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UNIT 18 - Organization of Tissues

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. Smooth muscles occur in ….
a. uterus b artery c. vein d. All of the above.
2. Nerve cell does not contain ….
a. axon b. nerve endings c. tendons d. dendrites

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. Epithelial cells with cilia are found trachea of wind-pipe in of our body.
2. Lining of small intestine is made up of Columnar Epithelial cells.
III. State whether true or false. If false, correct the statement.
1. Epithelial tissue is protective tissue in animal body (TRUE).
2. Bone and cartilage are two types of areolar supportive connective tissues (FALSE).
IV. Answer briefly.
1. Mention the most abundant muscular tissue found in our body. State its function.
➢ Skeletal muscle.
➢ These muscles are attached to the bones and are responsible for the body movements.
2. What is skeletal connective tissue? How is it helpful in the functioning of our body?
➢ The supporting or skeletal connective tissues forms the endoskeleton of the vertebrate body
➢ They protect various organs and help in locomotion.
➢ The supportive tissues include cartilage and bone.
3. Why should gametes be produced by meiosis during sexual reproduction?
➢ The constant number of chromosomes in a given species is maintained by meiotic division.
➢ Hence, gametes should be produced by meiosis during sexual reproduction
VI. Answer in detail.
1. List out the differences between mitosis and meiosis.

VII. Higher Order Thinking Skills.

1. What is the consequence that occur if all blood platelets are removed from the blood?
➢ If all blood platelets are removed from the blood it will result in continuous bleeding leading to
severe blood loss.
1. Which are not true cells in the blood? Why?
➢ Platelets are not true cells in the blood.
➢ REASON 1: They do not have nucleus
➢ REASON 2: Platelets are merely cell fragments fragile fragments of giant bone marrow called
mega karyocytes.

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