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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Production Engineering
of Semester-I of Savitribai Phule Pune University

Submitted by
Baig Mohammed Kaif

Kartik Manoj Kharche

Under the guidance of

Principal Dr. K. N. Nandurkar

Department of Production Engineering

K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research


(2022 – 2023)


Department of Production Engineering

K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research


The project phase-1 report entitled “Study Of Kanban In Supply Chain Management”
submitted by,

Baig Mohammed Kaif

Kartik Manoj Kharche

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Production Engineering of

Semester-I of Savitribai Phule Pune University, may be accepted.

Dr. K. N. Nandurkar Prof. (Dr.) P. J. Pawar Prof. (Dr.) K. N. Nandurkar

(Project Guide) (H. O. D) (Principal)





Apart from effort taken by us, the success of this report depends largely on the
guidance and encouragement of many others. We take this opportunity to
express us gratitude to the faculties of Production Engineering who have been
instrumental in the successful completion of this report.

We deem it’s our duty to place our sincere admiration and heart-felt gratitude to
our guide Principal Dr. K. N. Nandurakar, for having effectively guided
and supervised throughout this project by imparting his erudite knowledge and
personalized guidance blended with his exemplary patience and encouragement.

We would like to thank our beloved Head of Department Prof. (Dr.) P. J.

Pawar and with profound gratitude our Principal of the institute Prof. (Dr.) K.
N. Nandurkar for having provided facilities to carry out this project.

We shall be failing in our duty if we do not thank all teaching, non-teaching

staff of our Department. And friends for having morally supported us while
doing this project.

Baig Mohammed Kaif

Kartik Manoj Kharche


Supply chain management is a critical aspect of conducting any business. In this

report, we provide an overview of the advancements in supply chain
management and in kanban process . In the initial section, we present
alternative definitions and key issues related to supply chain management
followed by a discussion of complexities associated with management of
inventory Finally, a brief summary of research activity to date and a discussion
of future challenges related to kanban process in supply chain management are

Electronic Kanban production system (E-Kanban), which is the logical

continuation of the classic traditional Kanban system with cards, E-Kanban has
several advantages over traditional Kanban system with cards, such as: better
transparency, traceability of all movements in the system, and E-Kanban can
work with a greater number of materials.



Cover page i

Certificate ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv

List of figures vii

List of Table viii


1.1 Inventory Management 1

1.2 What is Kanban 2

1.3 Kanban Card 3

1.4 Kanban Board 4

1.5 Electronic Kanban System 5

1.6 Project Objective 6


2.1 Literature Summary 8

2.2 Identification of Gap in Literature 8


3.1 Introduction to Company 9

4.1 Traditional Kanban 11

4.2 Explanation on Kanban Methodology 12

4.2.2 Advantages of Kanban Methodology 15

4.2.3 Limitation of Traditional Kanban 16

4.3 Electronic Kanban Methodology 16

4.3.1 Electronic Kanban Feature 18

4.4 Automation of Kanban 18


Critical Success Factor 21

Spaghetti Chart 23

Barcode Generation 25


5.1 Efficiency 27

5.1.1 Limitation of Traditional Kanban 27

5.2 Increase Process with E-Kanban 28


Conclusion 30

Reference 31



Fig 1.1 Traditional Kanban Card 3

Fig 1.3.1 Kanban Board 4

Fig 4.1.1 Kanban Board Table 12

Fig 4.1.2 Scanning Kanban Card 17

Fig 4.3.1 Kardex Remster 19

Fig 5.1 Kanban Process 20

Fig 5.2 Material picking process 22

Barcode scanning using

Fig 5.3 22
hand scanner

Fig 5.4 Material picking process 23

Fig 5.5 Spaghetti Chart 24

Fig 6.1 Working of E-Kanban 26


Table No Title Page No

Table 2.1 Case study of E-Kanban 7

Table 5.1 Critical Success Factor 21

Table 5.2 Time for Picking 28

Table 5.3 Barcode Generation

Comparison of Kanban
Table 6.1 27
And E-Kanban

Table 7.1 Gantt Chart 29



Supply chain management is the handling of the entire production flow of a

good or service — starting from the raw components all the way to delivering
the final product to the consumer. A company creates a network of suppliers
(“links” in the chain) that move the product along from the suppliers of raw
materials to those organizations that deal directly with users. Supply-chain
management is a cross-functional approach that includes managing the
movement of raw materials into an organization, certain aspects of the internal
processing of materials into finished goods, and the movement of finished
goods out of the organization and toward the end consumer. Supply chain
management is one of the most essential aspects of conducting business. Many
people outside of the direct community (in research and industry) do not realize
this because an ordinary consumer often experiences only its effects. Recall the
times when the item that we want was not available in your favorite garments
or grocery store, how many times we got a great ‘deal’ at the end of the season,
the sudden increases in gas prices due to shortages, the times when your e-
commerce site promised availability but later could not send the required
product or sent you the wrong product, or the times when your customized
product (like a personal computer or kitchen cabinet) was delayed to a great
extent. All the above and several other experiences that consumers have on a
routine basis are direct consequences of supply chain practices followed by
firms. As opposed to businessto-consumer transactions, supply chain practices
have immediate impact on business-to-business transactions. Supply chain
management is the handling of the entire production flow of a good or service
starting from the raw components all the way to delivering the final product to
the consumer. A company creates a network of suppliers (“links” in the chain)
that move the product along from the suppliers of raw materials to those
organizations that deal directly with users. [1]
1.1 Inventory Management
Inventory Management is a critical element of the supply chain, is the tracking
of inventory from manufacturers to warehouses and from these facilities to a
point of sale. The goal of inventory management is to have the right products in
the right place at the right time. Inventory can be a company’s most important

Inventory management is where all the elements of the supply chain converge.
Too little inventory when and where it's needed can create unhappy customers.
But a large inventory has its own liabilities — the cost to store and insure it, and
the risk of spoilage, theft and damage. Companies with complex supply chains
and manufacturing processes must find the right balance between having too
much inventory on hand or not enough.

In today’s dynamic business and technology environment, organisations are

continuously adapting their structures, strategies and policies in response to
new demands. Operational costs are reduced and time-to-market is made
shorter by increasing productivity. Lean approach has had a major impact on
the competitiveness of organizations through improvements in their process
efficiency, and a reduction in their operational waste. Today, Lean is used in
most global industries and virtually in all organizational sectors One of the
presented Lean tools is the Kanban approach to managing production
operations Inventory is the goods or materials a business intends to sell to
customers for profit. Inventory management, a critical element of the supply
chain, is the tracking of inventory from manufacturers to warehouses and from
these facilities to a point of sale. The goal of inventory management is to have
the right products in the right place at the right time.In recent years, Kanban
has become more popular in industries. Kanban approach is the most recent
addition to the agile and Lean production. A strong practitioner-driven

movement supporting the idea of using Kanban in electronic way has emerged.

1.2 What is Kanban ?

Kanban is a popular Lean workflow management method for defining,

managing, and improving services that deliver knowledge work. It helps you
visualize work, maximize efficiency, and improve continuously. Work is
represented on Kanban boards, allowing you to optimize work delivery across
multiple teams and handle even the most complex projects in a single
environment [3].

Kanban the word that is related to Japanese it means it is an sign board or as

well it will also be an bill board these type of scheduling system developed in
Toyota automobile manufacturing system and these system will be introduced
by an industrial engineer Taichi ohno the idea of his concern is to improve the
manufacturing efficiency with in the internal and as well as all over the
production system. Sometimes these kanban will also be called as Toyoto name
plate particularly in respect of automobile sector so, while production of large
quantity or manufacturing of a materials there will be an some ambiguity in
between the process and if any alteration in between the stages of these
production we will enable to loss and waste our resource. [4]

A Kanban system ideally controls the entire value chain from the supplier to the
end consumer. In this way, it helps avoid supply disruption and overstocking of
goods at various stages of the manufacturing process. Kanban requires
continuous monitoring of the process. Particular attention needs to be given to
avoid bottlenecks that could slow down the production process. The aim is to
achieve higher throughput with lower delivery lead times. Over time, Kanban
has become an efficient way in variety of production systems [5].

1.3 Kanban Card

Kanban card is visual representation of work item Kanban card is one of the
most essential element in the overall kanban system it plays on major role. A
Kanban card contains valuable information about the task and its status, such as
a summary of the assignment, responsible person, deadline, etc.

Fig 1.1 Traditional kanban card

Kanban cards are mainly used for visualizing your assignments' progress from
the moment they're requested to the moment they're considered done. They aim
to "radiate" information for a single work item so teams can stay on the same
page and quickly spot work issues. With the help of Kanban cards, you can:

• Build an information hub for work assignments.

• Reduce the need for status-update meetings.

• Improve the overall transparency of the work process.

An essential aspect is that the number of Kanban cards in progress on the
board should be limited. This way, you will avoid context switching and
productivity issues. [6]

1.4 Kanban Board

The term 'Kanban' was originally conceived by the Japanese car manufacturer
Toyota. It literally means “visual sign” or “visual card”. Back in the 1940s,
when Toyota used Kanban for the first time, the cards were in the form of paper
notes pinned on a physical board (Kanban board). Toyota workers used the
kanban card system to create a transparent work process and reduce production

waste.A kanban board is an Agile project management tool that uses visual
components and specific delivery points to help you plan your work, track
progress and maximize efficiency.we can create a physical kanban board by
dividing a whiteboard or blackboard into vertical columns. Label what stage of
the project each column represents and then have team members use color-
coded sticky notes to represent different tasks to be accomplished. These notes
are visual signals that make up your workflow and allow you to track progress.
Using a physical kanban board can work well for smaller teams or for personal
use. Kanban boards use Card, Column, Swimlanes, and WIP Limits to enable
teams to visualize and manage their workflows effectively. Let us introduce
you to the main components more closely [7]

Fig 1.3.1. Kanban Board

1.5 Electronic Kanban System

A traditional kanban system with cards has some limitations, due to the
unproductive work caused by the manipulation of cards, but correctable with a
computerized system . The movement of kanban cards always has some
irregularities, since they are not moved at the exact time that the consumption
of materials , while the pace of manufacturing operations increases and the size
of the production batch, the number of card movements also increases; So cards
are lost or misplaced sometimes, causing immediate problems in just-in-time
production . The kanban system remains difficult to adapt to changes in mixed
production since the cards have to be collected and replaced by new ones . The
most optimal solution is the use of a computerized system such as the
electronic Kanban system which offers many advantages over the traditional
kanban system. This is why many enterprises have installed ERP systems:
enterprise resource planning to improve interactions and communications
between their customers and their suppliers , thus improving the responsiveness
and quality of information, by integrating data and information across the
organization, accelerating response time and making decisions faster. ERP can
be considered as a large software system to link all parts of the business by
encouraging best practices of standardized business processes, following a
Push approach . Lean Manufacturing is one of these best practices focused
mainly on manufacturing, oriented towards a pull approach . This shows a
productive way of seeing the synergy that can emerge from a combination of
the two methodologies, offering a Lean ERP system . Lean ERP includes
database elements, tool sets, and business process changes via a variety of new
modules mainly

Lean, implemented in the ERP system such as :

• Production smoothing;
• Just in time;
• Value stream mapping "VSM";
• Electronic Kanban.

1.6 Project Objective

• The main objective of e-kanban is to implement in place of traditional
Kanban to ingain efficiency in inventory management and to reduces

• Reduction of manual card handling and order entry activities;

• Eliminating the problem of cards lost

• The fast and efficient optimization of kanban cards

• Improved visibility of signals in real time

• Accurate communication with suppliers

• The efficiency of suppliers is always analyzed

• The efficiency of analysis and adjustment of Kanban quantities

• A delivery of the request at the right time

• Minimization of material shortages



In the literature there are several articles that study the traditional Kanban
system in all its aspects, and as far as the electronic Kanban system is
concerned, there are few articles that deal with it, especially those studying the
results of its implementation, gains and limits generated for the enterprise itself
and for its various stakeholders: customers and suppliers. Reason why we
thought to review the literature of different articles that deal with the
implementation of E-Kanban system in their enterprises, and be interested to
its various stakeholders, which has been grouped in the following table:

Table 2.1 Case study of the E-Kanban

From the literature examined, it is evident that the e-Kanban offers a better
solution to the movement of material and information within the organization

than the manual Kanban system. The system offers solutions that improve line
production and makes the process of production more efficient and accurate. It
contrasts the new e-Kanban system from the older manual system. However, it
does not satisfactorily address the impacts of implementing the e-Kanban
system. The next section of this paper discusses the methodology used to gain
the perspective of the e-kanban as part of the information system and supply
chain integration in the focal company.[9]

2.1 Summary
From the previous research paper The first study was carried out for a parts
supplier in the automotive industry which produces a cockpit module for a
Japanese automaker (Suprasith et al., 2011). The work processes were
examined before and after the implementation of E-Kanban system (Suprasith
et al., 2011). After the implementation of E-Kanban, the enterprise was able to
eliminate steps of the traditional Kanban process and reduce the
implementation time, which generated a significant gain in storage costs. The
second study was carried out within Fork Truck at the level of assembly lines,
the installation of E-Kanban system made it possible to automatically update
the Kanban information, optimization of the space of the assembly line,
reduction of stocks of materials in process in the factory, resolution of quality
problems, and cost savings

2.2 Gap in literature

Electronic Kanban has many advantages over the traditional Kanban system,
which has been demonstrated in several studies, hence the choice of two case
studies already realized to see the impact of its installation at the level of the



3.1 Introduction to Company

Epiroc’s history began in 1873 when the company – then called Atlas – was
founded in Stockholm, Sweden. Epiroc and Atlas Copco share their history until
June 18, 2018, when Epiroc was distributed to Atlas Copco's shareholders and
became a stand-alone listed company [10]

Epiroc is a vital part of a sustainable society and a global productivity partner

for mining and infrastructure customers. They develop and provide innovative
and safe equipment, such as drill rigs, rock excavation and construction
equipment and tools for surface and underground applications. They also offer
world-class service and other aftermarket support as well as solutions for
automation, digitalization

10 | P a g e
and electrification. Epiroc is based in Stockholm, Sweden, had revenues of SEK
40 billion in 2021, and has more than 15 500 passionate employees supporting
and collaborating with customers in more than 150 countries. [11]
3.2 Inventory of Company

The inventory of the company compresses of four main sections that is

The project focuses on two inventories of company having to total of 22 Lakh
products there are five lakhs of the common products for which timely delivery
is very essential on the assembly line to meet the timely delivery of product
components. So Kanban is very essential in the system therefore we use
enhance version of e-kanban.

11 | P a g e


The main aim of the dissertation is to study the role of e Kanban in Production
system. The problem faced by a manufacturing company (Oral-B) and how
they overcame it by implementing e-Kanban. The company had most problems
occurring at the packaging section and lost control over the inventory. In such a
situation the management implemented e Kanban and how they got out of the
problem is stated in the following lines. Within the automotive company
(CVG) measures are taken to minimize the logistics and operational issues for
the parts supplier. Implementation of the system has shown the successful
results. And finally, the e-Kanban efforts on a multi stage in order to improve
planning and production and role of e-Kanban size in Just in Time
Manufacturing. In the present business competitive world, many companies
and management institutions rely on the research methodology. It is system of
data collection which is used for very dissertation. The collected may include
theoretical or practical ideas along with operational planning methods which
are conceptualised strategically. Research data and validity should be included
in the research methodology. The finishing of the dissertation is measured by
ethics and reliability.

4.1 Traditional Kanban

Kanban Methodology is incremental but not iterative agile project management

framework which deals with frequently deliver, visualizes workflow, tightly
collaboration, continuous learning, process improvement, controls the work in
progress, just in time development and larger development cycle for a software
product. It is not a software development methodology but it is an approach or
set of ideas to manage and improve the flow of work and teams/organizations
to visualize their works in software development.

12 | P a g e
4.2 Explanation On Kanban Methodology

In Kanban Methodology, it continuously improves the process and the way to

manage the flow of work rather than managing team members and their work.
The team behaves as self-organized as a whole. The team can handles work
with ultimate focus to get higher product quality and a good value to the
customer. In this Kanban Methodology, the total task or work is visualized by
using cards on a board is called Kanban Board i.e. pictorial representation of
your work. That board is visible for the whole team to check how much work
to be pending or how much in progress mode or how much work in complete or
who is focusing on it i.e. it showing the status of the whole team and project.
The Kanban board is updating daily depending upon the status of work
progress by the team. It consists of multicoloured cards, showing a specific
task. [9]

Fig. 4.1.1 Kanban Board Table

13 | P a g e
4.2.1 The Kanban Methodology depends on various principles, such as:

• Visualize Work

• Limit Work in Progress

• Pulling New Work

• Measure and Learn

• Manage the Workflow

• Process improvement

• Working Together

• Deliver with new Ideas

• Just in Time Development

• Welcome to Incremental Change

 Visualize Work

It is the basic principle of the Kanban Methodology. Here Kanban Board is

used to pictorial representation of work. It provides the status of the workflow
of the teams and project. The product owner can add the task as a user stories in
Kanban board and the status of visualize work flow will updated by the team.

 Limit Work in Progress

In this process we can’t use multiple task or user story at time in progress
mode, so the whole team work on an user story should be complete before
choose another one. It enhances to product quality, smoothing work flow and
deliver frequently.

14 | P a g e
 Pulling New Work

As the Kanban method is a transparent process, so all the task or user story is
placed in one place is called Backlog. After completion of one user story, we
choose or pull a new task from the Backlog. Once it is in completed or done
status that means we choose for new task.

 Implement Feedback Process

This methodology always welcomes feedbacks which are used to provide a

highly expected quality product development. It always reviews on feedbacks
in each stages of the workflow in Kanban Board. it is imposed in early in
workflow to eliminate impediments from each stage of workflow.

 Manage the Workflow

In this methodology the Kanban board is used to manage the total workflow.
Here as a whole team involves on analysis of the task, so it improves the flow
of work and the task will complete before schedule time. It provides actual
status of the application.

 Process Improvement

In this methodology the team will work together to improve the process and
product level. It emphasizes on small changes and accepts it gradually to
improve process. Also it directs to learn and apply the different technology in
application to produce a best quality product.

 Working Together

In this methodology, the business people and developers are must work together
daily throughout the projects. The best architects, requirements, designers and
developers emerge from self organize team.

15 | P a g e
 Deliver With New Ideas

The main idea behind the Kanban approach is to improve the team quality and
process as it supports the new ideas from the teams in each phase of the

 Just In Time Development

The development of application based on the customer demand i.e. approach of

pull system not push. In this methodology, we develop an application not to
push to a client directly. It indicates what to develop, how to develop, and when
to develop. It provides good quality with new feature product.

 Welcome to Incremental Change

This methodology enables incremental changes at any stage of the workflow

with continuous delivery of the product. It welcomes changing requirements,
even late in development.

4.2.2 Advantages Of Kanban Methodology

• It increases the Productivity of the team.

• It provides a flexibility and sustainable development.

• It deals with continous process improvement and delivery.

• Kanban methodology eradicates the bugs from the process.

• Increase the efficiency of deliver a high quality product.

• It depends on just in time development.

16 | P a g e
• It limits the work in progress, so enhance the output.

• It focuses on one task at time.

• It provides the status of project in Kanban Board, its open for all.

• It improves the workflow and limits the time cycle.

• It maintains workflow status, collaboration on the team and sustainable


4.2.3 Limitation of Traditional Kanban

• A traditional kanban system with cards has some limitations, due to the
unproductive work caused by the manipulation of cards, but correctable
with a computerized system

• The movement of kanban cards always has some irregularities, since they
are not moved at the exact time that the consumption of materials

• Human error

• Waiting for card

• Supplier gets less delivery time

• Cards misplace

4.3 Electronic Kanban Methodology

 Card & Order Management

17 | P a g e
The processes followed for card management and orders are executed daily
by employees who work in a production facility. When errors occur, they
can have ramifications for the entire production process for that order.
Automation’s chief advantage is its ability to remove the human error that
can occur and speed up the time it takes to cycle through each process.
Barcode scanning is a feature common to all eKanban tools. It is faster than
typing at a terminal and eliminates the possibility of mistyping part numbers
or quantities.

 Orders
Many e-Kanban tools have the ability to generate orders or releases when a
card is scanned with quantities, suppliers, and lead times dynamically
determined based on the most current data parameters. This allows planners
to adjust the order that a card generates without changing the physical card
itself. This helps facilities resize quantities based on demand by using
generic cards with no printed quantities on them. Rather, the quantity can be
stored in a record tied to that card’s barcode.

 Confirmations:

Order confirmation, whether for internal or external clients, is another

function that an eKanban tool can provide. A supplier can confirm orders,
change their due dates, or alter the quantities ordered electronically. This
significantly reduces the labor spent on phone calls, emails, and paper trails,
and eliminates time spent waiting for an employee to be available.
Automating the confirmation process can lead to large labor savings for
suppliers that mandate acknowledgments.

 Receipts:

18 | P a g e
Automating receipts for orders completed can also be accomplished
electronically via barcode scanning, such as when shipments are received on
the loading dock. A single scan can record the date and quantity received.
This can save time for a facility’s shipping and records departments.

Fig 4.2.1 Scanning Card

4.3.1 Electronic Kanban features

The Open Mind Tech Electronic Kanban allows you to digitize all the material
supply flows in the production lines and in the line supermarkets. Digitizing the
process allows you to:

• monitor the lead times of requests from the lines until the kanban

replenishment has taken place,

• monitor consumptions,

• report any issue or understock

19 | P a g e
• guide operators in the assembly stages, because they allow you to identify

the Kanbans containing the necessary components, in the desired order

• request the supply of a drawer / item in real time

• monitor and guide the operators in the replacement phases of the kanbans

required by the line [2]

• guide the operators in charge of the picking and refill of line Supermarkets

4.4 Automation of Kanban

4.4.1 Kardex Remster
o Full integration of the warehouse into in-house processes.
o Process integration through connection to the in-house ERP system
by means of electronic data transfer
o Effective use of dynamic storage technology in terms of space and
o High picking performance with minimized error rate

• Management of order picking activities using mobile devices.

o Stock management in areas without dynamic storage
systems .
o Independent workstations covering different zones.
o Real-time data transfer through online connection via WiFi.

20 | P a g e
Fig 4.4.1 Kardex Remster

21 | P a g e
In company Kanban is a part of inventory management and inventory
management is the part of Supply Chain Management. To improve the Kanban
process we have studied the process first.
Some parts in kanban which is common for two or more than two
division which has been separated. And labelled as green card. And the sourcing
First Kanban quantity is set in the system software named M3. Then
barcode is created for each kanban parts. Then material picking is done as per
picking list for assembly. Then First In First Out is maintain for the self life of
the materials. All these process is system input process. System output process
is Re-ordered kanban card scanning in PO widget. If the parts are less than
quantity mentioned in system then automail is triggered to the kanban buyer.
The next step is the kanban parts are received by N/U transactions. After check
the quality and quantity of material if quality is not match to company standard
and quantity received less or more than ordered placed then report that issue to
the kanban buyer. The last step is kanban material binning to the their respective
location with kanban buyer and quantity.

Kanban Qty set In Standard barcode label for all Material picking as
systemm kanban parts per picklist

PO auto-mail trigger to Re-order level Kanban card scanning

Kanban buyer FIFO maintain
in PO widget
m during picking

Kanban item received by N/U If any items is received less of greater than Kanban Qty
transaction then report to Kanban buyer
m m

Kanban material binning to their respective locations

Item availablem with Kanban card and Qty

Fig 5.1 Kanban Process

22 | P a g e
Critical Success Factor

Stages Critical Success Description

1 A description of the Organisation-specific requirements which must be
current situation; fulfilled by suitable suppliers
Setting target
2 Criteria catalogue Organisation-specific requirements which must be
for supplier fulfilled by suitable suppliers
3 An accurate basis of Actual annual numbers which are reliable;
numbers; Correct Accurately separating parts into A,B, & C related
ABC-analysis to PPU and amount
4 Analysing the way In form of: considering work station lead times,
through the transportation times, bottlenecks & physical
production of every restrictions
5 Consideration of Calculating broad lot sizes at the beginning, then
overall lead time diminishing
and demand of the
Withdrawing stage
6 Internal and Fast and precise information flow and access,
external integration. communication and Visibility provided by the
7 Close co-operation Discussions and communication in advance,
and information training
8 Promoting the Training, conviction, clarifying questions,
system; Starting explaining the aim; Explicit lessons, auditing ;
rules; Repacking inventory

Table 5.1 Critical Success Factor

23 | P a g e
Movement of material
Material picking is done as per picking list. The first step involve in picking is
go to the material location and pickup the material and then pick the kanban
card for scanning. Next go for the next material then pick up the material and
then pick up the kanban card for that particular material. Same procedure is
repeated for number of parts. Then for checking the material quantity and to
update the quantity left in bin kanban cards scanning required. Kitting is bring
to warehouse incharge. Then bring that collected material to the assembly

Inventory inventory in-charge Assembly line

Fig 5.2 Material picking process
This process had risk of misplacing, lost of kanban card and time consuming.
To improve that process our solution is to put barcode with part number and
location number on the front side of the pellet which ease the scanning process
and time required for checking and updating quantity in system is minimized
and no theft of losing kanban card.

Fig 5.3 Barcode scanning using hand scanner

24 | P a g e
Inventory Assembly
Fig 5.4 Material picking process

DL( 1+ α )

K = number of kanbans
D = demand per unit
L = lead time
α = safety factor
C = container capacity

Spaghetti Chart
Spaghetti chart is used to track the movement of the worker. For improvement
in process movement of worker is important. We track the movement of worker
to improve the route of worker to assembly line. We also calculated the time
required for picking parts for each item and time spent in each rack also
observed. A spaghetti diagram is defined as a visual representation using a
continuous flow line tracing the path of an item or activity through a process.
As a process analysis tool, the continuous flow line enables process teams to
identify redundancies in the work flow and opportunities to expedite process
flow. A diagram of the path taken by a product as it travels through the steps
along a value stream. So called because in a mass production organization the
product’s route often looks like a plate of spaghetti.
25 | P a g e
26 | P a g e
Material Picking
Locatio Add Rema
Order no numb Dec Location A/C
n r rk

6AA00 100039971 32223 TION 6AA005B02/6AD0010101
5050 10:42 10:43
5B02 2 05615 HOSE /03/6AD0010JO

PROTEC 6AB010A01/B01/A02/
100039971 51121
: TION 5050 B02/A03/B03/J01/ 10:43 10:46
2 57800
COIL 6AB007J02

6AC009 100039971 32179
CARTRI 5050 6AC009G03 11:04 11:06
G03 2 31619

6AC009 100039971 32179
CARTRI 5050 6AC009H02 10:47 10:50
H02 2 31643

6AC009 100039971 51123 TRIGGE

5050 6AC009H02
H02 2 17140 R

6AD01 100039971 32223

OIL 5050 6AD012H01
2H01 2 17511

6AE003 100039971 55800
MANNU 5050 6AE003E03 11:08 11:10
E03 2 04958

6AE004 100039971 32221 AIR 6AE004B01,B02,B03,6AF

5050 09:05 09:08
B01 2 88159 FILTER 004FÖ1

6AE006 100039971 55900 HANDLE

5050 6AE006E01 11:11 11:12
E01 2 14470 BAR

6A011B 100039971 55900 PANEL

5050 6AE007E03 09:09 09:11
003 2 20095 BKT

6AE009 100039971 60600 OIL

5050 6AE009D03 11:13 11:15
D03 2 09419 FILTER

6AE009 100039971 55900 SILENCE
5050 E03/6AE/6AD RACK 09:35 09:39
E01 2 19398 R KIT

6AF002 100039971 31760 HEAD

5050 6AF002B01 11:16 11:19
B01 2 03688 LIGHT

6AF002 100039971 31760 HEAD

5050 6AF002B01
B01 2 03688 LIGHT

27 | P a g e
6AF002 100039971 31760 HEAD
5050 6AF002B01
B01 2 03688 LIGHT

6AF002 100039971 31760 HEAD

5050 6AF002B01
B01 2 03688 LIGHT

6AF002 100039971 31760 HEAD

5050 6AF002B01
B01 2 03688 LIGHT

6AF002 100039971 31760 HEAD

5050 6AF002B01
B01 2 03688 LIGHT

6AF003 100039971 55900 YOKE

5050 6AF003D01 11:20 11:25
D01 2 04365 SET

6AF006 100039971 31760 HEAD

5050 6AF006G01 12:06 12:08
G01 2 03741 LIGHT

6AF006 100039971 31760 HEAD

5050 6AF006G01
G01 2 03741 LIGHT

6AF006 100039971 55415

HORN 5050 6AF006101 12:09 12:11
101 2 70800

6AF007 100039971 31760 MAIN

5050 6AF007D03 12:13 12:18
D03 2 04267 SWITCH

6AF007 100039971 55611 WEARIN

5050 6AF007F03 12:19 12:20
F09 2 52300 G RING

6AF008 100039971 55604 BUSHIN 6AF008A01/A02/B01/

5050 12:21 12:23
A01 2 11900 G B02/6AE003E02

6Af008 100039971 55611 WEARIN

5050 6AF008A03/B03 12:24 12:26
A03 2 52400 G RING

6AF009 100039971 55366

SLEEVE 5050 6AF009102 12:27 12:30
102 2 30000

6AF011 100039971 55800

HOSE 5050 6AF011H03 12:33 12:35
H03 2 00937

6AF012 100039971 55900

PIPE 5050 6AF012102 12:38 12:44
102 2 10188

6AG00 100039971 55370 BRACKE

5050 6AG001G01 12:44 12:47
1G01 2 01300 T

6AG00 100039971 55569

COVER 5050 6AGOO/H02 09:23 09:27
1H02 2 69900

6AG00 100039971 55900 6AG003B01/B02/AE/AD

TANK 5050
3BO/ 2 00435 RACK

6AG003 100039971 55900 MOUNT 5050 6AG003F01 12:57 12:59

F01 2 09055
6AG003 100039971 80500 HAND 5050 6AG003G02 01:01 01:02

28 | P a g e
G02 2 0001 PUMP
6AA007 100039971 55900 EXHAUST 5050 6AG004B01/02/03/6AG00 09:20 09:22
101 2 22207 SYSTEM 5B01/02/03/6
6AG004 100039971 55800 HOSE 5050 6AG004D03 01:03 01:04
003 2 03664
6AGÖ0 100039971 55900 VALVE 5050 6AG005E03/6AC&6AD 01:04 01:05
5E03 2 07427 SET RACK
6AG006 100039971 55900 GENERAT 5050 6AG006C02/C03 09:19 09:20
C02 2 00737 OR
6AG006 100039971 55408 RAIN 5050 6AG006D01 01:06 01:07
D01 72000 PROT.
6AG007 100039971 55800 CONDENS 5050 6AG007A01 09:14 09:19
A01 2 03887 ER
6AG007 100039971 91060 CLAMP 5050 6AG007E01 01:11 01:12
E01 01749
6AG007 100039971 55800 RUBBERM 5050 6AG007G02 09:17 09:19
G02 00501 OULDING
6AG008 100039971 55900 COOLER 5050 6AG008A03
A03 2 01163
6AG008 10003997 55418 FILTER 5050 6AG008E01 01:20 01:22
E01 30700
6AG008 100039971 32221 CLAMP 5050 6AG008101/6AH006G02 01:23 01:25
H01 2 25800
6AH003 10003997 55900 HOSE 5050 6AH003H02 01:42 01:43
H02 00659
6AH003 100039971 55410 DRYER 5050 6AH003H03 01:28 01:29
H03 87600
6AH003 100039971 35900 HOSE 5050 6AH003H03 01:26 01:28
H03 00660
6AH004 100039971 91069 ELECTRO 5050 6AH004H01 01:30 01:32
H01 74577 NIC UNIT
6AH004 100039971 55900 VALVE 5050 6AH004102 01:50 01:51
102 19736 SET
6AH005 100039971 60600 FUEL 5050 6AH005E03/F03 01:44 01:45
E03 2 08047 FILTER
6AH005 100039971 55900 PIPE 5050 6AH005G02 01:51 01:52
G02 2 01746
6AH005 100039971 55900 ATTACHM 5050 6AH005101 01:46 01:47
101 2 20386 ENT
6AH005 100039971 55900 PIPE 5050 6AH005102 01:53 01:55
102 2 01747
6AH006 100039971 31760 LEVEL 5050 6AH006E02
EO2 2 06311 SENSOR
6AH006 100039971 55900 HOSE 5050 6AH006G01 01:47 01:49
G01 2 01748
6AH006 100039971 55900 PULLEY 5050 6AH006G03 02:31 02:32
G03 2 00606
6AH006 100039971 55900 PIPE 5050 6AH006H02 02:32 02:33

29 | P a g e
H02 2 00740
6AH006 100039971 31760 GROUND 5050 6AH006H03 02:34 02:35
H03 2 07232 BRAID
6AH006 100039971 31760 GROUND 5050 6AH006H03 03:02 03:04
HO3 2 07232 BRAID
6AH006 100039971 55900 RUBBER 5050 6AH006f02 03:04 03:06
102 2 08238 ELBOW
6AH008 100039971 55900 PIPE 5050 6AH008D02
D02 2 10137
6AH008 100039971 55736 PLATE 5050 6AH008F02
F02 2 54200
6AH008 100039971 55900 GEAR 5050 6AH008F03
F03 2 16523 PUMP
6AH009 100039971 55900 SIDE 5050 6AH009E02,6AE/ 6AD
E02 2 0629 MIRROR
6AH009 100039971 55900 BRACKET 5050 6AH009F02
F02 2 2101 PLATE
6AH009 100039971 55900 GEAR
5050 ЗАНОО9бО1 02:36 02:37
G01 2 17593 PUMP

6AH009 100039971 55900 ATTACHM

5050 6AH009G02 03:07 03:11
G02 2 14922 ENT

6AH009 100039971 55900

BRACKET 5050 6AH009G03 03:26 03:28
G03 2 23879

6АНОО 100039971 32220 RUBBER

5050 6АНОО9НО2 03:12 03:15
9НО2 2 22303 ELBOW

6АНО1 100039971 55636

PLAE 5050 6AH010c01 04:01 04:03
ОСО1 2 44900

6AH010 100039971 55900

MOUNT 5050 6АНО1ОООЗ 04:05 04:06
D03 2 19585

6АНО1 100039971 55725

HOSE SET 5050 6АНО1ОНО1 04:03 04:05
ОНО1 2 38700

6AH011 100039971 55900

HOSE SET 5050 6AH011G02 04:10 04:11
G02 2 00674

6АНО11 100039971 55900

BELT 5050 6АНО11НО1 04:07 04:09
НО1 2 04673

6АН011 100039971 55900

GUARD 5050 6АНО11НОЗ 04:10 04:11
НОЗ 2 00703

6АНО11 100039971 55900

MOUNT 5050 6АНО11ЮЗ 04:12 04:14
ЮЗ 2 00639

6АНО12 100039971 55900

MOUNT 5050 6АНО12НОЗ 04:17 04:18
НОЗ 2 19964

бАНО1 100039971 55900 V BELT 5050 6АНО12Ю1 04:15 04:16

30 | P a g e
ДО1 2 01072

6АЮО1 100039971 55900 RUBBER

5050 6АЮО1НО2 04:19 04:21
НО2 2 19331 CLOTH

6АЮО1 100039971 55900

HOSE SET 5050 6АЮО1НОЗ 04:22 04:23
НОЗ 2 19662

6АЮО1 100039971 55900 RUBBER

5050 6AI001IOЗ 04:24 04:25
ЮЗ 2 19332 CLOTH

6A1002 100039971 55900 VALVE

5050 6A1002G63 04:26 04:27
G03 2 17433 SET

6АЮОЗ 100039971 55900

HOSE SET 5050 6A1003D03 04:30 04:31
ООЗ 2 17081

6АЮОЗ 100039971 32179

TANK 5050 6АЮОЗЕО2/6АЮО4ЕО1 04:28 04:29
ЕО2 2 31641

6A1003 100039971 55800

HOLDER 5050 6A1003F01 04:27 04:28
F01 2 12781

6A1003 100039971 55900

NET 5050 6A1003F01
F01 2 20341

6A1004 100039971 55900

BRACKET 5050 6АЮО4ВО1 04:31 04:32
B01 2 20170

6АЮО4 100039971 55900

HOSE SET 5050 6АЮО4СО1 04:33 04:34
СО1 2 13262

6АЮО4 100039971 55900

HOSE SET 5050 6АЮО4СОЗ 04:36 04:37
СОЗ 2 15551

6A1004 100039971 55900

HOSE SET 5050 6A1004D01 04:34 04:35
D01 2 13279

6A1004 100039971 55900

HOSE SET 5050 6A1004G01 04:35 04:36
G01. 2 20578

6АЮО6 100039971 84403 PRESSURE

5050 6АЮО6СОЗ 04:37 04:38
СОЗ 2 01241 FILTER

6A1006 100039971 55900

FLAP 5050 6A1006G03 04:39 04:40
G03 2 13273

6A1006 100039971 55900

FLAP 5050 6A1006G03
G03 2 20172

6A1007 100039971 55900 KICK

5050 6A1007D01 04:41 04:42
D01 2 13274 PLATE

бАЮО7 100039971 55900 FLUSH 5050 6АЮО7НОЗ 04:43 04:45

НОЗ 2 20172 WATER

31 | P a g e

6АЮIО 100039971 55900
FAN 5050 l03/6AE&6AF 04:45 04:47
АОЗ 2 25094

6AI009 100039971 55900

TUBE 5050 6АЮО9АО1/АО2/АОЗ 04:48 04:50
A01 2 22561

6АI007 100039971 55900

HOSE SET 5050 6АЈОО7ВО2 04:51 04:52
ВО2 2 6767

бАЈОО8 100039971 55900 RUBBERM

5050 6AJ008E02 04:53 04:55
ЕО2 2 00502 OULDING

6АЈОО8 100039971 55900 RUBBERM

5050 6AJ008E02
ЕО2 2 00508 OULDING

бАКОО7 100039971 31280 PROTECTI

5050 6AK007D02 04:55 04:56
ОО2 2 22500 ON COIL

6АКОО8 100039971 31763 F03/6AL004A01/6AL003
STRAP 5050 04:57 04:58
FО1 2 68100 COI/6AL004E02/6AM007
102/6AK008F01 /F02/F03

6ALOOO 100039971 55401 SCREW,

5050 6ALOOOB02 04:58 04:58
B02 2 13300 HEX HEAD

6ALOOO 100039971 91069 ELECTRO

5050 6ALOOOD01 04:58 04:59
D01 2 76288 NIC UNIT

6At004 100039971 43501
(2.5XIOO 5050 6AL004A02
A02 2 65700

6AL004 100039971 51040 (2.5XIOO 6AL004A02/6AL004B02/6
5050 04:59 05:00
A02 2 88700 BLACK) AL003B01

6AL008 100039971 55801

CLAMP 5050 6AL008B03
B03 2 04017

6АМОО 100039971 88001 PRODUCT

5050 6AM001B01 10:25 10:27
1В01 2 762 GRAPHICS

6АМОО 100039971 88001 PRODUCT

5050 6AM001B01
1В01 2 763 GRAPHICS

100039971 88001
6AM001 0 5050 6AM001B01
2 764

32 | P a g e
6АМОО 100039971 88000 PRODUCT
5050 6AM002B01 10:16 10:24
2ВО1 2 8234 GRAPHICS

бАО11В 100039971 88000 PRODUCT

5050 6AM002B01

6АМОО 100039971 88000 PRODUCT

5050 6AM002B01

6АО11В 100039971 88000 PRODUCT

5050 6AM002B01

бАМОО 100039971 88001 PRODUCT

5050 6AM002B01

6АО11В 100039971 88001 PRODUCT

5050 6AM002B01

6АМОО 100039971 88001 PRODUCT

5050 6AM002B01 10:20 10:27

6AM004 100039971 55900 FAN

5050 6AM004G02 10:30 10:31
G02 2 22564 SPACER

6АМОО 100039971 14440 HEXAGON

5050 6AM006E01
6ЕО1 2 0122 SCREW

6АМО0 100039971 43100 CABLE,DI
5050 6AM007B01 10:34 10:38
7В01 2 46400 A 4M M,

6AM007 100039971 43100
A 5050 6AM007B01
B01 2 46400

6АМОО 100039971 43100
A 5050 6AM007B01 10:38 10:42
7ВО1 2 46400

6AMОО 100039971 55374

MOUNT 5050 6AM007B01 10:51 10:52
7ВО1 2 11400

6АМОО 100039971 14432
HEAD 5050 6AM008A03 10:42 10:45
8АОЗ 2 4118

6АМ008 100039971 14440 HEXAGON

5050 6AM008C01
С01 2 0132 SCREW

33 | P a g e
6AM008 100039971 14440 HEXAGON
5050 6AM008C01 10:46 10:48
C01 2 0132 SCREW

6АMОО 100039971 55307

LOCK NUT 5050 6AM008C02
8СО2 2 24100

6АМОО 100039971 55307

LOCK NUT 5050 6AM008C02
8СО2 2 24100

6АМОО 100039971 55017

NIPPLE 5050 6AM008D01 10:45 10:46
8РО1 2 09500

6АМОО 100039971 14440 HEXAGON

5050 6AM008D02/AK RACK 10:49 10:50
8DО2 2 0135 SCREW

6АСОО4 100039971 55411

BRACKET 5050 6AN001B07 10:56 10:57
ООЗ 2 12600

6ΑΑΟΟ6 100039971 55757

TUBE 5050 6ΑΑΟΟ6ΑΟ1 10:57 10:58
ΑΟ1 2 00386

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 30002

WASHER 5050 6ΑΝΟΟ1ΕΟ8 10:58 10:59
1ΕΟ8 2 7610

6AN001 100039971 30002 PLAIN

5050 6AN001F06
F06 2 7406 WASHER

6AN001 100039971 30002 PLAIN

5050 6AN001F06 10:59 11:01
F06 2 7406 WASHER

6AN001 100039971 30002 PLAIN

5050 6AN001F06
F06 2 7406 WASHER

6ΑΝΟΟI 100039971 55800 ATTACHM

5050 6ΑΝΟΟIΗΟ7 11:01 11:02
ΗΟ7 2 83533 ENT

6AN001 100039971 55900 MARKING

5050 6AN001J08 11:03 11:07
J08 2 25636 SET

6ΑΝOΟ 100039971 55900

PLATE 5050 6ΑΝOΟ1ΚΟ6 11:15 11:17
1ΚΟ6 2 14474

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55757

STRAINER 5050 6ΑΝΟΟ2ΑΟ1 11:17 11:18
2ΑΟ1 2 00591

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55378

TEE 5050 6ΑΝΟΟ2ΑΟ3 11:18 11:19
2ΑΟ3 2 45500

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55310

LOCK NUT 5050 6ΑΝΟΟ2ΒΟΈ 11:19 11:20
2ΒΟΈ 2 80000

6AN002 100039971 55337

LATCH 5050 6AN002C03
C03 2 70800

6AN002 100039971 55337 LATCH 5050 6AN002C03 11:20 11:21

34 | P a g e
C03 2 70800

6AN002 100039971 55337

LATCH 5050 6AN002C03
C03 2 70800

6AN002 100039971 55800 TANK

5050 6AN002C05 11:21 11:22
C05 2 12265 COVER

6AN002 100039971 55400

STRAINER 5050 6AN002C07 11:23 11:24
C07 2 83900

6AN002 100039971 55416

MOUNT 5050 6AN002C08 11:24 11:25
C08 2 11600

6AN002 100039971 14440 HEXAGON

5050 6AN002D05 11:25 11:26
D05 2 0167 SCREW

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 10881 CABLETIE

5050 6ΑΝΟΟ3ΒΟ2 11:26 11:27
3ΒΟ2 2 30502 ANCHOR

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55900 ATTACHM

5050 6ΑΝΟΟ3ΗΟ3 01:05 12:06
3ΗΟ3 2 03538 ENT

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55900 HOSE

5050 6ΑΝΟΟ3ΗΟ4 12:06 12:07
3ΗΟ4 2 00371 HOLDER

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55900

MOUNT 5050 6ΑΝΟΟ3ΗΟ5 12:08 12:09
3ΗΟ5 2 00650

6AN003 100039971 55005
CONNECT 5050 6AN003J06 12:10 12:11
J06 2 11100

6ΑΝ003 100039971 14741

SCREW 5050 6ΑΝ003Κ02 12:12 12:14
Κ02 2 0001

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55900

3ΚΟ4 2 13995

6AN004 100039971 55800 SLIP

5050 6AN004D05 12:14 12:17
D05 2 14833 COVER

6AN004 100039971 55800 SLIP

5050 6AN004D05 12:18 12:19
D05 2 14833 COVER

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55605

OUNT 5050 6ΑΝΟΟ4ΕΟ2 12:19 12:20
4ΕΟ2 2 64600

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55900

AR 5050 6ΑΝΟΟ4ΗΟ3 12:21 12:21
4ΗΟ3 2 02154

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55004

LUG 5050 6ΑΝΟΟ4ΚΟ8 12:21 12:22
4ΚΟ8 2 09400

6ΑΝΟΟ 100039971 55342 LAMP 5050 6ΑΝΟΟ5ΒΟ6 12:23 12:24

35 | P a g e
5ΒΟ6 2 81400

6AN005 100039971 55332

O-RING 5050 6AN005C04
C04 2 75400

6AN005 100039971 55332

O-RING 5050 6AN005C04 12:24 12:25
C04 2 75400

6AN005 100039971 55011

NIPPLE 5050 6AN005J02 12:25 12:26
J02 2 82700

6AN005 100039971 55900 OVER

5050 6AN005H03 12:26 12:27
H03 2 22559 PLATE

6AN005 100039971 55900 COVER

104 2 21318 PLATE 5050 6AN005104 12:28 12:29

6AN005 100039971 57070 ELBOW

J03 2 4122 NIPPLE 5050 6AN005J03 12:29 12:30

6AN005 100039971 57070 STRAIGHT

J06 2 2543 NIPPLE 5050 6AN005J06 12:30 12:31

бANОО 100039971 57070 ELBOW

6ВО5 2 4119 NIPPLE 5050 6AN006B05 12:31 12:32

6AN006 100039971 55362

C06 2 78500 CLAMP 5050 6AN006C06 12:32 12:33

6AN006 100039971 55371

F07 2 13600 CLAMP 5050 6AN006F07 12:33 12:34

6AN006 100039971 31766

L02 2 53900 NIPPLE 5050 6AN006L02 12:34 12:35

6АООО 100039971 55400

1СОЗ 2 99600 CLAMP 5050 6A0001C03 12:35 12:36

6АООО 100039971 55900 CABLE

2АО1 2 26902 SET 5050 6A0002A01 10:52 10:54

бАООО 100039971 55900 ADAPTER

2СО2 2 01051 HOLDER 5050 6A0002C02 12:51 12:52

6AA004 100039971 55410 RUBBER

F02 2 24100 DAMPER 5050 6A0003B02 12:52 12:53

бАООО 100039971 55800 RUBBERM

6ВО2 2 09634 OLDING 5050 6A0006B02 12:53 12:57

6АООО 100039971 55900 HOSE

6ВО2 2 04680 CLIP 5050 6A0006B02

6A0006 100039971 14440 SCREW,

F02 2 0128 HEX HEAD 5050 6A0006F02 12:57 12:59

36 | P a g e
6A0006 100039971 26841 HEXAGON
F02 2 3810 NUT 5050 6A0006F02

6A0006 100039971 34761 HOSE

G03 2 2200 CLIP 5050 6A0006G03 12:46 12:47

6A0006 100039971 31760 TEMP:

G03 2 13115 SENSOR 5050 6A0006G03 12:45 12:46

6A0006 100039971 31760 TEMP

G03 2 13115 SENSOR 5050 6A0006G03 01:01 01:02

6АООО 100039971 55306 SCREW,

6Ю2 2 12100 HEX HEAD 5050 6АООО6Ю2

бАРОО1 100039971 29111

АО1 2 2858 LOCK NUT 5050 бАРОО1АО1 12:40 12:45

бАРОО1 100039971 29111

АО1 2 2858 LOCK NUT 5050 бАРОО1АО1

6AP001 100039971 29111

A01 2 2858 LOCK NUT 5050 6AP001A01 01:10 01:11

бАРОО1 100039971 29111

АО1 2 2858 LOCK NUT 5050 бАРОО1АО1

6AP001 100039971 55015

A01 2 33300 PLUG 5050 6AP001A01

6АРОО1 100039971 32179 TRIG-G-

АОЗ 2 31618 ER 5050 6АРОО1АОЗ 01:12 01:13

6АРОО1 100039971 32179 TRIG-G-

АОЗ 2 31618 ER 5050 6АРОО1АОЗ

6АРОО1 100039971 32179 TRIG-G-

АОЗ 2 31618 ER 5050 6АРОО1АОЗ 01:25 01:26

6АРОО2 100039971 55900

ВОЗ 2 11987 WASHER 5050 6АРОО2ВОЗ 01:26 01:27

6АРООЗ 100039971 34761 HOSE

АО2 2 0020 CLIP 5050 6АРООЗАО2 01:27 01:28

6АРООЗ 100039971 55599

ВО1 2 24100 WASHER 5050 6АРООЗВО1 01:29 01:30

6АРООЗ 100039971 32223 LEVEL


6АРООЗ 100039971 55745

ЕО1 2 35300 WASHER 5050 6АРООЗЕО1 01:31 01:35

6АРООЗ 100039971 55800 FUSE 5050 6АРООЗЕО1 01:36 01:40

37 | P a g e
ЕО1 2 81448 HOLDER

6АРООЗ 100039971 55800 FILLER

ЕО1 2 91057 PIPE 5050 6АРООЗЕО1

6АРООЗ 100039971 55900

ЕО1 2 11998 WASHER 5050 6АРООЗЕО1

Table 5.2 Material Picking

38 | P a g e
Barcode Generation
We generated barcode in excel using font and formula.

Part No Product Name Barcode

108132400 Spring Pin (108132400)

3176290400 Nipple (3176290400)

5727001468 Hoe Clamp 25.4 (5727001468)

Table 5.3 Barcode Generation

39 | P a g e
Chapter 6

Fig 6.1 Working of E-Kanban

• With a growing number of materials circulating in the enterprise, it is very

difficult to use.

• Traditional card system, because it is impossible to control the large

number of Kanban cards that circulate but with

• The speed of the changes that can be made at the level of the E-Kanban
system there is better applicability. The same

• Thing in the case of a variable or random demand the traditional system

becomes unstable, since it cannot operate in

• A mixed mode variable

• With Kanban, you can monitor metrics such as lead time, cycle time,
throughput, work in progress (WIP), and your team’s productivity –

40 | P a g e
integral parts of your workflow. To further investigate milestones and
weaknesses, Kanban uses the flow efficiency metric. A simple yet very
effective ratio between the time an individual or a machine is actively
working towards completing a given task (value-added time), and the
overall time a task spends in your workflow (lead time) – from order to

• Flow Efficiency[%]=Value-added Time/Lead Time*100 [15]

Table 6.1 Comparison of Kanban And E-Kanban

5.1 Efficiency

5.1.1 Limitation of Traditional Kanban

• A traditional kanban system with cards has some limitations, due to the
unproductive work caused by the manipulation of cards, but correctable
with a computerized system

• The movement of kanban cards always has some irregularities, since they
are not moved at the exact time that the consumption of materials

41 | P a g e
 Human error

• Waiting for card

• Supplier gets less delivery time

• Cards misplaced.[6]

5.2 Increase Process Efficiency with E-Kanban

Kanban system in this study were a reduction in the overall steps in the work
process, lead times, Kanban circulation, amount of materials, storage area, and
inventory costs.With the cost savings in inventory alone, the company was able
to break even with the e-Kanban investment and operations,within 18 months.
To further improve the process, the company is seeking to the implement radio
frequency identification (RFID) technology instead of utilizing the current bar
code process. The company has to balance the trade off between the benefits
gained from using RFID and the cost to implement RFID.[7]

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7.1 Gantt Chart

Tasks August September October November December January February

Literature survey

information about
Kanban Process
Working on

Follow up

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All manufacturing industries over the world are facing global
competitiveness. Such competitiveness has led manufacturers to be hard
pressed on the way to minimize product cycle times which directly help to
reduce the costs and meet deliveries on time. Manufacturing industries face
high competitiveness while at the same time the manufacturer wants to
improve productivity and sustainability. Hence, the fundamental factor in
achieving this is the decrease in the “production cycle time (PCT)”. The
achievement through reduction of the PCT can ultimately improve quick
response to the customer demands. Also, reduction of cycle time bring
about the momentous profits from the decrease in associated costs and
“yield improvement” regardless of the type of nufacturing industry.

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[1]. Muhammed Ovais Ahamed , Jounni markulla (University of Ollu ),

Kanban in Software Development

[2]. Mariam Houti, Laila El Abbadi ,-Kanban the new generation of traditional
Kanban system, and the impact of its implementation in the enterprise

[3]. Adam, M., Keckeis, J. : How ERP Systems and Lean Management Fit

[4]. Suprasith Jarupathirun, Andrew Ciganek , Supply Chain Efficiencies

Through E-Kanban

[5]. Drickhamer, D., The kanban e-volution

[6] Mabert, V. A., Soni, A., and Venkataramanan, , Enterprise Resource


[7]. What Is a Kanban Board? Definition, Benefits and Tips |

[8]. Rong, H., Fei, G., and Cheng Electronic Kanban System Optimization for
Industry and Production

[9] . Surendra, M., Gupta, Y.A.Y., Ronald F.P., Flexible Kanban system

[10]. Grant MacKerron, Maneesh Kumar, Vikas Kumar, Ann Esain,

Supplier Replenishment Policy using e-Kanban: A framework for successful


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