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by :

Depy Nurhayati Siregar








A. Background of the study

English has been _ introduced since at the level Elementary

School , namely form concrete from business government For create

source Power quality human being . But in one side , English is

actually a second language or third often student feel difficulty For

master it , especially for students at the level School medium first

(Dita, 2020)

This thing will influential to results learn English . _ In

experience writer who teaches English _ as many as 85% found students

who are having difficulty good inside _ writing , pronunciation and

memorization of words in English . However the rest as many as 15% of

the students anyone can _ in writing , pronunciation nor memorizing

words in English . _ Whereas eye English lessons _ will studied again at

the level school next , even until College . In the learning process , there

are a number of influencing factors _ results Study that is factor from in

self somebody nor factor from outside or factor environment . This thing

as revealed by Sudjana that “ Factor from in like abilities possessed _

participant educate , motivate learning , interest and attention , attitudes

and habits study physical and psychological factors . Meanwhile ( Sudjana

, 2015) the factor of outside Which can influence results Study like quality

teaching . Whereas according to Carroll in Sudjana “ results Study

participant educate influenced by five factors namely : talent study ,

available time _ For study , the time required For explain lesson , quality

teaching and abilities individual ”. So results or results Study part big

influenced by factors in participant educate them _ interest learning ,

motivation learning and abilities participant educate. Interest learn what is

within yourself participant educate have function as pushing force _

student For learn . With the emergence of interest For Want to Study

Language England , will become strength pusher for self student increase

his abilities in control something eye lesson . If you have a feeling of

liking arises or self - interest students , then student will do Study with all

the love ideals , without there is fear . This thing as revealed by Slameto _

that interest is a sense of more liking and feeling of interest in something

matter or activity , without someone ordered . _ Interest basically _ is

reception between self Alone with something outside _ mutual selves _

influential . Besides interest , success student in Learning is also

influenced by other factors that are not lost important that is motivation

learn . Motivation role important in self student Good in a way aware or

No aware that you can appear from in self Alone or from outside himself ,

for do action with desired goal . _ But in essence motivation is condition

psychological ones push somebody For Want to do something . In learning

, motivation is mover self students who give rise to and guarantee

continuity activity Study students , so expected the goal can achieved .

Students who have motivation tall Of course will influence the results

learning , p This can looks at the way activity Study students . Student will

really _ in follow the learning process , and try For get results learn the

best (Dita, 2020).

Based on studies The introduction was carried out at SMP 7

Tanjungpinang results interview with a number of There were 30 students

as respondents of 10 students say No interested or not like it Study

Language English , 10th of the others say No liked learning Language

english because memorize vocabulary _ _ too many 5 out of 30 said like

learning Language english 5 out of 30 says No like it because difficult to

understand so that mark Language English they always low . From the

results interview above _ researcher conclude that of 30 respondents only

5 likes learning language english from 5 respondents the get the average

value is 80, whereas of 25 respondents No like with some reasons to study

Language english difficult to understand and difficult memorize

vocabulary with _ see average learning results for 25 students and 60-65

female students .

B. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the background and problems described above, the author

formulates the existing problem, namely " ' How Relationships and

interests students and results Study language English at SMP 7

Tanjungpinang 2023 ? ”

C. Objective study

The research objective in this study is to determine relationships and

interests students and results Study language English at SMP 7

Tanjungpinang 2023 ? ”



Research requires support from previous research results related to the

research. So there are several previous studies related to this research, namely

as follows:

1. Study performed by Sri Dewi Mulyani , Mahdum , Syofia Delfi (20 21 ).

J title research “ Relationships between interest and learning student withh

results learning Language English “ Aim Study For find connection between

interest students and results Study habasa English they are at Ujungbatu State

High School . Necessary problems _ discussed in the research This is is There

is connection between interest students and results Study Language English

they are at Ujungbatu State High School . Population study This is all over

student class one Ujungbatu State High School with 527 students . Writer use

simple random sampling technique for choose sample . There were 263

students selected as sample in the study this . Instrument in study This is

related questionnaires _ with interest Study Language English students and

documentation results Study Language English those who are assessed with

use Product Moment formula and analyzed using SPSS 17.0 statistical

program . Based on the Product Moment test shows that There is significant

and positive relationship _ between interest students and results Study

Language English those at Ujungbatu State High School show it exists high

correlation . _ Therefore _ that's the formula problem study This missed that

there is connection between interest students and results Study Language

English them . Based on results study This recommended to student For build

more interest _ Again in learn Language English Because interest and results

Study own positive relationship , the teacher should make lesson Language

English more interesting Again Because matter the can influence interest

Study students and researchers others to get it do study continuation on

specific skills because study This refers to some existing skills in the

Language England .

2. Study carried out by Dita Handayani (20 20 ).

Research title “ Relationships between interest Study students and motivation

Study Language English ” . objective research _ This For know and test theory

connection between interest Study students and motivation Study student to

results learn English _ students at Cibuluh 6 Public Elementary School ,

Bogor City. Problem in study This formulated as following : (1) Relationship

between interest Study student with results Study Language English

student class V of Cibuluh 6 State Elementary School, Bogor City; (2)

relationship between motivation Study student with results learn English _

student class V of Cibuluh 6 State Elementary School, Bogor City and (3)

relationships between interest Study students and motivation Study student

in a way together to results Study Language English class V of Cibuluh 6

State Elementary School, Bogor City. Method used _ in study This is

method descriptive quantitative with analysis correlational . Study This

carried out at SD Negeri Cibuluh 6 Bogor City during with amount

population as many as 445 people and samples as many as 75 people, were

taken with purposive sampling method . Analysis of the data used is analysis

regression simple and multiple.Results study prove that : (1) exists

significant relationship _ between interest Study studentswith results Study

Language English with coefficient correlation of 0.403 and coefficient

determination amounting to 16.20%, (2) exists significant relationship _

between motivation Study student with results Study Language English

student with results correlation of 0.525 and coefficient determination of

27.60%, (3) exists significant relationship _ between interest Study students

and motivation Study student in a way together with results Study

Language English students at SD Negeri Cibuluh 6 Bogor City with mark

coefficient correlation of 0.539 and coefficient of determination amounting to

27.10% ari results mark coefficient determination between interest

learning and motivation Study student in a way together to results Study

Language English student obtained amounting to 27.10% of the influence

provided . And if seen from big coefficient determination of each variable

free to variable bound , variable motivation learn more _ big its influence

compared to variable interest learn . This thing signify that motivation Study

student is very influential thing in determine results learn what he wants ,

however matter This No regardless of _ role teacher competence in the

learning process and as motivator to students , to be moved and encouraged

his heart For Want to do learn and acquire results maximum learning . _

Average language score English student 5th grade at Cibuluh State

Elementary School amounted to 72.93, p This signify that results Study

Language English student class 5 is said good .

3. Study MA Budiman 2022

Learning activities in the classroom are considered successful if the teacher

works professionally so that teaching and learning activities run smoothly

and the knowledge transferred can be well received by students. Learning

English in various elementary schools is still experiencing obstacles in the

form of the failure of students to enjoy learning taught by English teachers.

Professional English teachers should be able to make the learning process in

class fun so that students are not afraid of English subjects. This study aims

to analyze the professionalism of English teachers at Bilingual Elementary

School Muhammadiyah 1 Purwodadi . This research is a qualitative

descriptive study with data collection methods using questionnaires,

interviews, and observations. The results of the study indicate that ER as an

English teacher has carried out a professional teaching process where she

facilitates learning in the classroom optimally by applying various teaching

elements (learning methods, learning models, and learning media) properly

and correctly. The conclusion of this research is that teachers are able to work

professionally because they receive support from various parties (principals,

parents, and students). The professionalism of the English teacher at

Bilingual Elementary School Muhammadiyah 1 Purwodadi is demonstrated

by her ability to make lesson plans that are structured based on her

understanding of the character of the students she teaches. By understanding

the character of students, he is able to choose various teaching elements

(learning methods, learning models, and evaluations) to be included in the

lesson plan so that he is able to make learning in class fun



A. Research Approach
In this research, the author uses a qualitative approach where the research

carried out is descriptive, namely providing an accurate picture and explanation

of the problems faced.

B. Location and Research Objects

1. Object of research

The object of this research is Student Tanjungpinang Middle

School 7 student . Researchers' reasons take title object This is from

results interview interest There are less than 7 junior high school

students and students rather than results learning which is determined .

2. Research sites

The research location is the place where the research was

conducted, the reason the researcher took it at SMP 7 Tanjungpinnag ,

because the mass media mostly reports on problems in S MP Instead of

Second High School, the researchers took the location in the

Tanjungpinang city area, because it was more near with place just stay ,

it's easy affordable and economical .

3. Research Focus n
The researchers are more focused on ' Relationships and interests
students and results Study language English at SMP 7 Tanjungpinang
2023 and in learning language English should interest Study student more
big from than other learning is due to Language English represents
language international yan used in various countries _ so that make it
easier in communication .
C. Data Source

Data sources used to study this research is a source of primary data and

secondary data, including:

1. Primary data

Primary data collection in study This by doing interview in a way

direct with related parties _ with study

2. Secondary Data

Secondary data collection through data obtained from library

materials, including from technical guidance documents for

implementing the results average report and spread questionnaire

interest Study

D. Data Collection Techniques

1. Interview

In this research, researchers conducted interviews with several

informants who could help with the research process .

2. Observation

T echniques data collection with method search and data collection carried out

with observation in a way straight away .

3. Documentation

The documents in this research are in the form of writing and

images . Documents in written form , namely Regulations , policies ,

etc. _ Shaped document _ picture namely photos , data tables, charts,

and so on.


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