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Max. Time: an hour max. Marks: 25


1. The chlorophyll in photosynthesis is used for
a) Absorbing light
b) Breaking down water molecule
c) No function
d) Reduction of CO 2
2. The growth of tendrils in pea plant is due to ____.
a) effect of gravity
b) effect of chemicals
c) rapid cell divisions in tendriller cells that are away from support
d) rapid cell division in tendriller cells in contact with the support
3. Fruits are formed from
a) Stamen
b) Stigma
c) Ovary
d) Ovule
4. Lipase acts on
a) Amino acids
b) Fats
c) Carbohydrates
d) All of these
5. In a synapse chemical signal is transmitted from ______.
a) from dendrite of one neuron to axonal end of other neuron
b) axon to cell body of same neuron
c) cell body to axonal end of same neuron
d) axonal end of one neuron to dendrite of another neuron
6. Which one is a possible progeny in F2 generation of pure bred tall
plant with round seed and short plant with wrinkled seeds?
a) Tall plant with round seeds
b) Tall plant with wrinkled seeds
c) Short plant with round seed
d) All of the above
7. Respiratory pigment in human body is
a) Chlorophyll
b) Water
c) Blood
d) haemoglobin
8. Growing foetus derive nutrition from mother’s blood through
a) Uterus
b) Fallopian tube
c) Placenta
d) Cervix
9. Which is not true about brain:
a) there are lobes in fore brain
b) Centres of hearing, smell, memory are located in fore brain
c) Involuntary actions are controlled by medulla in hind brain
d) Cerebellum does not control postures
10. Which of the following is not a direct conclusion that can be drawn
from Mendel’s Experiment?
a) Only one parental trait is expressed
b) Two copies of each trait is inherited in sexually reproducing organism
c) For recessive trait to be expressed, both copies should be identical
d) Natural selection can alter frequency of an inherited trait.


11. Complete the following flow chart as per the given instructions.

12. (a) Draw a neat diagram of a neuron and label (i) dendrite and (ii) axon.
(b) Which part of the human brain is:
(i) the main thinking part of the brain?
(ii) responsible for maintaining the posture and balance of the body?
13. Name the plant Mendel used for his experiment. What type of progeny
was obtained by Mendel in F1 and F2 generations when he crossed the
tall and short plants? Write the ratio he obtained in F2 generation plants.


14. Define the term pollination. Differentiate between self-pollination and
cross-pollination. What is the significance of pollination?
15. Name the parts A, B and C shown in the following diagram and state one
function of each.

16. (a) Write difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

(b) Draw a flow chart to show the breakdown of glucose by various
17. (a) Name the hormone which is released into the blood when its sugar
level rises. Explain the need of Chemical communication in multicellular
organisms the organ which produces this hormone and its effect on blood
sugar level. Also mention the digestive enzymes secreted by this organ
with one function of each.
(b) Explain the need of Chemical communication in multicellular
Draw a diagram of human female reproductive system and label the part
(i) that produces eggs
(ii) where fusion of egg and sperm takes place
(iii) where zygote is implanted.
What happens to human egg when it is not fertilised?

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