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Circular No 262/2023 Dated 20 Sept 2023 CPD Code: T5/27092023/BC/BC233233/2

Child Rights Committee Webinar on

Sexual Case Proceedings at the

Sexual Crime Against Children Court
27 Sept 2023 (Wednesday) | 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
2 CPD Points will be allocated Register online here

The Special Court for Sexual Crimes Against Children addressing any sexual violence against
children was first established in Putrajaya, pursuant to the Sexual Offences Against Children Act
2017. The jurisdiction of the Court for Sexual Crimes Against Children includes crimes of child
pornography, child grooming, physical and non-physical sexual assault, rape, incest, carnal
intercourse against the order of nature and child prostitution, wherein the victim is a child. The
difference between Court for Children and Sexual Crime Against Children Court is that Court for
Children is for hearing, determining or disposing cases against a child; whereas the prime goal of
Sexual Crime Against Children Court is to reduce the time it takes for cases involving sexual
offences against children to be resolved. Session Court judges with expertise in child sexual
crime would be appointed to hold these cases. The judges will have access to the victims in the
room, which will be done by video conference, court recording and transcription and audio
visual technology.

This webinar will focus on the proceedings in the Sexual Crime Against Children Court and how
the intention of the legislature, by providing specific Acts in dealing with such cases, are met by
reference to Act 792 and Act 676.

Speaker Moderator

Datin Kunasundary Marimuthu Balakrishna Balaravi Pillai

Judge at the Special Court for Sexual Crime Against Children Balakrishna or better known as “B.K.” by
his peers in Ipoh, was admitted as a
Datin Kunasundary joined the Judicial Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln’s Inn) to the
and legal services in 1997. She has held English Bar in 2007 and was
various posts in the Judicial and legal subsequently admitted to the High
services amongst which; as a legal Court of Malaya in 2008. He practices
adviser, a magistrate, as a deputy in Ipoh and his main areas of practice
Registrar and research officer. She is include criminal and civil-general litigation, industrial,
currently the Session Court Judge in medical and family law.
the Special Court for Sexual Crimes
Against Children. He is an active National Legal Aid lawyer, having been one
of its earliest core counsels since its inception in 2012. He
currently serves as the Deputy Co-Chairperson of the
National Legal Aid and YBGK Committee of the Bar
Council, and is also currently a member of the Perak Bar
Committee, serving as the state’s Bar Council

This webinar is free of charge, but advance registration is

Should you have any enquiries, please contact:
Upon successful registration, a link to the webinar will be
Mohd Idzwan Ismail
emailed to registered participants only. Registration will (
close on 25 Sept 2023 (Monday) 12:00 pm. Rathi Ragunathan
Please note that no additional registration will be accepted (
once the closing date has passed, or if the webinar is full
(whichever comes first).
We may not permit future registration if you fail to attend
the webinar after registering, unless you provide an
acceptable and valid reason(s). Organised by
Bar Council Child Rights Committee

Issued by: Kokila Vaani Vadiveloo, Chairperson, Bar Council Child Rights Committee

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