JOgging. ranks . So who can yo u be li eve? What ca n you
If you answered questions 1, 3 and 4 as believe ?

26 JANUARY 1976
Well. let's start with one of their few points of directly that any form of exercise modifies the
agreement: the ECG customarily given as a part structure of the coronary artery." They really lay
of your annual physical is not an effective tool it on Dr. Cooper when they state ... No one ever
for predicting your fitness for strenuous made a diseased coronary artery more
exercise. It is taken while you are in a state of 'physically fit'." Even more explicit are state-
rest and has little capability to uncover defects ments that. "Anyone who leads you to think
which would impair function and survivability otherwise is committing a serious. perhaps mur-
under conditions of strenuous (or even perhaps derous. act of fraud" and "jogging could be a
mild} exercise. In an article from a recent issue form of mass murder." (MONEY'S WORTH. Aug
of " Money's Worth." the anti-jogging author 7 5}. And if that isn't enough. another "anti-." Dr.
points out (and this is verified by medical Alvin Kanegis. a New York expert on sports
sources} that .... the ECG customarily given as podiatry (foot doctor} cites jogging as detri-
part of a so-called 'com plete physical' can show mental to your foot health; shin splints and flat
no abnormalities in your heart function even if fe et result from jogging on hard surfaces.
one of your coronary arteries is totally blocked . So. back to the two questions posed earlier in
(It is even possible for you to feel no symptoms this article: "Who and what can you believe?"
of heart trouble with two blocked coronary Well. at this stage of the game. you makes your
arteries}" They further indicate that to be of choice and takes your chances' If Dr. Cooper is
value. the ECG should be taken while the subject right. and you delay your participation. the de-
is working on a treadmill. bicycle ergometer. or terioration which sets in as a result of inactivity
some other such device. This permits observa- may be irreversible by the time you get smart
tion of heart function under stress conditions enough to pick up on his program . On the other
similar to those experienced while jogging . Dr . hand . if he's wrong. you might become a
Cooper's program. which was started at the casualty statistic in the AF Biometrics section.
School of Aviation Medicine . Brooks AFB. Texas . Some years ago. at the "request" of the Air
in the early 60's. gradually evolved to include a Force (based on advice Dr . Cooper to the then
treadmill evaluation of participants. So much for Surgeon General of the AF} . we all started to jog
the common area of agreement. as part of a program to attain those desired
physical and physiological ends claimed by
The bone of contention lies with Dr . Cooper 's
Cooper The program has caught on fairly well -
basic premise that " ... in sufficient quantities.
well enough so that there are two clearly de-
running improves the lungs· efficiency. expands
fined camps in the AF. just as there are among
the supply of blood for conveying oxygen to the
civilians. At this point in time. no one can (or
body. extends the vascular system and lowers
has} come up with the data which can either
blood pressure. ... improves general muscle
prove or disprove Cooper's hypothesis. Dr .
tone . relaxes the digestive system. lowers ten-
Cooper is in the best position to do so. based
sion and. most important. strengthens the heart
on data he collected at Lackland AFB. Texas.
by making it more efficient at slower rates and
and at his clinic in Dallas . In past years. I have
by extending the vascular system that supplies
·had any number of heated discussions with Dr .
the heart with blood." An article in the Wall
Cooper about his program (we both worked in
Street Journal adds. "Improved fitness also cor-
the Physiology Section at Brooks AFB}. I wish I
relates with the reduction of coronary risk fac-
had the data necessary to prove the safety
tors of blood levels of glucose. cholesterol.
aspects of the aerobics program. but so far.
triglycerides and uric acid - and reduction of
these numbers have not been available. In c;lll
body fat. weight. blood pressure and heart rate ."
fairness. I must say that casualties from
Now that's quite a bag full of goodies for an in-
Cooper's AF Program have been very low and 1
vestmen t of only 1 5 minutes . four times per
believe that his hypothesis is basically a sound
one. Of course. he and I could both be wrong.
The defect in the program comes from the fact We may not be benefitting from all our efforts -
(say the anti-joggers}. that "no proof exists to may indeed be committing suicide - but I. for
show that strenuous exercise does anything to one. intend to proceed with my "Aerobics"
delay or prevent heart disease. " Two physicians. program in a judicious manner. I intend to be
Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenbloom . in an extremely careful - after all. I'd hate to blow out
article entitled. "Type- A Behavior and Your a tennis shoe while going even 1 5 mph! More
Heart ." claim. "There is nothing to indicate next month.. __;:;;;.

Safety Creed


1Th¢ &£~1EME. ..
ll/,:.. \'hal ¢very ltlall bear$ \he Ultaltel'abk l'C$pon;ibllily
keeping out of harm·$ way. tlti~ lte owe~ lo ltim~el~, ~
hi$ family, lti$ Fellow~ a11b 'ht$ job.
l' ... \\al no man ltv~~ or wor'k~ enHrely alone. l-1~ 1~ involve~ ....
f~ I w~}h all men, louche~ by tlt~ir accompli~hmen\~, tttarkeb by
~ \h(\1' fa.llure~. IF lte fail~ llte man be~ibe him, l1e f~llt him-
»elf, at1b will ~'hare llte burben o~ lhallD~9. the lrue bol"tn
·f't' : 1 ~ an acciben~ ~. llte tt&lizaHott tlla~ a ma~ ha~ fall~b •tr-
anb more - tltal bi~ .re1\ow~ ltav~ ~ai ltb him. · !i

•• "' •.• al accibenl~ are eoncaiveh in bnrro~r allitu6ei~ all~

~ ~ " ot-lt ill mo1nenl~ ~ J.clion wilhout fltougbl. they wit\ c~a~e \o
~ be oll)y when lhe pro~~ aUUubct ~ $trong ~trough \o fr~cebe
Jii ft1t aet - when llte rigbt allilube create~ tht awareue~• that
.. ~ conlto\$ llte act •
•. . \'hal \be ~r~venlion ~ acci~e11l~ t4 al1 obj«liw wbieb
all levd~ ~ taltK, orga.t1\zaHou a116 ~ee~ut-e•
..• lhal' r~6om from lta,.tn i~ l1cl a }'t-tvil~ge bu\ a. goa\lo
"' be acn\~ an~ }'at}'~luau~ ~ay by ~ay.
~ ••• that \he- dittt\lla\ion o~ injury an~ l'ai" lhwu9lt acci6~m.
~a monl obligation upon uihieh Tht Fittal mea~ure our or
~t¥orm~n~e 6ireclly ~~n~~.


Maintenance Safety Award

Master Sergeant Danny F. Puckett, 23d Field

Maintenance Squadron , 23d Tactical Fighter
Wing, England Air Force Base, Louisiana, has
been selected to receive the Tactical Air Com-
mand Maintenance Safety Award for this month.
Sergeant Puckett will receive a certificate -and
letter of appreciation from the Vice Commander,
Tactical Air Command.


Crew Chief Safety Award

Airman First Class Keith L. Berger, 35th Organi-

zational Maintenance Squadron, 35th Tactical
Fighter Wing, George Air Force Base, California,
has been selected to receive the Tactical Air
Command Crew Chief Safety Award for this
month . Airman Berger will receive a certificate
and letter of appreciation from the Vice Com-
mander, Tactical Air Command .




Major Thomas P. Mahan, Jr.

309th Tactical Fighter Squadron
31st Tactical Fighter Wing
Homestead AFB, Fla

MaJor Thomas P. Mahan. Jr .. was leadmg a extended wtth no evidence of a blown tire. A
two-shtp flight on an F-4E BFM instructor up- rap1dly approaching thunderstorm and fuel now
grade mtssion. After takeoff. the left main gear at d1vert m1mmums forced Major Mahan to
mdtcated unsafe. A v1sual check by the wingman begtn an approach. A flawless GCA approach
®Oftrmed that the left main gear was jammed and a successful barner engagement were ac-
agamst the tower fuselage. Major Mahan complished Without further incident.
lowered the gur and recetved down and locked
~ri4¢:atrons Gear pos1t1on was reconfrrmed by lnvest1gatton revealed that the fatlure of a hy-
lhe Chase aircraft. Oeterioratmg weather condi- draulic seal prevented the matn gear strut from
~onJ dtctated ..(lumptng fuel and landing as soon compresstng durtng touchdown. Had Major
~posslt)la. A normal straight-m landing pattern Mahan elected to complete the initial landmg
was fJowrt and upon touchdown. the atrcraft roll-out. severe d1recttonal control problems
gen llsfl'Jtg sharply to the right. Fearing direc- would have undoubtedly been encountered
_. conttoJ problems and the possibility of a followed by the possible loss of a1rcraft and
ttr~ Mi!JOr Mahan immediately Initiated a crew. The professional judgement and airman-
~-round. Technical assistance from Ogden Ship of Major Mahan prevented senous aircraft
~G ;rt Htll AFB was 1111ttated to determine if damage and possible personal injury. H1s ac-
tnt«rtal compOnents w1thtn the strut had failed. tions qualify h1m for th1s month's Tactical Arr
The chase arrcfaft reconfirmed all gear fully Command Aircrewman of Drstinction Award . ....>

30 JANUARY 1976
- -=- --- - -=------- - - -
TAC tally


thru NOV thru NOV thru NOV
NOV 1975 1974
NOV 1975' 197.4
NOV 1975 1974

TOTAl ACFT. ACCIDENTS ..... 1 27 20 2 16 19 0 0 6

MAJOR ACFT. ACCIDENTS ..... 1 25 16 1 13 19 0 0 4
AIRCREW FATAliTIES ..... 0 20 9 0 7 8 0 0 2
TOTAl EJECTIONS ..... 1 15 15 2 8 10 0 0 2
13 2 7 8 0 0 1


78 33 TFW TAC 155 130 SOG ANG
44 127 TFW ANG 124 136 ARW ANG
41 31 TFW TAC 116 143 SOG ANG
29 56 TFW TAC 104 DET 1, D.C. ANG
22 27 TFW TAC 80 135 TASG ANG


74 4.5 5.4 5.6 4.5 4.0 3.6 3.1 3.2 3.0 2.9 2.8 3.2
TAC 75 7.9 5.4 3.6 2.6 3.1 3.5 5.2 6.4 6.0 6.5 6.3
74 7.2 8.6 8.2 5.7 6.0 6.3 7.6 6.6 6.3 6.4 6.9 6.4
ANG 75 5.3 2.8 5.3 3.7 4.7 6.8 5.9 5.1 5.1 5.4 5.3
74 0 16.4 . 8.9 8.8 6.7 5.3 5.8 5.0 4.3 3.8 3.5 3.1
AFRES 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
* U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1975. 635-295 / 5 31

_..JI ··



@ St a n Hardison , 1975

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