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Teresa Kemunto Ogero


Mobile Number: 0717345874

Date: 21st September 2023

Commission on Administrative Justice

2nd Floor, West End Towers - Waiyaki Way

P.O. Box 20414 City Square, 00200

Nairobi, Kenya

Dear Hiring Manager,


I am writing to express my sincere interest in the Supply Chain and Procurement Internship
position at the Commission on Administrative Justice, as advertised on your website. Given my
experience in procurement at the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) and the National Social Security
Fund (NSSF), I am eager to bring my practical skills and dedication to your esteemed

My time at Kenya Defense Forces provided me with invaluable hands-on experience in

procurement processes, contract management, and supplier negotiations. I collaborated closely
with senior procurement officers to ensure timely and cost-effective procurement of essential
goods and services for KDF. This role demanded meticulous attention to detail and adherence to
strict procurement regulations, which I believe aligns well with the standards of integrity and
professionalism upheld by the Commission on Administrative Justice.

During my experience at NSSF, I had the opportunity to work on various procurement projects,
including vendor evaluation, contract administration, and procurement documentation. I
contributed to the enhancement of procurement procedures by streamlining documentation
processes and implementing more efficient record-keeping systems. My experience at NSSF
deepened my understanding of the critical role that procurement plays in organizational success
and reinforced my commitment to maintaining the highest standards of transparency and ethics
in this field.

I am particularly drawn to the Commission on Administrative Justice due to its vital role in
promoting good governance, transparency, and accountability in public administration. I believe
that my experience in procurement, along with my dedication to ethical and compliant practices,
would enable me to make meaningful contributions to your mission of ensuring administrative
justice for all citizens.

What sets me apart as a candidate is my ability to handle complex procurement tasks, work well
under pressure, and collaborate effectively with diverse teams. I am well-versed in procurement
regulations and software tools, which would facilitate a smooth integration into your
procurement processes.

I am excited about the opportunity to work with your experienced team and contribute to the
Commission on Administrative Justice's impactful work. Enclosed is my curriculum vitae for
your review. I am available at your convenience for an interview and can be reached at
0717345874 or

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how
my experiences align with the goals of the Commission on Administrative Justice.


Teresa Ogero

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