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Name : .................................................................................. Class : ..............................

Addition Exercises

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sum up and fill in the correct answers in the spaces provided

Problem Answer

1. 1+1 = 2
2. 1+2 =

1+3 =

4. 1+4 =

5. 1+5 =

6. 1+6 =

7. 1+7 =

8. 1+8 =

9. 1+9 =

10. 1 + 10 =

Problem Answer
1. 1+1 = 2
2. 1+2 = 3
3. 1+3 = 4
4. 1+4 = 5
5. 1+5 = 6
6. 1+6 = 7
7. 1+7 = 8
8. 1+8 = 9
9. 1+9 = 10
10. 1 + 10 = 11

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