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YEJ(3), YDEJ(3) Electromagnetic Brake Three-Phase Asynchronous


User’s Manual yantai bonway manufactruer co.,ltd


1、 第一部分:中文版------------------------------------------1-6

2、 第二部分:英文版------------------------------------------7-16


1. FIRST PART: CHINESE EDITION ------------------------------------------1-6

2. SECOND PART: ENGLISH EDITION----------------------------------------7-16 yantai bonway manufactruer co.,ltd


1. 概述:
1.1. YEJ(3)系列电磁制动三相异步电动机(以下简称电动机)为单速鼠笼式三相异步电动机和断电(常
1.2. YDEJ(3)系列电磁制动三相异步电动机(以下简称电动机)为变极多速鼠笼式三相异步电动机和
1.3. YEJ(3)、YDEJ(3)电动机均为同轴风扇冷却。
1.4. 广泛用于要求快速停车和准确定位的拖动机构系统。
2. 电动机额定输出条件:
2.1. 海拔高度:≤1000m。
2.2. 环境温度:-15℃~40℃。
2.3. 相对湿度:≤90%。
2.4. 电 源:380V/50Hz 或 440V/60Hz,电压容差为±5%;频率容差为±1%。
2.5. 工 作 制:S1。
3. 主要技术参数:
3.1. YEJ(3)系列电机技术参数如表 1。
同步转速(r/min) 空载 制动器最
静制动 制动器标
制动 励磁功率 大允许工
机座号 3000 1500 1000 750 力矩 准工作间
时间 (W) 作间隙
(N.m) 隙(mm)
功率(kW) (s) (mm)

0.75 0.55
80 2 7.5 50 0.3
1.1 0.75
90S 1.5 1.1 0.75
15 0.2 60
90L 2.2 1.5 1.1 1.0
100 2 3 1.5 30 80
112M 4 4 2.2 1.5 40 110

132S 2 5.5 3 2.2
7.5 0.5
75 0.25 130
132M 2 7.5 3
11 4 1.2
160M 2 11 7.5
15 5.5 150 0.35 150 0.8
160L 18.5 15 11 7.5

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180M 22 18.5
180L 22 15 11

30 18.5 1.5
200 2 30 15 300 0.45 200 1.2
37 22
3.2. YDEJ(3)系列电机技术参数如表2。
同步转速(r/min) 空载 制动器 制动器最
静制动 励磁
制动 标准工 大允许工
机座号. 1500/3000 1000/1500 750/1500 750/1000 500/1000 接法 力矩 功率
时间 作间隙 作间隙
(N.m) (W)
功率(kW) (s) (mm) (mm)

80 2 7.5 0.2 50 0.3
90S 0.85/1.1 0.65/0.85 0.35/0.45
15 0.2 60 1.0
90L 1.3/1.8 0.85/1.1 0.45/0.65
2/2.4 1.3/1.8
100 2 0.85/1.5 0.75/1.1 30 0.2 80
2.4/3 1.5/2.2
112M 3.3/4 2.2/2.8 1.5/2.4 1.3/1.8 40 0.25 110
132S 4.5/5.5 3/4 2.2/3.3 1.8/2.4 △/Y Y 0.5
75 0.25 130
132M 2 6.5/8 4/5.5 3/4.5 2.6/3.7

160M 9/11 6.5/8 5/7.5 4.5/6 2.6/5

150 0.35 150 1.2
160L 11/14 9/11 7/11 6/8 3.7/7
180M 15/18.5 11/14 7.5/10
220 0.35 150
180L 18.5/22 13/16 11/17 9/12 5.5/10
14/22 12/17 7.5/13 1.5
200 2 26/30 18.5/22 300 0.45 200 1.2
17/26 15/20 9/15

4. 电动机结构及工作原理:
4.1. 电机结构图1:


1、前端盖 2、前轴承 3、定子 4、转子 5、后轴承 6、后端盖

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7、制动器 8、风扇 9、风罩

4.2. YEJ(3)系列电动机电磁制动器根据主电机的接法(Y接或△接) ,励磁电压分别为 DC99V、

DC170V,接线盒内装有整流器。对于励磁电压为 DC24V 的制动器,电源由用户外部控制电
4.3. YDEJ(3)系列电动机电磁制动器,励磁电压为 DC24V,电源由用户外部控制电源单独提供。
5. 电动机正确使用方法
5.1. 电动机安装前的准备
5.1.1. 电机开箱前应检查包装是否完整无损,有无受潮的迹象。
5.1.2. 电机开箱后,小心清除电机上的尘土及防锈层。
5.1.3. 检查电机在运输过程中,有无变形或损坏,紧固件是否松动或脱落。
5.1.4. 检查电机的铭牌数据和安装型式是否符合要求。
5.1.5. 用 500V 兆欧表测量电机绕组及电磁铁励磁线圈的绝缘电阻,其值不应低于 0.5MΩ ,否则应进行
干燥处理,干燥温度不允许超过 120℃。干燥方法参阅一般电工手册,按实际情况选用。
5.1.6. 制动器需要进行通电、断电试验,检查其吸合与制动是否正常。如不正常,应及时排除故障。
5.1.7. 对存放期超过二年的电动机,要进行试运转,如果发现轴承异常,应更换相同规格的新轴承。
5.2. 电机的安装
5.2.1. 应利用电动机的吊环或采用软绳索套在电动机前后两端机座上进行安装吊运,应避免电动机零
5.2.2. 电机允许用联轴器,齿轮及皮带轮传动。4kW 以上的 2 极电机,30kW 以上的 4、6、8 极电机,
5.2.3. 电机的安装应保证良好的通风及冷却条件。
5.3. 电动机的运转
5.3.1. 电动机应妥善接地,接线盒内右方有接地装置。必要时,亦可利用电动机的地脚或法兰盘紧固
5.3.2. 主电机按照铭牌或接线盒盖上的接线指示图接线,参看接线图2、图3:

W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W

U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1 2U 2V 2W 2U 2V 2W

△ 低速 YY 高速
△ 接 Y 接

图2:YEJ单速接线图 图3:YDEJ双速电机接线图

5.3.3. 直流电磁制动器接线图 4 如下:

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励磁线 圈
1 2 3 4
U1 V1 W1 红 绿
黑 黄

AC 380V

(a)YEJ电机 中心高H112及以上断电制动(电压DC170V)

整 流器
1 2 3 4

1U 1V 1W
红 黑 黄 绿

AC 220V


2U 2V 2W
( b)YEJ电机 中心高H100及以下 断电制动(电压DC99V)

DC 24V

( c)D C 24V 制 动器用 户单 独提 供直流 励磁电 源

图 4:制动器接线图
5.3.4. 按接线指示图接好电源线的电机,可按以下步骤进行通电检查。 对于 DC24V 制动器,首先对制动器进行通断电试验,检查制动、吸合是否正常; 对于 DC99V、170V 制动器,主电机通电的瞬间,制动器应处于释放状态,即通电吸合状态;
5.3.5. 电动机应配有过载保护、短路保护、缺相保护等装置。
5.3.6. 接线完毕后,电缆螺套盖旋紧,与电缆密封;接线盒盖通过密封垫与接线盒座密封好。
6. 电动机的维护
6.1. 电动机的表面应保持清洁,风道不应受尘土.纤维等的阻塞,电动机内不许有雨水或其它液体流入。
6.2. 应保证电机在运行过程中良好的润滑,一般电机运行 5000 小时左右即补充或更换油脂(封闭轴
的油脂,然后将 ZL-2 号锂基润滑脂填充轴承内外圈之间空腔的 2/3。
6.3. 当轴承的使用寿命终结时,电动机振动和噪音将明显增大,检查轴承的径相游隙达 0.1mm 应及时
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更换轴承,电机轴承规格见下表 3。

轴承规格 轴承尺寸
主轴伸端 风扇端 (内径*外径*宽度)

80 6204-2RS 6204-2RS 20 4714

90 6205-2RS 6205-2RS 255215
100 6206-2RS 6206-2RS 306216
112 6306-2RS 6306-2RS 307219
132 6308-2RS 6308-2RS 409023
160 6309 Z1 6309 Z1 4510025
180 6311 Z1 6311 Z1 5512029
200 6312 Z1 6312 Z1 6013031
6.4. 电磁制动器的使用维护
制动器摩擦盘的两面摩擦片经长期使用磨损后,衔铁与励磁铁芯的间隙(δ具体值见表 1)
时将不能吸合,致使电动机处于制动状态,以至电机烧毁。因此,必须定期 3 个月检查间隙值,
当间隙值δ大于表 1 规定值时,应及时调整间隙值δ;当摩擦盘的摩擦片磨损殆尽时,应及时更

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 10 11 12

13 ≥2mm

1、力矩调节螺钉 2、安装螺钉 3、手动释放螺栓 4、风罩安装螺栓 5、端盖 6、摩擦盘

7、空心螺栓 8、衔铁 9、励磁铁芯 10、风扇 11、风罩 12、挡圈 13、防护套
6.4.1. 制动器是否正常的检查:
b、取下防护套 13;
c、检查气隙值δ:按表 1、表 2 规定的气隙值,用塞尺在圆周 120°方向测量三处气隙值,保证气
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d、检查制动器安装螺钉2、空心螺栓 7,保证处于紧固锁紧状态;
e、检查释放螺钉:保证两颗释放螺栓3处于松弛状态,即衔铁与螺栓头距离β不小于 2mm 间隙。
f、摩擦片厚度:保证摩擦片厚度不小于表1、表 2 的最小厚度。
6.4.2. 制动器手动释放操作
b、取下防护套 13;
c、旋紧两颗释放螺栓上的螺母,使气隙值δ小于额定工作间隙(接近为 0mm),这时即解除制动;
于 2mm 间隙)。

6.4.3. 制动器气隙值δ的调整:
c、取下弹簧挡圈 12;
d、取下塑料风扇 11;
e、取下防护套 13;
h、检查气隙值δ:用塞尺在圆周 120°方向测量三处气隙值,保证气隙均匀(即塞尺放入的松紧

6.4.4. 摩擦片的更换:
a、按 6.4.3 条的 a-e 条;
e、用安装螺钉装上制动器,按 6.4.3 条 f-h 条调整气隙值δ;

7. 服务

8. 征求用户意见

8.1. 使用本电机时,如有其它不明之处或发现制造质量问题时,请及时与本公司联系。
8.2. 您有其它的改进意见或特殊要求,请与本公司联系。
8.3. 请您填写《产品质量意见书》(见表)并及时返回销售公司。

9. 故障及排除方法


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序号 故 障 原 因 排除方法
电磁制动器 1、摩擦片磨损大,气隙大于最大工 1、调整励磁铁芯与衔铁的间隙。并调整均
1 不能吸合,电 作间隙。 匀。
机不能释放 2、气隙不均匀。
3、整流器损坏。 3、更换整流器
电磁制动器 1、摩擦片磨损大,气隙大于最大工 1、调整励磁铁芯与衔铁的间隙。
2 制动力矩小 作间隙。
2、释放螺钉未松开。 2、松开释放螺钉
3、摩擦面有污垢。 3、消除污垢,保持清洁
1、馈电线路断电 1、检查馈电线路间的电压
3 电机空载时 2、三相电源有一相断路 2、检查保险丝和各相电源
不能起动 3、电源电压低 3、检查电源
4、制动器未动作 4、检查制动器的电源和释放机构
电机负载时 1、定子绕组匝间短路 1、检查各相电阻和各相电流
不能起动 2、过载 2、检查电机负载时的电流
1、电机定子绕组匝间短路 1、检查定子绕组
5 2、电源电压过高或过低 2、检查电源电压
电机过热 3、电机过载 3、检查电机负载电流
4、起动次数过多 4、改进操作方式
5、制动器动作迟缓 5、检查制动器气隙和直流励磁电压
三相电流 1、匝间短路 1、更换定子绕组
不平衡 2、接线错误 2、改正接线
1、两相间短路 1、修理定子绕组
7 保险丝熔断 2、负载过重 2、减轻负载
3、电压过低 3、升高电压
1、绝缘老化或损伤 1、检修绝缘
8 绝缘电阻低 2、不清洁 2、用干燥的压缩空气吹净内部
或击穿 3、绕组或接线板受潮 3、拆开烘干或处理后再用
4、电机过热 4、拆开检修,防止继续过热
1、联轴器不平衡 1、检查平衡
9 电动机振 2、联轴器藕合时两轴中心不重合 2、检查耦合情况校准中心线
动较大 3、轴弯曲 3、转子偏心校正
4、安装不妥 4、检查安装情况
1、轴承损坏或不良 1、更换轴承
10 2、润滑脂变质或润滑脂质量不好, 2、清洗轴承,更改润滑脂
轴承发响 有杂质或者所加润滑脂过少
和过热 3、装配不良 3、检查轴承和前后端盖装配情况
4、采用了内径公差较小或外径公差 4、检查轴承内外尺寸和公差
5、联轴器的中心线不直 5、重校中心线
6、转轴弯曲 6、 检查转子各部分的偏心现象,进行校正
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Thanks for your proper choice. Please read carefully the User Instruction before installing the

1. Performance, characteristic and use

YEJ(3) series three-phase Asynchronous motors with an electromagnetic brake are derived from the Y
series motors. Between the rear end cover and the fan of the Y series motors an additional DC
electromagnetic brake with a manual release device is incorporated to the motor. It is characterized with
quick stopping and accurate positioning as well as widely used at the places where it is required for quick
stopping and accurate positioning as master drive and auxiliary drive, e.g., the lifting, amplitude
fluctuating, swinging and moving mechanisms of crane and transport machine.

YDEJ(3) series pole-changing and multi-speed three-phase Asynchronous motors are derived from the Y
series of motors. Between the rear end cover and the fan of the Y series of motors an additional DC
electromagnetic brake is incorporated to the motor. It is characterized with quick stopping and accurate
positioning as well as widely used at the places where it is required for quick stopping and accurate
positioning as master drive and auxiliary drive, e.g., the lifting, amplitude fluctuating, swinging and
moving mechanisms of crane and transport machine.

The installation dimensions and the duty type of YEJ(3) and YDEJ(3) motors are the same as those in the
corresponding machine base numbers of Y series motors. For the overall dimension, only the axial length
is about 20% more.

2. Main technical parameters are shown in table 1 and 2.

3. Operation principle

YEJ(3)-series motors are made up of Y series motors and electromagnetic brakes. The exciting voltage of
electromagnetic brake may be DC104V or DC179V, which is supplied by the internal rectifier
incorporated to the junction box of the motor, and the power supply of electromagnetic brake also may be
DC 24V, which is supplied separately by an external power supply.

YDEJ(3)-series motors are made up of YD series pole-changing multi-speed motors and electromagnetic
brake. The exciting voltage of the electromagnetic brake is DC24V. The DC exciting power supply is
provided separately by the external power supply.

When the motor is connected to three-phase power supply, the motor stator generates a rotating magnetic
field and simultaneously the exciting coil of DC electromagnet generates electromagnetic attraction to
attract the iron detent of the brake to separate the friction surfaces of the brake, therefore, the motor
begins running by the function of the electromagnetic torque. When the power supply is switched off, the
attraction forces by the rotating magnetic field and the DC electromagnet disappear simultaneously. With
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the function of the braking spring force, the friction surface of the brake and generate the friction torque
to quickly stop the motor running.

YDEJ(3)80-200 Table 1

Synchronous speed (r/min) Standard

Static No-load
Exciting working
Machine 1500/3000 1000/1500 750/1500 750/1000 500/1000 Connection braking braking
power clearance
base No. method torque time
Power (kW) (W) of brake
(Nm) (s)
1 0.45/0.55
80 2 7.5 0.2 50
90S 0.85/1.1 0.65/0.85 0.35/0.45
15 0.2 60 0.5
90L 1.3/1.8 0.85/1.1 0.45/0.65
1 2/2.4 1.3/1.8
100 2 0.85/1.5 0.75/1.1 30 0.2 80
2.4/3 1.5/2.2
112M 3.3/4 2.2/2.8 1.5/2.4 1.3/1.8 40 0.25 110
132S 4.5/5.5 3/4 2.2/3.3 1.8/2.4 △/Y Y
1 75 0.25 130
132M 2 6.5/8 4/5.5 3/4.5 2.6/3.7
160M 9/11 6.5/8 5/7.5 4.5/6 2.6/5
150 0.35 150
160L 11/14 9/11 7/11 6/8 3.7/7
180M 15/18.5 11/14 7.5/10
220 0.35 150
180L 18.5/22 13/16 11/17 9/12 5.5/10
1 14/22 12/17 7.5/13
200 2 26/30 18.5/22 300 0.45 200
17/26 15/20 9/15

YEJ(3) Series Table 2

Synchronous speed
(r/min) Static braking No-load Exciting Standard working
3000 1500 1000 750 torque braking time power clearance of brake
base No.
(N.m) (S) (W) (mm)
Power (kW)
1 0.75 0.55
80 2 7.5 50
1.1 0.75
90S 1.5 1.1 0.75 0.2
15 60 0.5
90L 2.2 1.5 1.1
1 2.2
100 2 3 1.5 30 80
112M 4 4 2.2 1.5 40 110
1 5.5
132S 2 5.5 3 2.2
75 0.25 130
1 4
132M 2 7.5 3
5.5 0.6
1 11 4
160M 2 11 7.5
15 5.5 150
160L 18.5 15 11 7.5 0.35 150
180M 22 18.5
180L 22 15 11
1 30 18.5
200 2 30 15 300 0.45 200
37 22

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4. Operation and use

4.1 The motor is able to provide the rated output in the following conditions:

Ambient temperature: any season but not higher than 40℃ and not lower than -15℃

Altitude: < 1000m

Rated Frequency: 50  1%Hz

Rated Voltage: 4005%V

Connection method: according to the identification in the motor marking plate

Duty type: S1

Protection degree: main body: IP54; brake: IP23

Thermal class of motor: Class B or F
Maximum safety operating speed: Synchronous speed

4.2 Preparation before installation

4.2.1 Check no any damage or damp of the package before opening the package.

4.2.2 Carefully remove the dust and the anti rust coat after opening the package.

4.2.3 Carefully check no any deformation or damage of the motor during transportation, and no loosening
or breaking off.

4.2.4 Check the conformity of the data and installation mode on the marking plate with the requirements.

4.2.5 Measure the insulation resistance of motor winding and electromagnet exciting coil with 500V
megameter, the measurement shall not be less than 5 MΩ. Otherwise, it should be dried at the
temperature 120℃ maximum.

4.2.6 Keep the motor at the release condition, and then manually rotate the motor shaft to verify the
rotating flexibility.

4.3 Installation of motor

4.3.1 It is permitted for the motor to be driven by clutch, spur gear and belt sheave. It is not suitable to be
driven by belt for the motor whose power is greater than 4kW (including 2-pole) and 30kW (including

4.3.2 If the motor is driven by belt, the central line of the motor shaft shall be paralleled to the central line
of the loading axle and the central line of the belt shall be vertical to the central line of the central line of
the shaft; if it is driven by clutch, the central line of the motor shaft should be coincided to the loading

4.3.3 The motor shall be installed in a draughty and well-cooling environment

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4.3.4 During lifting and installing of the motor, it shall be ensured that the bolts of lifting ring are fastened.
During lifting, the motor can not be randomly rotated to prevent the motor from falling down and injuring

4.4. Operation of motor

4.4.1 The motor shall be properly earthed from the earthing terminal at the lower right inside the junction
box. If necessary, the motor can be also earthed by means of the bottom feet of the motor or the fastening
bolts, after getting rid of the insulating lacquer or rust.

4.4.2 The motors shall be wired according to the specification on the marking plate shown in the
following figure:

4.4.4 The wiring of DC electromagnetic brake is shown in the following figure.

4.4.5 Motor is started at full voltage, however, it is noticed that there is about 5 - 7 times rated current of
the starting current.

4.4.6 After checking the motor brake, move the release handle to verify if it is flexible and is able to
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release the brake. After confirming no errors, switch on to operate with no load. If the motor is switched
on but the brake is still unreleased, the motor remains the braked state. In this case, immediately switch
off to avoid burning the motor. When the rectification exciting circuit of the brake is examined without
13 yantai bonway manufactruer co.,ltd

any problem, the operation can be repeated. After it operates with no load for some time, stop the motor
to verify and observe the bearings no phenomena of loosen mechanical connection, over heating and oil
leak and the brake fully relieved. If any abnormal phenomenon is found, stop the motor to examine.
When it is completely under the normal condition, it can be operated with load.

4.4.7 When the frequency variation to the rated value is more than 1% or the voltage variation to the rated
value is more than 10%, the motors can not be ensured its output continuously.

4.4.8 While the motor is operating with load or no-load, any intermittent or abnormal sound or vibration
shall be found and the bearing temperature shall not be more than 95℃ (thermometer method).

5. Maintenance and repair of motor

5.1 The operating environment shall be kept dry, the motor surface shall be clean and the air inlet shall
not be blocked by dust, fiber, etc.

5.2 Motor shall be well lubricated during operating. Generally, after motor operates for 5000 hours, the
lubricating grease shall be supplemented or replaced (the lubricating grease is not necessary to replace for
the closed bearings during their operating life). If the bearing is overheated or the lubricating grease is
deteriorated, the lubricating grease shall be replaced in time.

The old lubricating grease shall be removed before it is replaced with new one. The bearings and the
bearing grease grooves shall be cleaned with gasoline and then the ZL-3 lithium-base lubricating grease is
filled in 2/3 of cavity between inner and outer rings of bearings.

5.3 When a bearing ends its service life, the vibration and the noise will be significantly increased. If the
radial play of a bearing is examined reaching 0.1mm, it shall be immediately replaced, The bearings and
their specifications are shown in the table 3 below.

Table 3:

Machine Bearing Specification Bearing size

base No. Primary shaft extension end Fan end (IDODwidth)

80 6204-2RS 6204-2RS 20 4714

90 6205-2RS 6205-2RS 255215
100 6206-2RS 6206-2RS 306216
112 6306-2RS 6306-2RS 307219
132 6308-2RS 6308-2RS 409023
160 6309 Z1 6309 Z1 4510025
180 6311 Z1 6311 Z1 5512029
200 6312 Z1 6312 Z1 6013031

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5.4 The friction disk will be worn after the long-term use. The air gap between the
armature and the field core will be enlarged, the braking spring length will be increased,
so as to reduce the brake moment, and as a result of the air gap being enlarged, the
armature can be hardly attracted, keeping the motor under braking and burning the

Therefore, it is necessary to check the air gap of the brake every three months. When the
static braking moment is less than the defined value or the air gap value is greater than
the defined value, it is necessary to regulate in time. When the friction disk is worn to the
rivet head, it shall be changed in time.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 9 10 11

1 1

The structure of electromagnet bake

1、torque measure Bolt 2、Installation Bolt 3、release Bolt 4、Cover 5、Friction Plate
6、Hollow Bolt 7、Armature 8、Magnetic Coil 9、Fan 8、Fan Cover 11、Retainer ring

5.4.1 Steps of adjusting air gap of electromagnetic brake(See the structure of electromagnet bake)

a). Cut off all electronic power.

b). Unscrew the release handle();

c).Remove the fan cover(No 10).

d).Remove Retainer ring (No11).

e).Remove the fan (No 9).

f) Loosen up the Installation Bolt (No 2)

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g). Adjust the hollow bolted (No 3) to make sure the air gap gets to the rated value of table 1;;and then
fasten the hollow bolted (No 2).

h).Re-mount the fan (No 9)、Retainer ring (No 11). And fan cover(No 10).

5.4.2.Replacement of friction disk


1. When a single side of the friction disk is so worn that it is close to the metal end face of the
brake, the friction disk must be changed as per the following procedure:


a). Switch off to remove the coil lead wire of the brake;

b). Unscrew the release handle;

c).Remove the fan cover(No 10);

d).Remove Retainer ring (No11).

e).Remove the fan(No 9);

f).Screw down the Installation Bolt (No 2);

g).Remove the Magnetic Coil (No 8) together with the armature(No 7).

h). Remove the brake disk(No 5) to change a new one;

i). Re-assemble all the parts.


5.4.3 The manual release device is driven by a connecting rod. Move the release handle along the release
direction to pull the armature apart from the friction disk (Note: Do not apply an undue force while
moving the handle to avoid any damage.). When the applied force disappears, the brake handle can return
to its original position to recover the braking capability.

6. Failures and troubleshooting methods

The general failures and the troubleshooting methods are described in table 4:
Table 4: The general failure and the troubleshooting methods

Failure Reason Troubleshooting method
1. More severe wearing of
1. Adjust air gap
friction disk
2. Spring malfunction 2. Adjust the spring
1 3. Adjust air gap and
malfunction 3. Slow movement
check exciting voltage
4. Friction plate or braking 4. Remove the dirt and
disk is stopped keep clean

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Failure Reason Troubleshooting method
5. Remove the dirt and
5. Dirt on the friction face
keep clean
6. Replace it with a new
6. Damage to magnetic coil
1. Check the power
1. Power is not connected
2. Check the fuse and the
2. One of three phases of
power supply of each
Motor cannot be the stator coil
2 started with no
3. Damage to stator 3. Replace it with a new
winding one
4. Check the power
4. Brake no function supply of the brake and
the release mechanism
1. short circuit of stator 1. Check resistance and
winding current of each phase
Motor cannot be 2. Check the current at
2. Overload
3 started with overload of motor
load 3. Check the power
3. Brake no function supply of the brake and
the release mechanism
1. Wrong setting with the 1. Re-set the frequency
frequency converter converter
2. The voltage is either too
2. Check the voltage
high or too low
3. Check motor load
3. Motor overloaded
Motor current
overheating 4. Improve operation
4. Starting times over times
5. Check the air gap of
5. Slow function of brake brake and the DC exciting
6. Poor ventilation 6. Clear up the blockage
1. short circuit of stator
1. Replace stator winding
Three-phase winding
5 power supply 2. Wrong wiring 2. Correct wiring
unbalanced 3. the power and the 3. Check power, voltage
voltage are not in balance and frequency converter
1. Short circuit of stator
1. Repair stator winding
6 Fuse blown
2. Voltage too low or too 2. Adjustment of the
high frequency converter
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Failure Reason Troubleshooting method
1. Check and repair the
1. Short circuit of stator
insulation or stator
2. Blow the inside of
7 resistance low
2. Not clean insulation with dry
or broken down
compressed air
3. Winding or terminal 3. Unwind to dry or reuse
assembly damp after treatment
1. Connector being loosen 1. Check and tighten the
up connector
Bigger vibration
8 2. Stator is not in balance 2. Adjust the stator
of motor
3. Installation improper 3. Check installation
4. Brake is not in full release 4. Adjust the brake
1. Bearing damaged or not
1. Change bearing
3. Check the assembling
Bearing conditions for bearing as
2. Assembling improper
9 generates noise well as front and rear end
or is overheated covers
5. Check the eccentricity
3. Rotary shaft bent of all parts of rotor and
align them

7. Storage and transportation

7.1 Motors shall be stored at the temperature range of -25℃ to 55℃ and in the dry atmosphere to
prevent the surrounding temperature from suddenly varying.

7.2 Motors shall be piled up too many during storage to avoid damaging the lower motor packages.

7.3 Motors shall be prevented from tilting or placing upside down during transportation.

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