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Easy Cake Batter Christmas Cookie s//6 Variations!!

Craving some cookies? When I’m craving some cookies I just can’t help the feeling. These Cake
Batter Cookies are fun, easy and you can make literally ANY flavor imaginable. Made with only
three ingredients, lots of love, and twenty minutes of your time you’ll have delicious cookies
added to your Christmas dinner table.
We all love a quick and easy cookie recipe; here is an amazing recipe to add to your Christmas
celebration, Christmas Sugar Cookies. If you tried our Cake Batter Cookies, do leave a comment
and tell us how it went!

Planning out how to make your Christmas cookies? Expecting a lot of guests this holiday?
LOOK NO FURTHER!! Continue reading and I will give you the best tips, tricks, and ideas to
solve all your Christmas cookie problems (and cravings!!).
This is the easiest recipe you’ll ever find. Here’s a plus point “IT ALLOWS VARIATIONS”. So
you can do as your heart desires! It’s totally up to you how you want to make these cookies.

Ingredients You Need For Cake Batter Christmas Cookies

(screenshot this for grocery list)
 15.25-ounce box cake mix
 1/2 cup vegetable oil
 2 large eggs
YES! Just three ingredients and all your cookie cravings will be satisfied!! Keep reading to find
out the best cake box mixes available in the market.
How to Make Cake Batter Christmas Cookies
Preheat oven to 350°F (stay safe!). Line a baking sheet with a silicone mat or parchment paper
and set aside. You can spray your baking sheet with a non-stick cooking spray and then dust it
with flour as well.
Combine the cake mix, oil, and eggs in a large bowl. Add one after another and stir each in
before adding the next. Stir/whisk together until combined.
Now add the variations and mix-ins of your choice (read below to find out about our favorite
variations). Combine these in the cake batter.
If you have the time, refrigerate the dough for 15-20 minutes (it will make it a little easier to
work with, since it's SUPER sticky). You can call in the kids to help you out!
Using a medium ice cream scoop or a greased spoon, scoop the dough onto the prepared baking
Bake for 9-11 minutes, or until the cookies are set (the sides are turning a nice golden brown).
Keep the cookies in check, as they bake super quickly. You don’t want them to brown and want
a soft chewy center!
Allow to cool on the pan for a couple of minutes and then transfer to a cooling rack. Let them
cool completely before you take a bite!
Enjoy these Ooey Gooey cookies throughout Christmas!
Fan Of Cool Variations? Let’s Check Them Out!
Being holiday cookies, you can try a lot of things to make them taste better. And according to my
experience, cookies are loved more when you have different varieties. It is such an easy thing to
do, you just need different cake mix flavors and add-ons. Again, check out the tips for the best
outcomes to see which type of cake mix you need, and then choose the flavors you love.
Try these cool and innovative combinations out:
 Red Velvet White Chocolate Chip Cookies: Get the red velvet flavored cake mix and
mix the batter with white chocolate chips. This flavor combination is perfectly sweet and
the milky white chocolate chips add a slight creamy contrast to the overall cookie.
This cookie is my absolute favorite because it gives you that red velvet cake flavor which
I love! These cookies go well with some whipped cream on top as well. You might find
that combination completely weird but do give it a shot! Get some whipped cream, put it
on the cookie, and sprinkle a lot of jimmies on top of it.
Trust me when I tell you, THIS combination is delightful considering you’ll get that
cookie crumble texture with the flavors of a red velvet cake combined with some thick
whipped cream to bring it all together!
 Caramel Classic Cookies: These cookies need a yellow cake mix batter, add lots of
caramel chocolate bits into the batter and mix it well. Once your cookies are done, take
them out while they’re still hot and shred some chocolate on top. Don’t add many
toppings because this cookie is meant to taste rich with that chocolate and caramel.
Make caramel syrup in a saucepan and once you see the syrup getting that golden brown
color, drizzle it over your cookies. Be sure to let the cookies cool down for about 10-15
minutes, then dig in!
You’ll have a slight crackle from the caramel and that chocolate caramel taste bursting
inside your mouth like no other cookie you have ever eaten!
 Toffee Trouble Cookies: Buy yellow or white cake mix and add lots of chopped up
toffee and dark chocolate bits in them. You will love the toffee chunks combined with
chocolate and the classic cake batter.
You can also add a bit of oatmeal to give the cookies some substance! Do let the cookies
cool down properly though, oatmeal develops a better texture when it cools down!
 German Chocolate Walnut Cookies: Get some German chocolate cake mix and add
some walnuts to the mixture. There you have it! Cooking time stays the same for all these
variations! You can even use Pecan or Almonds if you prefer! After your cookies are
done, do the same thing that we did in the Caramel Classic Cookies.
Make a slightly dark caramel, add some walnuts, pecans, or whichever nut you’re
putting inside the cookie, and drizzle it on top. The earthiness from the nuts combined
with the hardened sweet caramel will be a delight!
 Lemon flavored Cookies: All you need is some lemon cake mix, white chocolate chips,
and some powdered sugar. Mix the white chocolate chips with your lemon cake mix.
Once the cookies are done, drizzle some powdered sugar on the top, and ENJOY!
 Vanilla Cookies: Swap the yellow cake mix with some Vanilla flavored cake mix. Then
add around 4-5 drops of vanilla extract to enhance that vanilla flavor. Now when it comes
to adding the chocolate chips, it is completely up to you.
I personally add the normal brown chocolate chips because I feel that the white
chocolate chips will not be that noticeable in a vanilla-flavored cookie.

Tips for The Best Outcomes

 When it comes to the use of sprinkles, it’s better if you use jimmies for the best texture
and a good flavor as well. This is because jimmies do not bleed into the cookie-like
regular sprinkles. Although some sprinkles might work well and not bleed into your
cookie why stress yourself over finding sprinkles?? Get jimmies!!!
 Let your dough chill! The dough needs some time to chill and relax so that the butter can
solidify again and the pudding mixture can be completely absorbed by it. This will ensure
that your cookies don’t end up flat. So let your cookie dough sit back and relax for 3-4
 Use a good quality cake mix, a good cake mix will ensure the best outcome for cookie
batter cookies. Use super moist cake mixes and try that you get the best of the qualities
you can find at the store.
 Grab the right pudding mix, because there are literally so many pudding mixes at the
store that could confuse you and then you’ll end up buying the wrong one. Make sure you
DON’T get to cook and serve pudding mixes or the sugar-free ones either (those will
spoil the taste, believe me). These types of different cake mixes will ruin the cookies in
terms of texture and flavor.
 Measure everything you add carefully. I have this handy measuring spoon set that I
ordered from amazon and it is very useful. Be sure to measure everything according to
what my recipe card tells you to, or else you might end up making a mess.
 Try not to over bake your cookies! Cookies tend to set in about 8-10 minutes depending
on your oven. So be alert once you cross the 5-minute mark, keep checking your cookies
and take them out as soon as they puff up and look set. Burnt or over baked cookies do
not taste good!

 Your cookies can be large and can be small, just remember to adjust the oven timer
accordingly. I always advise people to bake medium-sized cookies because I know they
normally take 8-10 minutes.
 Cookies are loved when they’re crispy and have a fluffy texture. Take your time and try
to focus on the measurements, baking time, and everything it takes to make the perfect
Here Are Some Storing Tips For Your Leftover Cookies And Your
Cookie Dough Too!
For Cookie Dough:
So for the cookie dough, you can easily prepare it ahead of time and bake it later. But when it
comes to storing it, be sure to place all the cookie dough into an airtight container and put it in
the fridge. Cookie dough usually tends to go bad after 2 days so be sure to bake before that 2-day
For Cookies:
Now coming to the cookies, they can be stored pretty easily actually. If you have any extra, let
them cool off completely after baking and then. Place on a cookie sheet and then flash freeze
those bad boys for about 30 minutes. Once the cookies are hard, place them in a freezer container
or a plastic bag and freeze them.
These baked cookies tend to last for about 3 months so you do not have to worry about them
going bad any while soon. To thaw the cookies, simply take out the cookies 2 hours ahead of
time. Serve them as they are, do not expose the cookies to any heat, or else they’ll get soggy.

What Type Of Cake Mixes Can I Use And Where To Find Them??
I usually use the super moist cake mixes in all my cake recipes. I order a lot of them from
Amazon and the brand I choose is Betty Crocker’s Delights because it has always worked out for
me. My favorite Red Velvet cake mix is made by the same company and you can find it here!
Here is a list of all the best and top cake mixes available in 2020. Continue below for the recipe
card. Do let us know what variations you used, so we try them too!

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