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Ethics and Psychology

Ethical Judgments and Moral Judgments

Rodrigo Muciño Flores

Identify whether the following judgments are ethical or moral by writing an "E"
or an "M" in the corresponding box in the first column.

Upload your activity to Canvas (1 per team) with the name "Act2_team (e.g.

E 1. Everyone deserves to enjoy all their rights.

E 2. No one should be discriminated against based on sexual preference,
gender identity or sexual characteristics.
M 3. The poor are poor because they are lazy.
M 4. Bullfighting should be maintained because it’s art and tradition.
M 5. She was raped because she was wearing provocative clothing.
M 6. Corporate social responsibility consists of maximizing the investors'
M 7. Homosexuality is unnatural.
E 8. Corruption is unacceptable, since private benefits, such as the
enrichment of politicians or businessmen who collude with them,
should not be obtained by using public goods, such as resources
obtained from taxes.
M 9. Corruption in Mexico is a cultural thing.
M 10. Raggaeton is bad because it talks about sex.
E 11. Those who earn more should pay more taxes.
E 12. We must tackle climate change and the environmental crisis, as
future generations deserve to have a healthy environment and enjoy
natural resources.
E 13. Each person should do what makes them happy as long as they do
not harm anyone else or commit an injustice.
M 14. “I will wear a mask when there is no corruption" - AMLO's
(president of Mexico) answer to the question of when he would
wear a mask.
E 15. "AMLO's Mexico still suffers the symptoms of a narco-state" -
Ricardo Raphael, journalist, in an article published in the
Washington Post, in response to President López Obrador's
statement that during the government of Felipe Calderón we lived in
a narco-state.
M 16. "Put your leg down! You are showing too much leg (...) I married
you for myself, not for you to go around showing off". - Comment
by Samuel García, governor of Nuevo León, to his wife, during a
live broadcast on YouTube.
M 17. Greta Thunberg, the Swedish activist against climate change and the
environmental crisis, does not deserve credibility because she is a
child, who also suffers from Asperger's syndrome.

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