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Name: John Arthur Buenavista Bucane

SSC001/ An Sci -A -Reflection

What is soil? Where does soil come from? How soils are formed? And why soil is
important? These are the few questions that came into my mind as I started to watch the video.

There are different interpretations on how people defined “soil”. Not to mention the
definitions given and some of them characterized soil as a mixture of minerals, organic matter,
and water that can support life. Furthermore, to the farmers, it is considered as the primary
medium for plant growth and support roots. In other words, soil is life. Farmers grow plant to the
soil to produce food and that is what we eat and supply our basic needs to live. Additionally,
when talking about soil, it comes from rocks. For instance, weathering plays a role in the
formation of soil in several ways. First, the physical breakdown. Anytime there is a crushed
rocks or fall down of small pieces that will break off can contribute to soil formation. Second is
water, as raindrops falling on the rock and other surfaces and its movement of water will also
contribute by dislodging small pieces of rocks. Lastly, is the temperature, as rock actually
expand that can cause small cracks is also a part of the contribution. Some of factors that can
considered as to how soil formed.

With the descriptions stated in the video, I was nervous. Trust me when I say that.
Different effects of the videos in me. I am not sure if I can understand the video. Can I relate to
it? Is it necessary to know what soil is? Questions started to pop-up. Engulfed by overthinking
and fear. I didn't expect to feel that way because it was just a video. Acting with those feelings of
me wanted to learn why I feel those certain emotions. However, with constant determination and
curiosity in me, I began to watched it and I surpassed those things and continue to learn things
from it. The impact of the video is now clear to me. It’s great to discover new way of learning. It
is very informative.

It was to my surprised that after I watched the videos, I learned something. Usually, it
takes time for me to cope up. Acquired not just the definition and all other related information to
it but the message it tells from the video. "Soil is not a renewable resource, so take care of the
soil you have." A line in the video that changes my overall perspective which made me think that
I should take care of it and must protect it at all cost. Which is the right thing for me to do. As
where life here begins. If I don't, I will not be able to fix that problem in my lifetime or in the
lifetime of future generations. On the other hand, I grew up with the idea of just plainly think soil
as dirt, but I was wrong. The video pointed out that dirt is the prints that our feet made when we
walk to it, while soil is everything. Looking back to my childhood days playing dirt, holding it
without even knowing what am I holding. No idea, but now I understand that if we take closer to
it we see its importance and the life from it. From the tiny insects, fungi, bacteria and so many
other living things that rely and live in it.

Upon knowing that, my interest and expectations in this field increased. My expectation
of this is to be familiar and know the soil orders and all related information to it that will be
useful when the time I will be exposed in real life scenarios. To my way of thinking, learning
about soil is also learning about life. I am beyond excited to learn new things particularly in this
field/course. Looking forward to gain more experience that will expand my learning as well as
improving my skills and abilities, and to be an expert to it that will surely be applicable in the
near future.

Hence, it is important to dig deeper into the term "soil". Where it came from? How and
why it is important? Reading and research will help me to bridge the gaps of my ideas. Soil is an
essential thing to animals, to the plants, to the people, and all living things because we rely and
depend on it. Soil is formed slowly, but it can be pull down by us easily. For that reason, we need
to developed it further by studying what is the correct way to preserve and protect it. Protect for
us and for the next generations to come, as its life lies in the palm of our hands.

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