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Problems may arise.(appear/emerge)

身体、心理问题:physical and psychological problem

单性别学校:single-sex school

A host of physical and psychological problems may arise in a sigle-sex


Education aims to improve development.


素质教育:quality education

全面发展:all-round development

Quality education aims to improve the all-round development of


Studying abroad offers students a chance.(give/provide)

开阔国际视野:expand the international horizons

先进知识:advanced knowledge

Studying abroad provides students with an opportunity to expand the

international horizons and obtain advanced knowledge. 获得

Feedbacks show deficiency,and teachers can make adjustments.

不足 (indicate/reflect/manifest)
教学过程:instruction process

Feedbacks from students indicate teachers’ deficiency in the instruction

process, and teachers can make adjustments accordingly. 相应的

科技 when/after/before 从句
When the technology faces the public, people have solved problems.

人工智能:artificial intelligence (AI)

When the artificial intelligence technology really opens to the public,

people have solved a host of problems.

Because we live in an information era, people have learned to overcome

the impacts. 克服

信息时代:information era

信息过载:information overload

Because we live in an information era, people have learned to overcome

the negative impacts of information overload.

If we ignore the significance, our company will not keep up with the

pace. 步伐 (neglect/overlook)

科技创新:technological innovation

技术变革:technological enhancement

If we overlooked the significance of technological innovations, our

company will not keep up with the pace of technological enhancement.

Although the public opposes the technology, scientists will use it.

克隆技术:cloning technology

Although the public opposes the cloning technology, some scientists will

still use it to make human organs. 器官

It is acknowledged that the prerequisite is to conserve heritages. 前 提

保护 遗产

可持续发展:sustainable development

传统文化遗产:traditional cultural heritage

Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that the prerequisite of sustainable

development is to conserve traditional cultural heritage.

Researches show that the museums and galleries can enrich lives.

精神生活:spiritual life

Numerous studies show that museums and galleries can enrich our

spiritual lives.

The point is that communication should not sacrifice individuality.

跨文化交流:cross-cultural communication
文化个性:cultural individuality

The point is that cross-cultral communication should not sacrifice

cultural individuality.

The fact that languages disappear has raised a discussion. 引起

文化融合:cultural integration

濒危语言:endangered language

The fact that endangered language gradually disappear as a result of

technological advancement and cultrual intergration has rised a heated

discussion. 科技进步 逐渐地 激烈的

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