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This tutorial can work to find serial numbers for almost any product from any

company that requires a serial number to receive a replacement.

1. Find the product that you want to SE from a company.

2. Go to any of these Craigslist search engines:

These search engines allow you to search all of Craigslist at once.

3. In the search bar type the name of your product followed by "serial", "serial
number", or something similar. For example: ProductName "serial number"

4. Sometimes serial numbers will be provided in the description of the item, if

they are you are done with the tutorial. If not, you will have to email the seller
and ask them for the serial number of the product to check the warranty on it.

Additional Information
- You can also email sellers on Ebay for serial numbers.
- If you email a seller on Craigslist, make sure the listing is current so that it
is almost guaranteed that they still have the product and have not sold it already.

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