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Yoli BBS | Your 28-Day Guide to Transformation

At Yoli, we want
you to live, grow,
& transform.
The Yoli Better Body System was specifically developed for
those who want to take charge of their health.

Whether your goal is to lose weight, build lean muscle, tone and shape
your body, have more energy throughout the day, or generally optimize
your health, the Yoli Better Body System (BBS) is designed for YOU.
That’s why we’ve researched and meticulously formulated the finest
products available in the market and combined them to work together
synergistically in your Transformation Kit. Along with this eating guide—
which we designed to as a lifestyle, not a life sentence—it’s the perfect
one-two punch to create the body you’ve always wanted. We wish you
the best of health on your journey to an all-new YOU!

Table of Contents

04-07 Welcome to Your 28-Day Transformation

08-13 Why the BBS?

14-19 The Better Body System: What to Expect

20-21 BBS Food Recommendations

22-37 28-Day Journal

38-41 Set Goals for Success

42-45 Meal Prep and Recipes

46-47 After Your Transformation

48-53 FAQs & Advanced Tips

Welcome to
Your 28-Day
We believe that in order to fully
transform your health, you need to
transform your lifestyle.

If you’re reading this, you’re ready to take control of your life and get
started on your journey toward optimal health. We know that you can do
it. You’ve already taken the most important step by committing to your
transformation. Luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. We’re here to help!

Over this next month, we will work as a team to transform your life and
health. With the right road map to follow—no matter your starting point—
you can succeed. Over the next 28 days, we’ll teach you how to live a
healthier lifestyle, and give you the knowledge to understand how your
body is affected by each step you take.

With each new healthy decision you make, you will gain more confidence
knowing that you are doing this for you and your future. We are here to
make sure you understand what to do, and why to do it. We will be here to
support you through stumbling blocks, help you succeed, and celebrate enjoy the food you love while helping you transform your life. Remember, this
your victories. you do it in a healthier way. It combines isn’t a quick fix solution. We’re talking
dietary principles, such as carb cycling about changing your life! It’s not going to
We’ve designed the Transformation Kit (T-Kit for short) to jump-start
and keto, to bring you a program that is be easy, but it will definitely be worth it.
to your transformation. We’ve created proprietary blends, delicious
designed to achieve your desired health,
products, and an easy-to-follow, science-based meal plan that will allow
performance, or weight goals. Like many
you to transform your health and achieve your goals. We’ve put the
before you, you’ll discover that the BBS is
best ingredients together to ensure that you’re fueling your body with
a lifestyle, not a life sentence.
everything it needs to thrive. Remember, we’re looking for a lifestyle
change, not a diet. Throughout this guide, we’ll be talking
about our products and meal plan, what
We don’t believe in fad diets. We believe that in order to fully transform
to expect during your 28 days, as well as
your health, you need to transform your lifestyle. That’s why we’ve created
some helpful pro-tips to keep in mind as
the Better Body System (also known as the BBS). The BBS allows you to
Get Prepared
To fully prepare yourself for your journey to a healthier
lifestyle, we recommend the following:

Step 1 Read the complete BBS Meal Plan.

Step 2 Buy the food you will be using and

do your best to hide or get rid of
unapproved foods.

Step 3 Have meals planned out and prepared

ahead of time.

Step 4 Choose a good day to start your program.

You don’t have to start on a Monday.

Step 5 Take your starting weight and

measurements, as well as a “before”
photo. Write out any goals you have in
the goal section of this plan.

Step 6 Have a positive mindset surrounding

this program. You owe it to yourself and
your health to transform your lifestyle
into one that will best support you.
Congratulations on your We look forward to embarking on this
journey with you and wish you great
decision to be the best
success! Just remember—don’t give up.
you possible. Your transformation and balanced self Step 7 Download the Yoli app for daily videos,
tips, and a support plan.
are waiting. Don’t let them down!
Visit for more info.
Join Yoli’s Facebook Community group.

Why the
The Yoli Better Body System is unique, comprehensive, and brings the BEFORE AFTER
best of modern science into one system. The BBS includes the best parts
of some popular techniques you might have heard of, like carb cycling
Becky — Lost 84 pounds and 60 inches.
and keto. While we do include some of the best features of each of
these concepts, the great thing about the BBS is that it’s easy, enjoyable,
and sustainable.

There is a lot of information floating around on calorie restriction and
ketogenic diets. What always seems to be missing—and what Yoli
addresses—is the fundamental explanation of why incorporating certain
parts of these concepts is so powerful. We will provide you the best of
what has been proven to work in today’s world of health science, while
addressing foundational health principles through Yoli’s cutting edge
supplements. We also provide advanced techniques to take it to the next
level. In this section, we will break down the science of our meal plan and
show you how to follow the BBS in a way that is best for your body. Rhonda — Lost 80 pounds, and went from size 18/20 to size 2/4.

While a strict ketogenic diet was once very popular, many people began
to experience the negative effects of long-term carb restriction. In
comparison, the BBS is based on a Low-Carb, Higher-Carb cycle. This
is exactly what it sounds like. Some days you consume little to no carbs
(Orange Days), followed by a more usual eating day with complex carbs,
fruits, and vegetables (Blue Days). This cycle is similar to the kind of
eating pattern our foraging-and-hunting ancestors would have followed
as a natural consequence of their lifestyles. Studies show that this kind of
cycle has many great benefits for health and vitality.

Jeff — Lost 33 pounds.

BBS 11
Meal Plan Low
Low Carb Days / Orange Days 1, 2, 4, 6

Let’s talk about the differences Orange days are designed to mimic the times when food was scarce. As a

in these cycles: result, our incredible bodies make physiological adaptations that allow us
to survive for longer amounts of time without food. One such adaptation

Low Carb / Higher Carb Day Cycle is the ability to form our own ketones naturally and burn fat as fuel. After
practicing the BBS, your body will easily switch over to burning fat to keep
your energy levels stable.

Higher Carb Days / Blue Days 3, 5, 7

The Blue Day phase of this program is critical. During prolonged periods of
limited food, our bodies will start to remove energy from body processes
it deems not critical for immediate survival. This includes slowing functions
such as metabolism.

By strategically consuming carbohydrates, you signal to your body that

you are not starving and these negative effects can be avoided. Blue Days
kick-start the thyroid, essentially preventing the common problems people
experience during prolonged fasting or ketosis.

This is why we’ve cycled our program into Blue Days and Orange Days.
They’re designed to mimic the fast-and-famine cycle so your body will rely
on stored fat for energy, rather than food.

BBS 13

YES is a delicious, high-quality whey protein shake that can help you

lose weight, satisfy your appetite, and build lean muscle. YES features
PuraWhey™, our biologically-active, minimally-processed whey
protein concentrate sourced from grass-fed cows. YES also contains Alkalete
LeanImmune™, a blend of antioxidant-rich macronutrients from fruits and Alkalete is a patented, time-release formula designed to support healthy
vegetables, plus the probiotic bacillus-coagulans to promote gut health. body pH. Today’s typical diet puts an added acidic load on the body. Alkalete
will help keep you balanced as you adjust your diet to support weight loss.
Passion — or — Thermoburn Alkalete is also the perfect way to enhance your overall health and fitness
Seize your day with delicious-tasting Passion or Thermoburn. Both goals. When you alkalize your body, you have more energy and feel better
feature our proprietary formulation, Thermo-G™, which delivers the on every level.
energy you need to live your best life, no compromise required! We use
carefully selected ingredients to stimulate metabolic activity, promote Pure
stamina, and support healthy cognitive function. And with no sugar and When adding a lot of protein to your diet that your body isn’t used
natural caffeine from green tea, it’s a great way to fuel your body with to having, it can be hard for it to break down. It is now clear that the
clean energy all day long without the crash. environment of our gut, as well as the trillions of bacteria that live there,
have an impact on almost every aspect of our health. Pure contains a
OR scientifically-proven strain of probiotics (GanedenBG30™) designed to
penetrate the acidity of your stomach, fortify your digestive system, and
support your microbiome with a blend of fiber, enzymes, and nutrients.
Truth — or — Fun Pure promotes a health balance of bacteria in your gut and may help
If you’ve chosen a caffeine-free alternative, Truth or Fun have been support protein utilization.
included in your kit. Truth is a powerful antioxidant support drink, while
Fun is Yoli’s exclusive sports-hydration recovery drink with branched- Resolve
chain amino acids, electrolytes, minerals, and a serving of Alkalete. Take
Willpower in a bottle. Resolve contains PhytoFiber™, a proprietary blend
a look at your lifestyle to determine which would help support you best.
of powerful, plant-based ingredients including glucomannan, apple cider
vinegar powder, apple fiber, and more to promote a feeling of fullness and
support weight management. It’s an ideal way to feel satisfied while you
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. work toward your physical transformation.
BBS 15
The Better Blue Days: Higher Carb Days

Body System
Blue Days are designed to do the following:

Balance your body’s energy.

Reset the way your body burns both carbs and fats.
Now that we’ve talked about why you should follow the Better Body Provide your diet with more variety and nutrition.
System Meal Plan, let’s talk about how it works day-to-day. Because we’re
following a pattern similar to carb-cycling, you will be switching between
a high-protein/low-carb day, also known as the Orange Day, and a high-
On Blue Days, you get to add complex carbs back into your program in
protein/higher-carb day, the Blue Day. Let’s look at each of these days
addition to vegetables and fruits. Be sure to choose a meal that is healthy
individually, then we’ll talk about your schedule.
and enjoyable and contains complex carbohydrates. The goal of this meal
plan is to burn the stored fat in your body, not outside sugars, calories,
and carbs. Even though we’re incorporating carbohydrates into your Blue
Orange Days: Low Carb Days Day, it’s important to not go overboard. Remember, consistency is the key!

Orange Days are designed to do the following: Be sure to not skip your mid-afternoon Protein snack. You need to keep
your metabolism burning for great results. Keep in mind the carbohydrates
that are in your system when you go to bed will more than likely be stored
Deplete carbohydrates in the bloodstream.
as fat. Protein, however, is very difficult for the body to convert to fat. The
Allow fat burning without sacrificing muscle. body will use protein to repair and regenerate muscle tissue and other
cells in your body, leaving nothing to store. A general rule is to eat your
Help support blood sugar and insulin levels.
complex carbohydrates early in the day, so your body has the chance to
use them for energy. Then, stick to protein later in the day.

Many people have a sluggish metabolism. Our bodies have forgotten how
to burn fat as a fuel source, burning only the calories we eat instead.
So, on days 1-2 each week, we are forcing your body into a fat‑burning
mode by eating minimal carbohydrates and reducing the level of sugars
(glycogen) stored in the blood, liver, and muscles. When your body kicks When you’re grocery
into fat-burning mode and starts burning fat the way it is supposed to, shopping, we encourage you
you will feel great! You will also notice fewer ups and downs in your energy
to pick options that don’t
levels because your blood sugar is regulating itself.
have added sugars, chemicals
Orange Days give your body no choice but to burn fat as its primary
or preservatives, as well as
fuel source without losing muscle tissue. The Orange Days help assist in
building and maintaining lean muscle tissue, which will give you a higher foods that are organic and
resting metabolic rate, one of your most important assets in burning fat. minimally processed.

BBS 17
Blue Days
Here is what your Blue Day Schedule will look like:

1 Passion
Wake Up 2 Alkalete
2 Resolve

Orange 30 Minutes
Later 1 Yes

Days Mid-Morning
1 Healthy Fat
Any Veggie

Protein Any Veggie

Lunch Optional Healthy Fat 2 Resolve
1 Complex Carb
Here is what your Orange Day Schedule will look like:

Mid- Protein Any Veggie

1 Passion Afternoon Healthy Fat 1 Passion
Wake Up
2 Alkalete

30 Minutes 1 Yes
Later Dinner 1 Yes

Mid-Morning Optional Free Veggie
1 Healthy Fat
2 Alkalete
Protein 2 Pure
Lunch Optional Free Veggie
1 Healthy Fat

Mid- Protein Optional Free Veggie

Afternoon 1 Healthy Fat 1 Passion PRO TIP

If you feel hungry: When you first start forcing your body to burn stored
Dinner 1 Yes
body fat, it may be a little uncomfortable. If you feel hungry, be sure
to consume more protein, drink more water, or eat more free veggies.
2 Alkalete
Bedtime Remember, this isn’t a diet, it’s a lifestyle. You shouldn’t feel like you’re
2 Pure
starving yourself.

BBS 19
BBS Food
Here at Yoli, we believe in real foods and a healthy lifestyle approach for
long‑term weight management. When you’re grocery shopping, pick real
foods that are organic and minimally processed. Locally grown foods are
a great option, too!

For your convenience, we have listed out BBS-approved foods. You will
find some quick portion guidelines below for when you are on the go.

Protein Vegetables Healthy Fats Condiments

1 Palm-Sized 1-2 Fist-Sized 3 Thumb-Sized 1 Thumb-Sized

Portion (2-4 oz) Portions Portions Portion

Protein Vegetables Healthy Fats Condiments

1-3 Palm-Sized 2 Fist-Sized 3 Thumb-Sized 1 Thumb-Sized

Portions (4-6 oz) Portions Portions Portion

For more specific portion sizes, see the food list on the next page.

PRO TIP If you are highly active, or have a

significant amount of weight to lose,
add more protein per serving. A
suggestion is half your body weight in
grams of protein. There is a difference
in grams of protein vs. ounces. For
example a five-ounce chicken breast
has around 35 grams of protein. So
if someone weighs 200 pounds, they
should aim for around 100 grams of
protein per day.
BBS 21
BBS Food List Orange + Blue Days
Orange Day Food
Blue Day Food

Healthy Fats Proteins Free Veggie Any Veggie Complex Carbs Free Fruit

1/4 Avocado medium Any full fat cheese Arugula All Vegetables in the 1 slice 12 grain bread 1 Apple
1 tsp. Butter Eggs Asparagus Free list plus: 1/2 c. Amaranth 1 Banana
1 tsp. Extra virgin coconut oil Full fat sour cream Bok choy 1 Artichoke 1/2 c. Beans 1 c. Blackberries
1 tsp. Extra virgin olive oil Greek yogurt Broccoli sprouts 1 Beet 1/2 c. Brown rice 3/4 c. Blueberries
1 tsp. Fish oil (Omegas) (unsweetened full fat) Broccoli** 1 c. Cabbage 1/2 c. Buckwheat 1/2 c. Cherries
1 tsp. Full-fat heavy YES Brussels sprouts** 1 c. Carrots 3/4 c. Corn grits (polenta) 1/8 c. Craisins
whipping cream Unprocessed meat Cauliflower** 1 c. Green beans 3/4 c. High fiber cereal 1 1/2 c. Cranberries
2 tsp. Full-fat sour cream (Examples:) Celery 1 c. Kale 1/2 c. Lentils 1 Grapefruit
1 tsp. Ghee Beef Cucumbers 1 c. Okra 1/2 c. Millet 1 c. Grapes
1 tsp. MCT oil or powder Bison Dill pickles 1 c. Onions 2/3 c. Oatmeal 1 Kiwi
1/3 c. Nuts (eat in moderation) Chicken Garlic 1/2 c. Peas 1 medium Potato 3/4 c. Mango
5 - 10 Olives (black or green) Crab Jalapeno peppers 1 c. Peppers 1/2 c. Quinoa 3/4 c. Melons
1/4 c. Seeds Fish Lettuce 1/2 c. Radishes 1/2 c. Split peas 1 Orange
8 oz. Unsweetened almond Lobster Mushrooms 1 c. Rhubarb 3/4 c. Squash 1 c. Papaya
milk 1 c. Tomato
Pork Spinach 3/4 c. Sweet potato/yam 1 Peach
2 tsp. Unsweetened nut
butter Shrimp Zucchini 1/4 c. Teff 1 Pear
Squid ** Slightly higher in 1/2 c. Veggie pasta 1/2 c. Pineapple
Turkey carbohydrates (use in 1 slice Whole grain bread 1/2 c. Plums
Venison moderation on Orange Days) Spices & Seasonings 1/2 c. Whole grain pasta 1/2 Pomegranate
Flour & Baking 1 Whole grain tortilla 1/4 c. Raisins
Black pepper 2/3 c. Wild rice 1 c. Raspberries
Almond flour Cayenne pepper 1 c. Strawberries
Cocoa Avoid cheap, low‑quality
Cinnamon (ground) 1 Tangerine
Coconut flour processed lunch meats.
Beverages Cloves (ground) 1 c. Watermelon
Flax meal Cumin
Pork rinds Curry
Garlic powder Foods & Ingredients
Tea (herbal or green tea)
to Avoid
Condiments Yoli drink mixes: Ginger (ground)
Truth Monk fruit extract Aspartame
Horseradish Fun Nutmeg (ground) Fried foods
Low carb dressings Passion Paprika High fructose corn syrup
Low carb hot sauce Lean Greens Red pepper (crushed) Hydrogenated oils
Mayonnaise pH20 Salt Regular & diet soda
Mustard Awaken Coffee Stevia Sucralose
Vinegar (white &apple cider) Calm Tea Xylitol Trans fats
BBS 23
Week 1Here’s what you can expect
on a weekly basis during your
28-Day Transformation:

Day 1: Plan Ahead

Plan ahead for the next 28 days! When you’re

revamping your habits, it’s important to set
yourself up for success. Prepping your meals
and planning for possible stumbling blocks
can help you eat better when you’re out
When you’re revamping your habits, it’s important to set
running errands or tempted to order takeout.
yourself up for success.
Day 2: You Got This
Day 4: Your First 72 Hours! Day 6: Protein
Your body will be burning fat instead of
It’s only been 72 hours since you started Looking for an easy, delicious, and versatile
carbohydrates as its primary fuel today. You
the Yoli Better Body System, and your protein option? Consider stocking up on
will be eating mainly protein, healthy fats, and
body is already functioning differently. eggs for a good source of protein and fat.
free veggies to boost your fat-burning and
You might notice changes in your energy Whether you hard-boil them or eat them
eliminate carbohydrates out of your system.
levels, your cognitive function, cravings, poached, it’s easy to adapt eggs to your
You might feel uncomfortable or extra hungry
and hunger. tastes and schedule.
with the switch, but feel free to adjust as
needed. Drink more water, eat more protein,
Day 5: Listen to Your Body Day 7: Take Some Notes
or eat more free veggies. You got this!
Fiber is an important part of meals This is the last day of the week, so you’ve
because it helps us feel full. Pay attention got the system down. Look to perfect
Day 3: Notice How You Feel to the signals from your brain that you’re your meals and snacks moving forward
You are introducing complex carbohydrates done eating and moving into overeating for the next three weeks. What worked
back into the program. This is key to refueling territory. Not sure if you’re hungry or and what didn’t? Take a few minutes to
and retraining your body. Remember, results thirsty? Drink a glass of water and wait recommit to your goal. Things will get
don’t come instantly, but you will notice a 15 minutes. easier as you go along, because now you
difference in how you feel. know what to expect.

BBS 25

Daily Orange Days Blue Days

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Schedule (Low Carb Days) (Higher Carb Days)

1 Passion or 1 Passion or
2 Thermoburn
Wake Up 2 Thermoburn
2 Alkalete 2 Alkalete
2 Resolve

30 Min 1 YES 1 YES


Protein Protein
Mid- Healthy Fat Healthy Fat
Morning Optional Free Any Veggie
Veggie 1 Fruit

Optional Healthy Fat
Healthy Fat
Lunch Any Veggie
Optional Free
Complex Carb
Veggie 2 Resolve

Protein Protein
Mid- Healthy Fat Healthy Fat
Optional Free Veggie Any Veggie
1 Passion or 1 Passion or
2 Thermoburn 2 Thermoburn

Dinner 1 YES 1 YES

Bedtime 2 Alkalete 2 Alkalete

2 Pure 2 Pure

8 Glasses of Water (1 Glass = 8 oz)

Daily Minimum

BBS 27
Week 2
Day 8: Move Your Body

What’s your favorite way to move? Do you

like to dance, bike, or even jump on the
trampoline? Try to make time today to move
your body in a way that’s fun.

Day 9: Get Outside! Day 11: Share Your Journey Day 13: Self Care

Don’t forget to get outside and get moving! Have you gotten questions about what Take some time for yourself today. Read
Movement is great for our joints but it’s YES is, or why you’re eating the way you a book, listen to your favorite music, or
also great for our brain. Whether you love are? Sharing your goals and experiences take a scenic drive.
swimming laps or just have time for a walk is a great way to include others in your
after dinner, make a point to get your body journey. Plus, sharing increases your
Day 14: Feeling Overwhelmed?
moving and your blood pumping. chances of staying consistent and
succeeding on the BBS. Overwhelmed by the idea of eating
healthier? Don’t scrap your whole diet: just
Day 10: Breathe take your time to make balanced choices,
Day 12: Food Labels
one at a time. Love a fizzy-but-sugary
Take a few minutes to sit still and work on
Are you looking at the labels of foods you soda? Swap it out for sparkling water
your breathing. Do you tend to hold your
used to eat? A lot of processed foods have mixed with a Yoli drink mix. Crave sweets
breath? Practice taking nice, deep breaths
a long shelf life due to their preservatives at night? Trade the ice cream for a peanut
for five minutes today to help alkalize your
and artificial ingredients, which can lead to butter fat bomb to satisfy your sweet tooth
body (and help you feel more relaxed).
unintended health consequences. When without derailing your progress.
you’re shopping, look for natural foods with
Love a fizzy, but sugary soda? short and recognizable ingredient lists. Or,
Swap it out for sparkling water better yet, pull out some cookbooks and
mixed with a Yoli drink mix. rediscover the fun of cooking.

BBS 29

Daily Orange Days Blue Days

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Schedule (Low Carb Days) (Higher Carb Days)

1 Passion or 1 Passion or
2 Thermoburn
Wake Up 2 Thermoburn
2 Alkalete 2 Alkalete
2 Resolve

30 Min 1 YES 1 YES


Protein Protein
Mid- Healthy Fat Healthy Fat
Morning Optional Free Any Veggie
Veggie 1 Fruit

Optional Healthy Fat
Healthy Fat
Lunch Any Veggie
Optional Free
Complex Carb
Veggie 2 Resolve

Protein Protein
Mid- Healthy Fat Healthy Fat
Optional Free Veggie Any Veggie
1 Passion or 1 Passion or
2 Thermoburn 2 Thermoburn

Dinner 1 YES 1 YES

Bedtime 2 Alkalete 2 Alkalete

2 Pure 2 Pure

8 Glasses of Water (1 Glass = 8 oz)

Daily Minimum

BBS 31
Week 3
Good, healthy fats help Day 15: Celebrate!

us feed and protect our You’ve reached Week Three! Look at your

brain and can actually calendar and find a day where you want to
celebrate with a Free Meal! You’ve earned it, so
help us lose weight. enjoy yourself and the progress you’ve made.

Day 16: Where Do You Shop?

Consider where you buy your food. Do

you have a farmers market nearby that you Day 18: Good Fats Day 20: Healthy Snacks
could try? You can meet the farmers and ask
Believe it or not, good fats are important to Avoiding your go-to snacks and sweets
questions about how they grow their food.
the human body because they provide us might be challenging, but it’s worth it! By
Often, you can buy meat from them, too.
with energy and help us to absorb certain making the decision to cut out added-
Sometimes the grocery store is not the best
nutrients. Good, healthy fats help us feed sugars and sweets, you can reset the type
place to get your food because produce is
and protect our brain, and can actually of food that you crave. When you’re faced
often sprayed with pesticides and travels a
help us to lose weight. Make sure to shake with a craving, try to make the healthiest
long distance to get to you. Fresh is best.
things up by trying lots of different types choice in the moment.

Day 17: Follow Your Gut Day 21: It’s Not Just About the
Your gut is important to your overall health. Day 19: One Day at a Time Number on the Scale
Some have even coined it “the second brain” Check in with yourself. How are you Just as a reminder, try not to always just
because it’s so influential in our mood and how feeling? Recommit to your goal and realize look at the scale but consider how your
we make decisions. Plus, some estimate that up that you just need to take one day at a clothes are fitting. How are you feeling?
to 80% of our immune system resides in our gut. time. Sometimes you can just take one Are you getting more energy? Are you
Try some unsweetened, full-fat Greek yogurt for hour at a time. And, sometimes, it takes sleeping better? Are you understanding
protein and to support your gut health. Feed one moment of making a healthy decision how to take charge of your health?
yourself right and see how you feel! to push you closer to who you want to be. Consider your wins and keep going!

BBS 33

Daily Orange Days Blue Days

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Schedule (Low Carb Days) (Higher Carb Days)

1 Passion or 1 Passion or
2 Thermoburn
Wake Up 2 Thermoburn
2 Alkalete 2 Alkalete
2 Resolve

30 Min 1 YES 1 YES


Protein Protein
Mid- Healthy Fat Healthy Fat
Morning Optional Free Any Veggie
Veggie 1 Fruit

Optional Healthy Fat
Healthy Fat
Lunch Any Veggie
Optional Free
Complex Carb
Veggie 2 Resolve

Protein Protein
Mid- Healthy Fat Healthy Fat
Optional Free Veggie Any Veggie
1 Passion or 1 Passion or
2 Thermoburn 2 Thermoburn

Dinner 1 YES 1 YES

Bedtime 2 Alkalete 2 Alkalete

2 Pure 2 Pure

8 Glasses of Water (1 Glass = 8 oz)

Daily Minimum

BBS 35
Week 4
Day 22: Free Meal!

This is the start of Week Four! Today, look at

your calendar and find a place for your Free
Meal! It’s time to celebrate so don’t rush your
Free Meal. Consider what foods you really
want to enjoy, and congratulate yourself for
Day 27: Almost There!
getting this far!
Do you see how far
you’ve come? Take a You’re almost there! It’s amazing what’s
Day 23: Quality of Your Food happened to your body on a cellular
moment to reflect. and mindset level in such a short
Consider the quality of your food and how
amount of time. You’ve made an amazing
it makes you feel. What have you noticed
transformative decision for your life.
about fresh food vs. frozen foods? Day 25: Time to Reflect
Remember, this is a LIFESTYLE change
Do you see how far you’ve come? Take a and not a diet. Keep up the good work!
Day 24: Juggling Life moment to reflect. See yourself not only
as a role model for yourself, but also for
Juggling work, kids, and a social life? Setting Day 28: Feeling Overwhelmed?
those around you. Whether you have kids
aside time once or twice a week to meal prep
or parents or neighbors who look up to You did it! Today is the last day of the
can mean the difference between success
you, think about how you can show them BBS. Take time to reflect, take updated
and stumbling blocks. Prepare foods that
progress pictures, and measure yourself.
keep well, reheat well, or don’t need to be
Remember, your health is impacted
reheated at all. Day 26: Getting Quality Sleep
by decisions you make every day. All
Our body repairs itself when we sleep, progress is perfect! Also, be sure to
You’ve made an amazing so make sure you’re getting good quality check in with the person that referred
you to this program, and review your
transformative decision for your sleep. Try to limit cell phone use at least
one hour before you go to bed. The blue amazing journey together. They’ll also be
life. Remember, this is a lifestyle
light from phones can confuse our body able to help guide you to the next step
change and not a diet. and alter sleep cycles. as you move along your health journey!
BBS 37

Daily Orange Days Blue Days

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Schedule (Low Carb Days) (Higher Carb Days)

1 Passion or 1 Passion or
2 Thermoburn
Wake Up 2 Thermoburn
2 Alkalete 2 Alkalete
2 Resolve

30 Min 1 YES 1 YES


Protein Protein
Mid- Healthy Fat Healthy Fat
Morning Optional Free Any Veggie
Veggie 1 Fruit

Optional Healthy Fat
Healthy Fat
Lunch Any Veggie
Optional Free
Complex Carb
Veggie 2 Resolve

Protein Protein
Mid- Healthy Fat Healthy Fat
Optional Free Veggie Any Veggie
1 Passion or 1 Passion or
2 Thermoburn 2 Thermoburn

Dinner 1 YES 1 YES

Bedtime 2 Alkalete 2 Alkalete

2 Pure 2 Pure

8 Glasses of Water (1 Glass = 8 oz)

Daily Minimum

BBS 39
BEFORE AFTER Progress Chart

Waist Thighs Arms Chest Hips Weight

Week 1
Week 2
Maria — Lost 25 pounds and became a marathon runner!

Week 3
Week 4
Track Your

Now is the time to take before pictures and record your measurements! Start Date: Goal Weight:
Tracking progress is an important part of a lifestyle change. Record your
measurements in the PROGRESS chart (pg. 39) so you can see yourself
Finish Date: Finish Weight:
progressing. Continue to take progress pictures as well so you can see
the physical results of your transformation!
Once you’ve finished your initial 28-Day Transformation, examine your progress
and set a long-term goal. This goal can be a lot more relaxed than your initial goal.
Without one, it may be easy to slip back into old habits. So, evaluate how you want to
move forward, and set a specific goal for success!

Post 28-Day Transformation goal:

BBS 41
Set Goals
for Success
Now let’s talk about setting goals for success. When it comes to setting
weight loss or health goals, it’s important to follow the SMART guidelines.

S Specific

M Measurable

A Attainable

R Relevant

T Time-Bound


“I will lose 25 pounds by June. I will do this by

following the Better Body System, exercising
three times a week, and getting eight hours of
sleep every night.”

This goal follows the SMART guidelines. If you follow a goal that is too
Michael — Lost 20 pounds, 2 inches from his waist, 1/2
general, not easily measured, and that doesn’t have a timeline, you’re a lot inch from his neck, and 2 inches from his chest.
less likely to accomplish what you want to.

Take a few minutes to determine what you want out of this system. You can do this by using the journal in this brochure, taking before
Then, create a SMART goal for your health! Along with setting goals, it’s and after pictures, and recording your weight and inches lost.
important to document your journey!
To take before and after pictures, pick an uncluttered spot against a
blank wall. Set your phone in portrait mode, close enough to see details but
far enough so your entire body is in frame. Make sure to wear form‑fitting
clothing, then take pictures from the front, sides, and back. Update your
photos as often as you want and watch yourself transform!

You can also use a tape measure to track how many inches you lose. Use
MY INCHES LOST GOAL ADDITIONAL GOALS the PROGRESS chart (pg. 39) to keep track of your progress! Remember
to try to focus more on how you look and feel, rather than just a number
on the scale.

BBS 43
Recipes &
Meal Prep
Planning your meals One of the most common pitfalls that people
encounter when they’re on the Better Body
in advance will help
System is going back to meals that aren’t in
you stay on track. line with the system. We want to help you avoid
this trap with more tasty, BBS-friendly recipes

As you begin the Transformation Kit, planning

your meals in advance will help you stay on
track. Start each week by making a rough outline
of what you will eat each day. You may end up
making adjustments, but starting out with a plan
will give you the best chance to succeed.

Grill 6-8 chicken breasts to cut up for protein

on salads, wraps, or by itself.

Have fresh-cut deli meat on hand for cheese

and meat roll-ups.

Cut up cucumbers and celery to snack on with

hummus or nut butters.

Brown 1-2 pounds of fresh, lean hamburger to

have ready for tacos or lettuce wraps.

Grill or bake 4-6 turkey burgers to eat throughout

the week, adding your choice of seasonings.

Boil a dozen eggs to snack on.

Buy pre-made protein snacks from the store for

a quick meal.

BBS 45
Free Meal

A Meal to Eat
Whatever You Want
The first two weeks follow the system as normal. Starting on week
three and four, take one cheat meal on any day you choose. This gives
you a day to look forward to, helping you stick with your meal plan the
rest of the time. The possible weight gain you may experience after
your free day is to be expected, as your body holds onto the extra
carbohydrates in the food as energy. Typically, any possible weight
gain after your free meal will be gone after the next Orange Day.

The Purpose
Food adds fun to most events in our life.
Behind Free Meals:
Consuming more food once a week
makes sure your body remains efficient
and flexible in its metabolism. Increased
variety stimulates metabolism.

BBS 47
After Your
Transformation Kit Option 1:
You have hit your goal. Great work!

We now recommend you follow the Blue Days six days a week, with one
Building on Your Results CONGRATULATIONS!
Free Meal a week to enjoy yourself. If you find yourself drifting away
You have now completed your 28-day from your goals, go back to your Orange and Blue Day cycle or a full
Transformation Kit. This is a great step Transformation Kit, and avoid the Free Meal. You may replace your last
in the right direction! But, what now? shake at dinner, with protein, any veggie, and healthy fats as your meal.

Option 2:
If you would like to continue to lose weight...

We recommend continuing the BBS Meal Plan and using the

Transformation Kit products until you reach your desired goals. We also
highly suggest you consider adding a few more Yoli products, such as:

Enzymes to support gut health.

Lean Greens to add more servings of vegetables and support


Dream to support restful sleep and a healthy stress response.

Awaken as a healthy, alkalizing coffee substitute.

Calm to support a healthy stress response.

For more advanced options and specific health goals, we recommend

visiting yoli‌.com to see which program and kit is the best next step for
your health, weight, fitness, and wellness goals. There, you will see some
of the other kits we have created to best support you and your best self.

If you’re looking to support your health on a daily basis, the Everyday

Wellness Kit is perfect for you! If you’re looking to fuel an active lifestyle,
we suggest the Get Fit Kit which will support the beginner athlete to
the seasoned professional. Both kits have been specially designed to
help support you in your health and wellness goals. If you would like to
try either of these kits, go to for more information!

BBS 49
Advanced Tips

What is the Yoli Better Body System?

The Yoli Better Body System, known as the BBS, is a proven dietary
system designed for safe, rapid weight loss. It’s easy-to-follow meal
plan and schedule is an ideal long-term lifestyle change, and the
system cleanses the digestive system while stimulating the body’s
metabolism to burn fat. The ultimate goal of Yoli and the BBS products
is to provide you with a long life of optimal health.

Who is the Yoli Better Body System designed for?

The Yoli Better Body System was specifically developed for those who want
to take charge of their health. Whether your goal is to lose weight, build
lean muscle, have more energy throughout the day, or simply maintain your
health, the Yoli Better Body System is designed to help you.
BBS 51
FAQs & Do I really need to have a free meal?

Advanced Tips Yes. The Free Meal is an important piece of the meal plan and weight
loss program. The reason it’s so important is because it spikes caloric
intake and activates hormonal changes that accelerate fat loss. On top
Troubleshooting specific issues on the Better Body System
of that, the psychological benefit of enjoying your favorite foods on a
If you are not losing weight right away, feeling sluggish or need weekly basis will help you stay motivated on the BBS.
support, we can help.

With all of the amazing stories about the Better Body System, it’s easy How does free meal work? Can I really eat anything?
to get discouraged when you don’t experience results. Though there
It’s okay to experiment and decide what works best for you, but just
are many ways to get the results you’re after, our first piece of advice
make sure you don’t skip your free meal or free meal day. Some people
is to have patience and give the Better Body System time to work on
take a full binge day, while others will have a high protein breakfast,
your body. Some bodies respond faster and more dramatically than
drink some Passion, and finish the day with a Free Meal. If you’ve been
others. Give it time, and don’t be discouraged if your results are not
on the BBS for a few months and you’re hitting a plateau, you can try
as fast as others.
every other week, but generally, you will not gain any weight from a
Check your food for hidden carbohydrates, which will stall your Free Meal. Just remember, it’s just one day. If you have leftovers from
progress on the Better Body System. Most protein bars may have a restaurant that don’t fit your plan for the following day, toss them.
a good dose of protein, but they’re overloaded with carbs. Just
because something says “high protein” does not mean it’s also low
in carbohydrates. Be sure to read the BACK of the label, not just the How do I maximize my metabolic and hormonal benefits without
front. If the label says the item contains 15 grams of carbohydrates interfering with my weight loss goals on my free day?
or more per serving, avoid it. You should also make sure that you’re
There are a few tricks to maximizing the benefits of your Free Meal.
getting enough sleep. Many people don’t get 8 hours of sleep every
night, but sleep is a vitally important role in the weight loss process 1. Just like on regular days, make your first meal of the day high in
because your body needs time to recover. Sleep is part of creating protein. Adding some fiber will help decrease your appetite for
optimal health, which is the ultimate goal of the BBS. the rest of the day.
Finally, make sure you are drinking enough water. It is crucial that you 2. Get some fruit in your body. Grapefruit is ideal, but other fruits
consume half of your weight in ounces of water each day. It’s very will work as well. If you have Passion with your grapefruit, it will
difficult for the body to differentiate hunger from thirst. If you don’t extend the stimulant effect and give you a bonus thermogenic
drink enough water throughout the day, you may mistake thirst for boost during the day (the naringin in grapefruit extends the
hunger and eat more than you really need, which can also impair thermogenic effect of Passion).
weight loss.
3. Double up your doses of Pure and Alkalete.

4. Drink Truth and Fun all day with an additional squeeze of lemon
How do I get back on track when I’ve gotten off-track for a few days? or lime.

We know that sometimes life gets in the way and you fall off-track. If 5. All of the above will help, but remember on your Free Meal
you’ve had a few more Free Meals than you should have, don’t get anything goes, so enjoy it!
discouraged! Your body can make up for it. The best way to get back on
track is to simply start the week over with two Orange Days in a row. Get
back on the cycle as soon as possible, and your progress will continue.

BBS 53
FAQs & Do you need Yoli Nutritional Supplements?

Advanced Tips Yes! The products in this kit are scientifically and specifically designed
to support your body during this process and begin a healthier lifestyle.

Yoli supplements are some Yoli supplements are some of the highest quality on the market and
backed by the latest science and research. Our diets can lack a lot of
of the highest quality on the the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients we need to live a life of optimal

market and backed by the health. Because of this, it’s important that you use outside sources,
such as supplements, to make sure your body is getting the proper
latest science and research. fuel it needs to function properly. Remember, it’s always important to
consult your doctor before starting something new.

Better Body System Tips for Maximum Results:

Can I drink alcohol on the BBS?
1. Avoid white carbs (such as white bread), as they contain processed
sugars and refined grains, which strips them of their nutrients. The liver’s priority is to detoxify alcohol before processing anything
else. Drinking slows down the burning of fat, which leads to weight
2. Don’t drink your carbs. Most beverages are loaded with sugars,
gain. Abstaining from alcohol during your transformation will enhance
carbs, preservatives, and artificial ingredients. Replace these with
results. However, we understand that there may be times you want to
Yoli products or water.
celebrate. If you are going to drink, try to keep it to one or two.
3. Be sure to take your Free Meal.
If you do decide to drink alcohol, here are some recommended
4. Make sure that you are getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. alcoholic beverages:

5. Try to get a full eight hours of sleep every night. Low-carb beer
Low-carb seltzer
6. Supplement with additional Yoli products as needed.
Tequila and Yoli Fun
7. Select higher quality or organic, wild-caught proteins when possible. Vodka and a Yoli powder mix with water

Advanced Balanced Body Suggestions: PRO TIP

1. When you have cravings, drink a glass of water, eat more protein,
or enjoy an extra YES. If you feel hungry often, you’re not eating Yoli Cheers is a great way to enjoy a healthy
enough, so eat more protein. It’s okay to feel hungry in between happy hour in an evening elixir made from
meals or shakes, but don’t go more than three hours between whole-plant essences, wildcrafted, and gently
meals. If you don’t feel like you’re satisfying your hunger with extracted to protect the life of the ingredients.
your protein snacks, increase the size of your portions. This is
especially important if you’re becoming more active because Avoid wine, daiquiris, margaritas, and full‑calorie
your body is going to need more food to fuel your metabolism drinks that contain lots of sugar.
and maintain your lean body mass.

2. If you suffer from an eating disorder, thyroid condition, diabetes, heart

disease, kidney problems, or any other medical conditions, talk to
your doctor before starting this program. It’s critical that you become
totally educated about your condition before starting something new.

BBS 55
2080 South Industrial Road, Suite B
Salt Lake City, UT 84104 | Toll Free 888-295-9009
©2021, Yoli, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


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