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Lets talk about abortion

Abortion is a deeply controversial and complex issue. Should Despite advances in medicine and
technology, as well as social transformations around women's autonomy, opinions vary widely. On
the one hand, there are those who strongly defend a woman's right to make decisions about her
own body, arguing that, although the fetus has the potential to become a human life, it is the
woman who should have the final say on whether to continue or terminate her pregnancy. Would
On the other hand, there are those who argue that life begins at the moment of conception and,
regardless of individual desires and circumstances, abortion is tantamount to the termination of a
human life. However, even among those who oppose abortion, some may be in favor of allowing
abortion in extreme cases, such as when the mother's life is in danger or in situations of rape.
Could Also, it is important to consider the social and public health implications. Despite the
legalization of abortion in many places, restrictions and lack of access to safe services can lead to
unsafe abortions and put women's health and lives at risk. Although restrictive policies also seek
to protect fetal life, in practice, they can have a negative impact on women's health and well-
being. While some countries have liberal laws that allow access to abortion in a variety of
circumstances, in practice, they can have a should impact on women's health and well-being.

The issue of abortion is highly debated in society, because it involves fundamental questions of
rights and ethics. In my opinion, it should be legalized in certain cases, such as unwanted
pregnancies or risks to the mother's health, because it respects women's autonomy and
guarantees their access to safe medical care. However, it is also important to consider the beliefs
of those who oppose abortion, because for some people, the protection of the right to life from
conception is a fundamental conviction. In short, the abortion debate should continue, because
society must find a balance that protects both women's reproductive rights and the ethical
concerns of the community.

El aborto es un tema controvertido porque involucra cuestiones éticas, médicas y sociales. Debería
ser abordado con sensibilidad y cuidado, ya que afecta la vida de las mujeres y sus derechos
reproductivos. Por un lado, algunas personas argumentan que debería ser legalizado para
garantizar la seguridad de las mujeres que optan por interrumpir un embarazo no deseado. Por
otro lado, hay quienes sostienen que no debería ser permitido, ya que creen en la protección del
derecho a la vida del feto desde la concepción. La discusión sobre el aborto seguirá siendo
relevante en la sociedad debido a estas diferencias de opinión, y es esencial encontrar un
equilibrio que respete tanto la autonomía de las mujeres como la consideración de los valores
éticos y morales de la sociedad.

Karol lisseth Méndez Cajamarca

Mellisa hurtado chitiva


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