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Prepoziția de loc și de mișcare


On = pe (poziția)

At = la (un anumit pct in spațiu)

Near = lângă

Next to= imediata apropiere

Under = dedesupt (ex sub masa)

Below = sub (ex temperatura), nivel mai inferior

Above = deasupra

Round/around = mișcare circulară

Through = mișcare de trecere prin ceva

Over = peste (over the stairs)

Among = printre

Between = între

Behind = în spatele - in front of = în fata

Before = înaintea

After = după

Along = de-a lungul (along the street, path)

Across = peste drum, de-a latul străzii

From ... to = dinspre, către

Up = sus – down = jos

Upside = opus

Towards = înspre

Out of = indicating the source or derivation of something; from/ if you are out of something, you no
longer have any of it.

Past = a trece de ceva ( The girl walked past the chemists. )

By/beside = apropierea de ceva

Against = împotriva, a te sprijini de, înspre

The ball is pushed against the wall

The man leant against the door frame.

In +cities, towns, suburbs : She lives in Bucharest

At + house number, home, school, work

Grandma lives at 23 Oxford Street.

On+ the floor, the outskirts, foot, holiday, street

Tom went on holiday last month.

My school is on Oxford Street.

On/in/by + mij de transport:

Pam wrote her homework on the bus.

He forgot his address book in a taxi.

Prepoziții de timp

At + o ora fixă, moment al zilei, sărbătoare

A 9 o’clock, at Christmas, at night, at midnight, at noon, at lunch, at the weekend

In – moment al zilei, lunile anului, anotimpuri, ani, secole etc.

In the morning, in June, in winter, in 1980, in the 18 th century etc.

On – zilele saptamanii, data

On Saturday, on the 20th of July.

On a winter night.

By – aproximează un moment nu mai târziu decât cel necesar (până)

By 10 pm (ore), by 2014, by now

Before/ after

Till/until – indică sfârșitul unei acțiuni

Till you came. Until I go.

During – o perioadă de timp în care acțiunea are loc în mod continuu:

- During spring, during our stay in Paris, during the Easter holidays

From – momentul începerii unei acțiuni

From March to May

Since – indică momentul începerii unei acțiuni

For – indică durata acțiunii

For 2 hours

Through/throughout – indică o întreagă perioadă de timp de la început pana la sfaârșit

All through the week.

Throughout our staying here.

With – cu – without – fără

Like – se fol în comparații

About – aproximativ

It’s about time to leave.

Substantive urmate de prep about:

Concern about, evidence about/of/on, feeling about, information about/on, inquiring about/from,
joke about, opinion about/on, optimism about, rumour about, decision about/on.

Adj + about:

Angry about/with, ashamed about/of, clear about, crazy about/with, curious about, embarrassed
about/of/by, happy about/with, hesitant about/to, mad about, optimistic about, puzzled about, sure
about/of, worried about/by.

Vb + about:

To ask about/for, to complain about, to feel about, to know about, to say about/to, to tell about, to
wonder about/at, to bring about.

Substantive +against:

Anger against/at, battle against/with, competition against/with, objecting against, offence against,
sanction against.

Adj + against:

Dead against (to be completely opposed to something), irritate against/about/by, prejudiced against.
Vb +against:

To act against, to conspire against, to militate against, to plot against, to revolt against, to vote
against, to defend against, to guard against, to secure against, to warn against.

Subst + at:

At the beginning, at the end, at daybreak, at lunch time, at down, at sunset, at command, at liberty,
at a loss (not knowing what to do/say), at the mercy of, at peace, at random etc.

On Christmas day

At Christmas (fără day)

Adj + at:

Amused at, disappointed at, delighted at, disgusted at, frightened at, surprised at, good at, bad at,
quick at, skilful at etc.

Vb + at:

To grin at (a rânji), to smile at, to shot at, to gaze at (privire admirativă), to wonder at, to aim at, to
shoot at, to strike at, to throw at etc .

Subst + for:

Advertisement for, care for, cure for, evidence for, excused for, explanation for, hunger for,
justification for, predilection for, signet for, sympathy for, target for, hundred for etc.

Adj + for

Accountable for, available for, bond for, destined for, essential for, famous for, hungry for, important
for, necessary for, ready for, sufficient for, suitable for, unfit for, use/useful for, grateful for etc.


To apology for, to apply for, to care for, to change for, to pay for, to plead for, to provide for, to
punish for, to fall for, to search for, to wait for, to go in for, to look for, to make for etc.

Vb + from

To defend from, to escape from, to inherit from, to refrain from, to rescue from, to shelter from etc.

Subst + in

Believe in, confidence in, faith in, trust in etc.

Adj+ in

Abundant in, deficient in, reach in, skilful in etc.

Vb + in

To carve in, to consist in, to excel in, to employ in, to engage in, to change into, to turn into, to fill in,
to blossom into, to burst into tears/rage, to put into practice etc.

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