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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1

2nd Quarter – Week 1

I. Learning Objectives

Addition of Two One – digit Numbers with Sums up to 18 using the Order or

Zero Properties of Addition

M1NS – 26.1 1day teaching

II. Objectives of the lesson

At the end of the lesson the pupils, will be able to:

a. Visualize addition of numbers using picture and real objects

b. Add one – two digit numbers with sums of up to 18 using the order and zero properties
of addition

c. Participate actively in the pictures of the lesson

III. Prerequisite Concepts and Skills

1. Addition

IV. Materials:

Real objects or cut out of paper

V. Instructional Procedures:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Drill

I have here a flashcards of different equation in addition.

But before that, what are the standards in answering the questions properly?

Very good! What else?

Good job! Let’s count.

1. 6+5

2. 8+2
Raised your right hand if you want to answer.

Do not too noisy while answering the questions.

(The pupils will start counting.)



3. 5+4

4. 2+2

5. 9+5
B. Developmental Activities

1. Motivation

(The teacher will show the

Picture of the garden)

What did you see in the garden?

Very good!
How many orange daisies did you see?

Very good! How about the red Roses?

Excellent! How many

Gaugamela are there?

Very good! How many Sun flowers are there?

Very good!

How many Gaugamela and sunflower altogether?

2. Presentation

Now, class I have here a pictures of mangoes. Let us count the mangoes.

(Pupils will look in the picture of

The garden)

I saw different flowers like Orange Daisies, Amorello, Rose and Gaugamela.

There are ten orange daisies, teacher.

There are five roses.

There are eleven Gaugamela.

There is no sunflower

There are eleven Gaugamela and zero Sunflower. There are 11 in all.
8 mangoes + 4 mangoes = 12

How many mangoes they have?

Very good?

3. Performing Activities

I will group you into three groups. But before we proceed, what are the standards while having a group
Excellent answers! Now, I will give one illustration board for each group. I will show
different objects here in front. Each group will write the number of objects seen in my drawing.

Did you understand class?

Very good! Are you ready?



They are 12 mangoes.

Cooperate actively to your group.
Yes, teacher.

We are ready teacher.




Did you enjoy our group activity class?

Very good!
6. Processing Activity

Now class, if I have 8 small balls and 10 big balls. How many balls I have?



Yes, teacher.

8+10 = 18
Good job!

If I have 10 big balls and 8 smalls balls. How many balls I have?

Very good!

What do you observe about the order of the addends?

Very good!

What can you say about changing the order of the addend?
Very good!

7. Reinforcing the concepts of skill

Now, class I have here a scenario.

1. Ben bought 6 black pens in the market and Maria have 1 red pen.

How many black ball pens Ben have?

Very good!

How many red pen Maria have?

Very good!

Who wants to write the addition equation on the board?

Very good!

2. Cindy wants to buy 3 candies and 5 lollipops. She noticed that there are only 3 candies are
available in the store.

The order of the addends is interchanged.

If we change the order of the addends, the sum does not change
Ben have 6 black ball pens
Maria have 1 red pen

6+1 = 7
How many candies are there?

Very good!

How many lollipops are there?

Very good!

Who wants to write the addition equation on the board?

Very good!

What do you observe if the sum is 9+0 = 9, 0+8 = 8?

Very good!

Get your notebook and answer the following.

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. 18+0 = ___________

2. 12+0= ____________

3. 10+0 =____________

B. Supply the missing number on the space.

1. 18+ =

2. 0+15 =

3. 17+ =
There are 3 candies

There are no lollipops available in the store.

3+0 = 3

0+3 =3

When a number is addends to zero, the sum is the number itself.





8. Summarizing the lesson

What have you learned in our lesson?

Will you please give me an example?

Go to the board and write your answer.

Great! Did you understand class?

Very good!
We learned how to properly arranged the “Property of addition”.

Yes, teacher

(The pupils will write their examples. )

6 + 4 4 + 6

=10 = 10
And is and

4 + 0 0 + 4 =4 =4

Yes, teacher.
9. Assignment

Write the missing the number sentence in the space provided.


And is and

________ + _______ _______ + ________

= _________ = ___________

And is and

______ + _______ _________ + __________

= _________ = ______________

3. And is and

________ + _________ _________ + _________

= ________ = __________

Prepared by: Approved by:

Catherine C. Avila Jose Paulo Dapula

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