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NIM : P1337420423013


Vital signs are a number of measurements that are important for monitoring a person's basic body
functions. It is an important indicator of health and helps doctors and nurses in assessing the
patient's condition. The main vital signs include:

1. Respiratory Rate (Frekuensi Pernapasan):

- It is the number of breaths per minute.
- It is measured by counting the number of breaths taken in one minute.

2. Body Temperature (Suhu Tubuh):

- It is a measurement of a person's body temperature.
- It can be measured using a thermometer, either orally, in the ear, rectally, or on the

3. Blood Pressure (Tekanan Darah):

- Blood pressure is a measurement of the pressure generated by the flow of blood through
- It consists of two numbers: systolic pressure (pressure when the heart contracts) and
diastolic pressure (pressure when the heart is at rest).
- It is commonly noted in millimeters of mercury (mmHg), for example, 120/80 mmHg.

4. Heart Rate (Denyut Jantung):

- It is the number of heartbeats per minute.
- It can be measured by palpating the pulse in an artery (usually at the wrist or neck) or
by using instruments like a stethoscope or heart rate monitor.

5. Oxygen Saturation (Saturasi Oksigen):

- It is the percentage of oxygen in the blood.
- It is measured using a device called a pulse oximeter, typically placed on a finger or
another suitable part of the body.
To perform these vital sign measure correctly, here are some important techniques:
- Respiratory Rate

Observe the movement of the chest or abdomen

of the patient for one minute or count the breaths
for 30 seconds and multiply by 2.

- Body Temperature
Use a thermometer following the manufacturer's instructions.
Place the thermometer in an appropriate location, such as the
mouth, ear, rectum, or forehead.

- Blood pressure
Use a thermometer following the manufacturer's instructions. Place
the thermometer in an appropriate location, such as the mouth, ear,
rectum, or forehead.

- Heart Rate
Use a stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat in the
chest area, typically around the heart or at the wrist.

- Oxygen Saturation
Place the pulse oximeter on the patient's finger or
another suitable body part according to the
manufacturer's instructions

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