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Person 1: Hello friends, how are you?

Person 2: Hi, I'm fine, thanks. How are you?

Person 3: Good morning, how are you?

Person 1: I'm fine thanks. I was thinking about a task that I have to do.

Person 2: What is it, how can we help you.

Person 3: Sure, no problem. What do you want to know?

Person 1: I would like to know about a typical week in the life of your family. Could you tell me
how often you do certain activities?

Person 2: Typical week for two members of your family?

Person 3: My brother studies from Monday to Friday in the morning and goes to the library in
the afternoon. It also has practices on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

Person 2: My father works Monday to Friday from 9 to 6 and goes to the gym on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday.

Person 1: Anything else

Person 2: My sister has a study group on Wednesday nights and works at a coffee shop on
Saturday mornings.

Person 3: My father reads before bed during the week and watches a football game on Sunday

Person 1: Great, thank you very much for your support.

Person 2: is that all? I'm glad

Person 3: That's great, I liked helping you with your work.

Person 1: I really appreciate this information.

Person 2: No problem, we are always here to help each other.

Person 1: Thanks again for your help.

Person 3: You're welcome! If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask.

Person 2: ok, see you later

Person 1: yes, well bye

Person 3: anyway, have a nice day

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