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____18. It is advised by the FNRI to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.

NAME:_____________________________________________ SCORE: _____________ ____19. In the acronym F.I.T.T., Time refers to how long do you do your exercise session in a day.

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet ____20. It is Healthy to smoke cigarette, consume alcohol and have a sedentary lifestyle.

Numbers 1-10: Identify the activity that best suite each Fitness Components. Numbers: 21-30: Solve the following. Show your solution.
____1. Cardiovascular Endurance
a. Zipper Test b. Planking c. 3-mini Step Test d. BMI 21-25: Jan is Overweight. He is 1.5 meters tall and weighs 100 kilograms. What is Jan’s BMI?
____2. Muscular Strength
a. Sit and Reach b. Push-Up c. 3-mini Step Test d. Juggling
____3. Flexibility
a. Zipper Test b. Push-Up c. Standing Long Jump d. BMI
____4. Body Composition
a. Zipper Test b. Sit-Up c. 50m Sprint d. BMI
____5. Flexibility
a. Pen Drop b. Push-Up c. Standing Long Jump d. Sit and Reach
____6. Agility
a. Pen Drop b. One Leg Stand c. Shuttle Run d. Sit and Reach
____7. Balance
a. Pen Drop b. One Leg Stand c. Standing Long Jump d. Sit and Reach
____8. Coordination
a. Pen Drop b. Push-Up c. BMI d. Juggling
____9. Power
a. Pen Drop b. Planking c. Standing Long Jump d. Sit and Reach
____10. Speed 26-30: Jan is 20 years old. His PMHR is 200bpm. Solve for the minimum and maximum heart rate
a. Pen Drop b. Push-Up c. 50m Sprint d. Sit and Reach expected for his age when doing a moderate exercises.

Numbers 11-20: True or False: Write only T and F as your answers.

____11. To attain optimal health, it is important to reduce the risk factors that can cause diseases and
premature death.

____12. For BMI, 18.5 kg/m2 - 24.9 kg/m2 is classified as Overweight.

____13. Weight Gain: more food intake but more physical exertion.

____14. NCD’s are diseases that are acquired because of sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle.

____15. Age can never be a variable in achieving a healthy lifestyle.

____16. Intensity is about how often you do your exercises.

____17. Fats and oils is placed at the bottom of the food pyramid.

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