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week 2 verified answers 100%

What do microsoft softwares offer? ( 5 things) - correct answer 1. office

2. wndows

3. collaborations (skype, teams, etc)

4. private cloud and servers

5. hardwares and accessories (keyboard, mouse, etc)

Who is CDWs leading software partners? - correct answer microsoft

What is windows/ what does it offer? - correct answer it is an operating system where you can further
download apps and softwares

name some differences between office 2019 and office 365 - correct answer Office 2019 is a single
purchase with no updates, no cloud storage, no tech support. office 365 is a subscription with cloud
storage and automatic updates.

What is perpetual buying? - correct answer a one time purchase rather than a subscription

what are the two types of perpetual buying programs Adobe uses? - correct answer TLP (traditional
licensing program and CLP (cumulative licensing program)

Whats the difference between TLP ad CLP - correct answer Traditional: each order is separate, no
minimum amount required, normally utilized by small businesses

Cumulative: uses contracts based on larger quantities, normally used by corporate accounts

box softwares use _______ licensing - correct answer perpetual

describe the cloud - correct answer a software service where one can store data. you do not have to
download these softwares directly to your device
is the cloud considered a product, service, or both - correct answer service (Saas)

what is Bios - correct answer Basic Input Output System

It is a separate component of the computer which loads the operating system and other necessary
modules for the computer into memory

what are two ways to CONSUME software? - correct answer on premises vs the cloud

which company budget is used for on premises software systems - correct answer CapEx (capital

Which company budget is used for cloud services - correct answer OpEx (operational expenditure

name some examples of software systems - correct answer windows / office 365/ apple ios / citrix

what are the two types of softwares? - correct answer systems and application

systems softwares enable computers to function. name two examples - correct answer apple ios,
android, windows etc

name some benefits of software assurance - correct answer 24/7 support, new version rights, roaming
rights, payment options, planning services, upgrades, multilanguage pack, etc

what type of client would benefit from software assurance - correct answer small companies, people
looking to upgrade every 2-3 years

name examples of application softwares - correct answer OFFICE 365, ppt, word, google docs, etc

cloud is __aas - correct answer Saas , software as a system

what is a license - correct answer the rights to use a software and services

name the four things (for lack of a better word) that require a license - correct answer 1. operating

2. client applications

3. server applications

4. users or devices accessing the server

name two ways to CONSUME software - correct answer on premises and the cloud

name two benefits for perpetual licensing - correct answer avoid pay increase (like netflix) and client
feels more control and security (whether its real or not)

name some differences between creative cloud for teams and creative cloud enterprise - correct answer
teams: 24 7 tech support, 1 on 1 support with tech for 2 years

enterprise: priority tech support, 1 on 1 convos with tech unlimited

Saas benefits for MANAGERS - correct answer licenses can be rearranged

low upfront cost

expert consults for staff (IT)

Saas benefits for IT - correct answer flexible deployment

extra tech support

powerful data security

Saas benefits for END USER - correct answer upgrades/latest tools, apps

easy collaboration/ shared library

easy mobile use/ on the go

name 3 Saas business drivers - correct answer 1. flexible-development, future scale

2. financial- eliminate cost, no upfront, freedom of commitment

3. strategy- focus more on organization, access updates, tech support avalable

name 2 benefits for SELLERS - correct answer 1. continuous business ("stickiness")

2. annuity stream

be able to enter new clients / accounts - correct answer 1. enter organization name and phone (NOT
contact phone)

2. organization address

3. attn to = accounts payable

4.account code USA // business

5. account type

etc ......

accounts with different numbers means... - correct answer different addresses, always use account '0'

difference between tasks and objectives - correct answer tasks are calls, meetings, presentations/ daily
or weeklt "to-dos"

objectives are more longterm, possibly quarterly+ goals

what can be found in cdw VAULT - correct answer resources and success stories within cdw

be able to name a few networking trends named in benchprep - correct answer optimized wired and

advanced switches

WAN optimization

full proof network

ioT (internet of thigs)

resiliency & flexibility

what business issues are solved with networking - correct answer 1. minimize costly downtime

2. connected workforce

3. agile infrastructure

4. adapt in real time

5. simplify management

6. improve productivity

what is a NIC - correct answer connects a node to a network with a cable (network interface card)

describe a swich - correct answer filters and forwards data within a LAN

node - correct answer network operating device (includes all the endpoints)

LAN - correct answer Local Area Network

Soho - correct answer small office/home office

who is likely to use an enterprise network - correct answer larger companies

WAN stands for.. - correct answer wide area network

a managed switch is configured in a way that (can/cannot) be changed - correct answer can

what is a benefit to a managed switch - correct answer greater control of data flow

can be configured

an unmanaged switch configuration (can/cannot) be changed - correct answer cannot, it comes with a
standard configuration
a core switch is considered to be the ___________ of a networks success - correct answer "backbone"
but basically just know it's important

access/ edge switch connects ____________ - correct answer client devices such as a desktop and

a(n) _______ switch can plug into a core switch - correct answer access/edge

How many megabytes in a gigabyte? - correct answer 1000

If a network speed is like having one lane of traffic (bottleneck effect), what would bandwidth do (in the
analogY) - correct answer add more lanes, thus distributing more data faster

what are four characteristics of cables? - correct answer 1. cable type

2. connector type (on both ends of the cable)

3. length of cable

4. color of cable (for organization purposes)

fiberoptic cables offer more_____ than copper cables - correct answer badwidth

Why are fiber optic wires used for data transmission instead of copper wire? - correct answer fiber optics
are lighter, thinner, more durable. they cost more initially, but cost less to maintain

a router connects ______(number) lines between networks - correct answer 2 or more. a SWITCH
connects datalines from a single network

802.11 is also known as - correct answer wifi

TCP/IP - correct answer Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. Common protocol for LANs and the
define a protocol - correct answer A standard set of rules defined for communications

name the 4 volume licensing agreement differentiators - correct answer agreement length (1-3 years)

payment options (upfront, annually, split)

agreement structure (software assurance, perpetual vs nonperpetual)

orders volume and price (number of devices, number of users)

what are two types of open agreements - correct answer open (also open license), and open value

types of microsoft licenses: license only, _________, and ___________. - correct answer license and
assurance, assurance. ***When buying assurance it must be a renewal and CANNOT be added to a
previously purchased license

sales questions during discover process - correct answer -Where is the client in the purchase process

▪Is there a budget in place

▪What vendor standards are in place

▪What is the call to action/need for this project

▪Can CDW meet the requirements

sales questions during qualify process - correct answer What are the process, lead time and funding

▪Who is the competition

▪Who are the key stakeholders and decision makers ▪What is our level of sponsorship inside, can CDW
impact decision process

▪What is my contacts buying style

sales questions during propose phase of the process - correct answer What is the need behind the need

▪What is the ROI analysis on customer internal costs and most significant pain points

▪Proof of concept: what does the customer think about the solution, how does it work in their
environment, what did the end user think
▪Does the solution fit, does it solve their business challenge

▪Does the customer recognize that we have ability to go beyond the call of duty and then some ▪What do
they need to hear or see in order to make a decision, how can we present this

T/F Software is applications, programs, operating systems and other operating information used by a
computer and related devices - correct answer true

T/F Software as a service (SaaS) is when a customer does not own the software but instead leases the
applications that exist on someone else's servers - correct answer true

T/F Perpetual software is delivered on demand over a network, including over the internet - correct
answer false

T/F Selling SaaS offers an annuity stream, which means a continuous revenue as long as the customer
stays on the monthly subscription - correct answer true

T/F The most common business drivers of software as a service (SaaS) are financial drivers, strategic
advantage, and increased security - correct answer false, but idk why, it was in the powerpoint..
someone lmk if you see this

T/F Adobe's cumulative licensing program (CLP) is a contract program that is based on larger quantities
and deep discount levels for volume software purchases - correct answer true

SDN - correct answer Software Defined Network

Advantages of software defied networkig - correct answer

2. network management value

what are the 3 P's - correct answer person product potential

social engineering - correct answer a method of intrusion that relies on manipulating huma behavior
spoofing/ phishing - correct answer the practice of sending emails that appear to be from a reputable
source with the goal of gaining private information

pharming - correct answer goal is to gain information, but with link bait

malware - correct answer a malicious code spread through email, IM, other websites, that has quiet

adware - correct answer unauthorized pop up ads

DDOS - correct answer Distributed Denial of Service (an attack that overwhelms a system with attacks
until it is forced to shut down)

SPAM - correct answer junk mail

spyware - correct answer software security in a computer downloaded secretly to gain info on the user/
change computer settings

virus - correct answer spreads on its own throughout a system to damage, corrupt, or erase

VPN - correct answer virtual private network that allows users to securely connect to an organization's
private user from anywhere in the world

Statistical Analysis - correct answer Using data collected to determine the strength of a relationship that
may exist between two or more variables

Intrusion Detection System - correct answer a computer program that senses when another computer is
attempting to scan or access a computer or network
Data loss prevention - correct answer software which works like antivirus programs in reverse, blocking
outgoing messages that contain key words or phrases associated with intellectual property or other
sensitive data the organization wants to protect

data breach - correct answer occurs when an organization loses control over its information to
outsiders ... can be intentional or unitentional

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) - correct answer a sophisticated, possibly long-running computer hack
that is perpetrated by large, well-funded organizations such as governments

security policies should be (4) - correct answer 1. comprehensive

2. flexible

3. practical and enforceable

4. include regular risk assessment

effective security has a good mix of ____, ______, and _______ - correct answer hardware, software,
and services

be able to name a few of the 6 layers of security solutions - correct answer 1. encryption

2. firewall

3. endpoint security

4. intrusion detection

5. VPN

6. Data loss prevention

differences in Traditional vs Next Gen Firewalls - correct answer next gen monitors ALL ports, and does
not automatically assume which protocols are used

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