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1. What is an organization and its types?

2. Name the five managerial activities.
3. Sketch the levels of managers with examples.
4. How would you show your understanding of the term scalar chain and the term Espirit
de corps?
5. Differentiate centralization from decentralization
6. Identify the leadership characteristics, which qualifies you or anyone as a leader of the
7. What are the different roles played by the manager?
8. List the principles of Taylor school of thoughts.
9. List the need of management.
10. Define productivity.
11. When the organization become successful by using the factors efficiency and
12. Define Henry L.Gantt incentive system.
13. What is Espirit de corps?
14. Identify the type of partner in the following statements:
Any partner who is authorized by others to manage the business.
Any partner who does not express his intention to participate in the business.
15. Draw the organizational hierarchy of an organization.

Big Questions
1. What are the various environmental factors that a manager should consider in an
2. Is your college instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of Fayol’s managerial
3. Mr. Naidu was a young officer in a nationalized bank in Chennai. He was approached
by Mr.Datta, owner of a small textile plant for a loan to renovate his plant. Naidu
gave him a loan of Rs. 50,000. The bank’s branch manager, who saw no future in
textiles, was shocked at the loan transaction. He told Naidu to stay close to Datta until
money was paid back. Naidu stuck so close that he became Datta’s financial adviser.
The loan was paid. But Naidu became Datta’s partner and resigned his bank job.
Naidu collected information about the textile industry there was huge scope for the
industry. Within six years, Naidu set up another textile 5 plant to his employees Naidu
was friendly and highly flexible boss. He preferred to lead by example rather than tell
people how to do their jobs. However, Naidu committed a big mistake of not
grooming a successor. Therefore, there was a vacuum at the top when he had a severe
heart attack and died.

Answer the following questions:

What were the qualities of Naidu as a Manager?

ii) Discuss the roles played by managers according to Mintzberg. What roles of the
manager did Naidu play?

1. iii) Do you think Naidu was successful Manager

2. List the characteristics of organization culture. What kind of organizational culture

fits you best? Mention the level of agreement or disagreement that you personally
3. Assume that you are working as a HR manager in a company. You are going to
conduct an interview for the manager post of your company. What are all the
managerial skills you expect from the interviewers? Explain.
4. Write short note on 1)Systematic approach ii)Contingency approach
5. Explain the different types of business organization with their advantages and
6. Explain how practicing managers can be benefited by using contingency approach.
7. You are the managing director of a motherboard manufacturing company. You have a
responsibility to assist the development of engineering knowledge in others,
particularly those who work for you. You are requested by a team leader to send the
team on training to update their specialist skills, but you will have to take them off the
project that is sustaining the company and spend money that will generate no
immediate return. If you allow the training you would certainly be unable to fund
similar requests from other teams, but if your company loses all it specialist skills, it
will be harder to acquire new work and complete it competently. Should you allow
this team to undertake the requested training?
8. What are the three key challenges for our industry facing today and how are they
tackled effectively?
9. Analyze the findings of Hawthorne experiments.
10. What is need of management?. How contributions are made by management thinkers
in the evolution of management with reference ?

Unit 2

1. What are the differences between forecasting and planning?

2. Distinguish between strategic and tactical planning.
3. What are the differences between goal and objective?
4. Differentiate mission from vision.
5. What is planning?
6. What are the steps involved in planning?

Big Question
1. What are the different types of plans .Explain with a example.
2. Mr. Ragul is working as a project manager in a software company. He wants to
prepare a project plan for their newly assigned project. What are all the steps he
should consider for his project plan? Explain with a neat diagram.
3. Assume that you are the chairman of the students association. You are going to
conduct a ‘Nation Level Technical Symposium – Threads 2020’ in the department.
What are the planning activities you have to make to conduct the symposium
efficiently? Explain with a neat diagram.
4. What are objectives? Assume that you are going start up a small computer
manufacturing organization. How will you set objectives for an organization?

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