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Torion,Aleizza Zsanelle E. Dec.

15, 2023

Grade 10-Einstein


Abortion is a highly debated topic that has been the center of attention for many years. It is
the termination of pregnancy by removing the fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the
uterus. Some people argue that abortion is a woman's right to choose, while others believe it is
morally wrong and should be illegal.

Those who support abortion argue that it is a woman's right to choose what happens to her
body. They believe that a woman should have the right to make decisions about her own health
and well-being, and that the government should not interfere with these decisions.
Furthermore, they argue that making abortion illegal would force women to seek unsafe and
illegal abortions, which can lead to serious health complications and even death.

On the other hand, those who oppose abortion argue that it is morally wrong and goes against
the sanctity of life. They believe that life begins at conception, and that terminating a
pregnancy is equivalent to taking a human life. Furthermore, they argue that there are
alternative options available, such as adoption, that allow women to give birth to their child
without having to raise it themselves.

However, it is important to note that not all pregnancies are the same, and there are situations
where abortion may be necessary. For example, in cases where the mother's life is at risk, or
when the fetus has a severe abnormality that is incompatible with life. In these situations,
abortion may be the only option available to save the mother's life or prevent the fetus from

Some opponents of abortion argue that women who choose to have sex should be responsible
for the consequences of their actions and should not be allowed to have an abortion. However,
this argument fails to take into account situations such as rape or incest, where the woman did
not choose to have sex. Furthermore, it places the burden of responsibility solely on the
woman, ignoring the role of the male partner in the pregnancy.

In conclusion, the debate over abortion is complex and multifaceted. While some argue that it
is a woman's right to choose, others believe that it is morally wrong and goes against the
sanctity of life. However, it is important to consider the individual circumstances of each
pregnancy and to provide women with access to safe and legal abortions when necessary.
Ultimately, the decision to have an abortion should be left up to the woman, in consultation
with her doctor and based on her own personal beliefs and circumstances.

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