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Eric C. Medders

So you want to be an
adventurer eh?

DUNGEONPUNK is a punk and/or heavy metal album cover with badass

fantasy art. It's one of those old classical paintings of ancient battles. It's the
weird art you find in zines. In this ancient world everyone is on edge and
could die any day. It is the Primordial Earth. An earth that once was and what
could be.

One sees that when they are still young and vital that they have very little
time left before dying in some noble's fight, dying in a factory, dying working
the fields and farms, dying in the streets, dying of a disease, or even worse
getting old, ugly, and decrepit and then dying. Die inside the city or die
horribly outside the walls.

Most of the poor and common people dress any way they can. Weird
hairstyles, tattoos, makeup, and piercings are the norm. Think of a medieval
and renaissance festival mixed with punk and metal style. The nobles dress
that way as well except with more style and pageantry as they have all the

Most people live in the many walled Giant Rotting Cities that are across the
world. Most are city states independent of each other while others are a
nation of 1D20 cities and always trying to grow larger by conquest. The cities
are crowded and filthy. Black smut coats most of the giant buildings and such
form the many fireplaces burning. Most of the buildings are stone and wood,
with the massive slums having buildings built out of anything that can be

In every giant city there are slums within the walls and outside the walls. The
slums outside the walls are usually the place where one can find the worst of
civilization. Drugs, sex, slavery, and forbidden occult knowledge.

Smaller internal walls and filthy canals separate the city into other districts as
well. Who or what is floating in the canal? Below the streets are the homes
and ruins built on top of from ages past and below that are the ancient
sewers. Some say the ground below is hollow and there is a secret monster
and trap filled underworld of dungeons deep and caverns old. All
DUNGEONPUNKS know this for a fact. There are also legend that all cites
are connect by underground highways.

In most cities there are the commoner areas where most business takes
place, the guild and low noble areas where the business owners and
investors live, the high noble areas where the mega rich live, the royal
districts all fine and clean where the highest of all nobles live, the court and
political district where the city is ran.
In the common areas of a city, it is
amazing how well the nobles live off the
backs of the people. Like parasites they
suck off the labor of the many with
investments, stolen long ago from others
in conquest. Many times the workers are
virtually slaves, being paid very little and
charged for room and board and for their
tools and equipment at outlandish prices
in the foul factories and artisan houses.

The fashionable nobles are most cruel to

their servants and slaves. At a whim they can be killed, raped, and tortured
without justice. The few that escape are usually very mentally and physically
damaged people. Many a DUNGEONPUNK has been a former servant of
slave that was treated cruelly and now with nothing to loose is panning

Almost all of the Nobles are corrupt. They are always trying to climb up the
ladder and get into the royal (or imperial family) at any cost. They try and
marry off their children as soon as possible to other royals or nobles to vie for
position. The will lie, cheat, steal, and kill for their purposes. They must also
be careful not to let the situation get too much out of control least the
commoners see a weakness and rise up and revolt, the royals decide to take
out their family, or the other noble families decide to gang up and take them
out to raid their coffers. Very few of the nobles are actually killed in these
battles and wars, but many of their servants die in these causes. Not to say
that the Lord or Lady of a Noble House won't get occasionally executed or
imprisoned for life. There are many factors to follow in the game of nobles
such as Honor, Reputation, and Wealth. One can roll a quick D20 to see how
high one family stands. Each Noble family has it's own army and that is how
the city has troops to go to war.

The Guilds are corrupt as well. One cannot afford competition so one must
either make a better product or not let the competition even have a chance by
sabotaging their wares, kidnapping or murdering their employees, kidnapping
or murdering their guild and family members, raiding their supply chains, and
just plain out stealing their gold. A great way to make money is to get hired as
a leg breaker for a Guild.

While most of the adventurer healers are parts of smaller religions and they
work for order and fight evil the best they can, the State Church is corrupt.
Wicked and power hungry priest use their positions to sway favor towards
whomever is paying the most. They sell indulgences to the most wicked of
nobles allowing them to be even more evil. They also are separated in
different religious orders and are fighting each other for their very survival.
Like the nobles, they are not allowed an all out war unless the High Priest
(and a few betting nobles are bored)! The High Priest of the State Church
has many services and meetings where he divvies out gold from tithes to the
different order, depending on how well they served the interest of the State
Church. Woe to the churchgoer that does not tithe and woe to those found
not attending church on the day of worship! Just like the nobility, the servants
of the church are treated just as bad or worse. Even more sickening is these
priest run the charities and the orphanages so they can have a continuous
supply of servants.

The Law itself is corrupt. The town guard and the militia are all in the pocket
of someone. They only interfere in a crime if they can benefit. They serve as
arms of the nobility to make people disappear in the prison system. The Court
punish anyone for many years for the smallest offense.

The Political District is a maze of horrible useless bureaucracy where one

must pay fees and fines for everything. Taxes are collected here as well and
funneled directly to the royals. The surprisingly bright parts of the Political
Districts are the universities and the wizard schools where one can learn
academic and state sponsored magics.

The Underworld rules much. They are know as The Kings of the Low. They
are the nobility of the lower class. All the sinful vices such as drugs,
prostitution, and slavery. Dark and forbidden magic items and forbidden
magics are provided here as well. At least one knows these are dirty and
treacherous criminals!

There are right outside the great cites the merchants who transport good
through the dangerous trade ways. The trade ways are by road, canal or by
water. Many tales of ancient ruins can be found at the campsites of the

What does a DUNGEONPUNK do about such a horrible world? If you can't

avoid a foul noble or sick priest then punch em in the face and kick em in the
nuts, then run away. Turn their enemies against them but watch out that their
enemies won't turn on you.

Most of the common people are ignorant and kept that way by the guilds,
nobility, and the church. Most do not know how to read and have never left
the town they live in.
Filthy little towns and villages are all that lay
outside of a great city and there are many
of them. There is far less corruption but
mark my words there is always a presence
of the city watching the country for any sign
of rebellion. Cruel taskmasters are sent to
keep the people in line from the nobles.
Hellfire and damnation priest are sent from
the State Church to scare the people in line. A
few times a year the nobles come to stay in
their ancient massive fine country manors
and woe to the people that get in their way.
Many a secret cult does abide in the county side.

The city states are always a war with other nations. Mankind cannot go
without trying to destroy or conquer something. Beware of enemy scouts and
troops lurking in the out lands.

Foul Humanoids from far out lands of chaos sometimes come into the
outskirts of the civilized lands. Orcs, goblinoids, gnolls, lizardmen, trolls,
ogres, and may others are always trying to raid and kill the civilized people.
They can never get together as the different tribes are always at war with
each other. Woe to the time when some powerful dark force can bring these
tribes of foul humanoids together.

There are rumors of yet another Monster coming out of the ancient lands and
seen in civilized lands. It could be a chimera, a giant, or even a dragon. There
is more than one mounter and more than one story of such fell beast. These
beast are tough to kill but always have larges piles of treasure!

Yet another Dark Lord is rumored to have risen to

rally together the foul humanoids and monsters.
There are rumors of more than one Dark Lord.

A DUNGEONPUNK must remember that everyone

has ulterior motives an life is not fair.

Drugs and Alcohol are a part of life and there are

many. The Game Master should make up many
kinds of foul drugs with weird effects for characters
that choose to take them.
IF one has sex he must watch out for Ancient Venereal
Diseases of this world as well as having an unwanted child.
Feel free to make one suffer for a bad roll!

Plagues occasionally break out in the crowed cities and in

the remote countrysides and this just gives the nobles and
the church license to show how evil and incompetent they
are to handle disasters.

This ancient primordial world is plagued by disasters. The Great Cycles of the
Ages as warned by the ancients have come around and the world is shaking.
Violent storms and flooding occurs at least once a moth or more. Terrible
winds and tornadoes! Lighting striking everywhere! Strange magical storms
occur a few times a year as well. The earth shakes and cracks open. Tidal
waves have wiped out some on the coast! Volcanoes are seen in the
distance. Meteors fall from the sky and comets foretell disasters.

Beware the farther you go out because the Primordial Wilderness sucks! The
farther you get out the more dangerous it is. Ruins peek out of this foul
landscape and tell of a past age that was destroyed. Foul beast and evil
plants will eat you in the forest. The rocky deserts will
kill you with thirst and starvation. The plains will
swallow you up by all the chasms that have opened
up as well as the foul beat and demons that roam
there. The mountains are even worse.

The lands are separated by the Oceans of Filth. The

ancients long ago polluted the world and the oceans
have not fully recovered. Only the most foul of beast
live in these oceans. It is rumored in madmen's tales
that far form these lands are the blue seas full of fish.

Let it be know that there are Very Few Maps of the

world for the common adventurer. This is secret knowledge held by the
academics and the nobles. One gaining entrance to these secret libraries
would be very disappointed as these maps are not that great. It is up to the
DUNGEONPUNK to explore this world.

Know that among all levels of society that there are Dark Secret Cults
Everywhere! When you find them, expose them and make sure and kill all of
them least they reform and they WILL try and kill you.

Being a DUNGEONPUNK you are in a world of backstabbing and deceit.

How does one get out of this life? By adventuring in Dungeons and Ancient
Dungeons and Ancient Crypts are found everywhere. There most likely is one
below the city, but if it has already been found then it's most likely looted.
They go deep and have their own rules.

For some reason the creators of dungeon always filled them with traps. What
sick mind would do that? One who wants their treasures for themselves even
if they are dead. That won't do. So what kid of traps are there? A game
master can never stop making them up. Pit traps (with spikes, acid, boiling
oil, flaming oil, etc.), darts, blades, heavy objects, traps, chutes, gases,
poisons, alarms, magical effects, and whatever you can devise!

Monsters are everywhere in dungeons. IF a dungeon has an empty area then

it's trapped or there is something worse than a normal monster. Humanoids,
evil cults and the undead tend to stalk dungeons as well as weird lowlife
creatures such as giant insects, worms, slimes, and oozes.

Dungeons undiscovered and not looted are full of gold and treasure.
Remember that there are Magic Items that rule and suck. The Game Master
should make up different magical rings, necklaces, belts, potions, scrolls,
weapons and armor. Many magic items have a mind of their own and an
agenda. Magic items of the lesser sort are part of everyday life. Items like
magic lanterns, magical doors, pumps, and elevators. Beware! Anything of
value can be treasure. An old book may be worth more than a pile of gold. A
DUNGEONPUNK takes advantage of the situation and succeeds where other
fail. Beware of cursed items as one cannot get rid of them easily. All cursed
items have an agenda and that normally means you might be used and die in
the process. Try and give them
away or even better sell them to
someone who sucks.

Let's not forget that swords can fail

you, stealth can fail you, magic can
fail you, and even the gods can fail
you. Always have another plan and
an escape route. When you run out
of Destiny then you are at the
mercy of the dice and the dice hate

A few people played various classes and subclasses and I let them. I let them
play whatever they wanted. IF you make up a new class then send it to me.
We will make another booklet.


You are a priest of the primordial world of nature. You don't just worship
nature but you are actually part of it. Your weapons and armor must be
natural or sacred weapons of the druids such as scimitars, daggers, bows,
and scythes. Your magic uses the forces of nature itself and a druid may call
on the animals of the forest, the ancient trees and plants, the storms in the
sky, or use the earth itself. When a Druid becomes a local hero they may
even become as primordial beast or plants of ancient and old by taking their
form. You have Leather, Bark, or Hide Armor, Backpack, (Staff, Scimitar,
Scythe, or Bow and 20 Arrows), A Holly Crown, Mistletoe, Strange Druid


A Ranger is a warrior and scout of the wilderness. Rangers tend to be very

skilled in tracking and wilderness survival as well as passing unseen right
under their enemies noses! If a Ranger is in the party, he can make sure that
everyone is well fed and sheltered in a wilderness situation. When a Ranger
becomes a local hero he may begin to use the magic of the Druids. They are
considered Fighters for the most part but keep their armor light and their feet
quick. As a ranger you have Leather Armor, Backpack, Dual Weapons and
Longbow with 40 arrows, Hand Axe, Water Skin, 7 Days of Preserved Rations

“Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they
can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”
― Robert E. Howard


You are a brutal and fierce warrior of the far out primordial wilderness, the
primitive Barbarian answers insults with violence and challenges without fear.
You prefer to live far from most of mankind where men are foolishly believing
that they are protected by civilization from their rude tongues. All barbarians
are skilled in wilderness survival and fantastic physical feats of daring. The
more the Barbarian sees civilization the more he prefers savagery. Chicks
always dig the rude crude Barbarian dude and the lady Barbarian will breaks
one's heart after she breaks your jaw. Barbarians become very dangerous
when the primordial rage of their ancient gods, nature spirits, and/or
ancestors are awakened! Their souls crave blood on the battlefield wherever
that may be. Even in a city or tavern. You have Furs and Leather Armor (they
are quick and tough and feel armor is for wimps), Two handed Sword, Great
Axe, Huge Club, Huge Mace, or Huge Pole Arm, Backpack, and Tribal
Necklace. They may have Tattoos, Piercings, Tribal Jewelry, and/or Ritual


You are a Monk uses the psionic principles of mind and body with combined
kung fu martial arts training. You can use martial arts weapons but can also
fight with his bare fist and feet like a badass. Your entire body is a weapon.
You can strike with a flurry of blows and by spending a Destiny Point or two
do fantastic feats of leaping that cause massive damage to an opponent. You
are as stealthy as a Rogue and have great knowledge of Lore, Healing, and
History. You have Fine Robes to Rags, Hat, A Staff (or some other weapon),
Backpack, and Dagger.


You are a Bard that uses magic, song, poetry, dance and/or music to
influence a situation or battle. You are normally very attractive and
charismatic, able to woo the most hard of hearts into happiness, sadness,
and romance. You are a proficient Fighter and decent Rogue. You dabble in
many forms of magic that charm, influence and control others with a touch of
a wizard and healer to aid the party. No matter what you are never as
powerful as a Wizard or Healer. You have a Fine Hat, Fluffy Shirt, A Leather
Jack, Tights, High Boots, Jewelry, A Rapier, 5 Throwing Daggers, A Musical
Instrument,Various Maps, Book of Poems and Stories, and/or Great Singing


The elven tradition of the Spellblade is an old one and for centuries these
magical warriors have protected the weak and fought against the monsters
from the great underworld. A Spellblade is a Fighter that can cast Wizard
spells but cannot wear armor any heavier than Chainmail and is not as
powerful as a Wizard. A tradition that is no longer elven only, as many races
have taken on the sword and spell to fight against their foes! You have
Chainmail Armor, Backpack, Sword and Shield, (Dual Weapons or Two
Handed Weapon and no Shield)

The Assassin is a Rogue that has decided to become a badass killer of men.
Most Assassins are part of an Assassin's Guild and must do what they say
and follow their rules or else. All the rest of the Assassins are self taught and
independents. Other Assassin Guilds don't dig other Assassin Guilds or
Independents and will usually come and visit to warn or kill an outsider
Assassin. Assassins are skilled in the martial arts as well as the skills of a
Rogue except for the knowledge of Ancient Lore and Tales. Instead the
Assassin has learned how to Disguise himself, learned to Brew Poisons that
knock out or kill their opponents, how to brew powerful Acids, and to
Assassinate a victim. You have Studded Leather Armor, Reversible Cloak,
Backpack, Lock Picks, Knock Out Potion, Vial of Poison, Vial of Acid, 5
Smoke Bombs, Disguise Kit, Stiletto, Garrote, A Short or Long Sword, or Twin
Short Swords, and Short Bow and 20 Arrows.


You are a holy knight of lawful goodness! Your primary purpose is fighting and
killing evil and chaos. You belong to some kind of Holy Order that you are the
Game master can make up. They give you shiny armor and fine weapons.
You are normally very good looking and charismatic and never lie, cheat, or,
steal. Your weapons do extra harm to the undead, demons, and any
creatures of chaos and evil! You also may pray and heal minor wounds with
Healing Hands. You have to because evil knows that you can Detect Evil
around you, within a fairly close range. You are the good guy that never runs
away and kicks evil's ass and try and be the moral compass of the party. You
can wear all armor and use all weapons as well at the Local Hero Level begin
casing Healer Spells as a Low Life Healer. You have Shiny Plate Armor, Fine
Helm, Backpack, Fine Sword (or whatever) and Shield, (Spear and Shield or
Dual Weapons or Longbow and 20 Arrows or Staff or Pole Arm and no Shield
or Two Handed Weapon and no Shield or Giant Battle Axe and no Shield)


You are a mixture of a Rogue and a Wizard. You tend to use your magics to
distract and befuddle your opponents, all the while stealing their stuff! You
either are a Wizard that went wrong or a Rogue that decided to dabble in
magic. Sometimes there are organized Trickster Guilds but those are few and
far in between. Most are independent. Most Tricksters don't wear any armor
as it interferes with their casting of magic and their roguish skills. Their magic
tends to not be as powerful as a Wizard and mostly concentrates on
distractions, illusions, and confusion. You have a Spell Book, a Dark Cloak,
Backpack, Lock Picks, Blackjack, A Staff or Short Sword or Dagger or Short
Bow and 20 Arrows.

The Warlock is a person who has made a pact with demons, devils, or
ancient forgotten gods for power. Warlocks tend to dress really cool with
black clothing and leather with spikes in a Gothic style. They love piercings,
dyed black (or a combination of colors) hair, undead vampiric looking
makeup, and occult jewelry. The Warlock's powers normally manifest as
powerful Eldrich Blast and spells that hinder, damage, freeze, and burn their
opponents with flashy fiery and loud spells. They really can't do much else
other than damaging opponents with weird demonic devil magic. The powers
they serve are very vindictive and traitorous so don't roll a “1”! If you can
stand being a Goth blaster of foul magic then this class is for you! You
normally have Weird Black Gothic Clothing with Leather Spikes, Horned Skull
Staff or Demonic Dagger or Devil Mace, Gothic Occult Jewelry, Backpack


You are a Psion which is a master of mental powers! You can read and
control minds and sometimes blast them. You can sense things from beyond
your perception. You can move things with your mind as well as yourself. You
can also break through the dimensions and pass from one point to another.
Sometimes you can shape reality itself. You belong to one of the various
orders of Psionic schools. You are kinda like a wizard but different. You have
Fine Hippy Like Robes, Flowing Loose Pants, Walking Staff, Backpack

Example Characters

Gonar Brightshield the Fighter is a Strong and Tough Fighter from the
ancient wastelands. He is very tired from years of battle and wishes to settle
down to farm and read.
Piecemeal Armor, Old Helm, Backpack, Sword and Shield, Bedroll, Flint and
Steel, Grappling Hook, Rope 50', Torches X10

Hamster McGee is a Halfling Rogue of the worst kind. He was an orphan

raised in the human slums and was terribly mistreated. He is very stealthy,
deceptive, and vicious.
Leather Armor, a Dark Cloak, Backpack, Lock Picks, Blackjack, Short Bow
and 20 Arrows. Acid Flask, Caltrops, Crowbar, Lock, String 100'

Radstad McDougal is a Wizard and he is one of the good ones. His magic
is of Fire, Charm, and Teleportation. He is very knowledgeable in Lore and
Ancient History.
Spell Book, Backpack, Staff, Dagger, Robes, Large Hat, Candle, Flint and
Steel, Parchemnt (10 Sheets), Pen and Ink

Sister Telana the Elf Healer is a missionary from the

Elven Nation Church. She is kind hearted and very
caring. She heals the sick and tries to do good deeds as
am emmasary for her church.
Mace, Shield, Piecemeal, Old Helm, Backpack, Holy
Book, Holy Symbol, Bandages, Perserver Rations X 4


GM: In the southern hills off the maps was the rumored BONEHOLE! A
Dungeon of the foulest reputation. The dungeon beyond the entrance was a
sickly dark and descended into a huge cavernous room, but what was
strange is it looked like a little village built right into the walls. The elf, Sister
Telana (P1) could see but she knew that the halfling Hamster McGee (P2)
and the humans Gonor Brightshield (P3) and Radstad McDougal (P4) could
P3: Gonar lights a torch and the now all of the party can see. What do we
P2: Yeah yeah what do we see?
GM: It is a foul dark place. Obviously this was a huge fancy underground
graveyard for the rich many ages ago, but due to overpopulation and the
plague it was filled to capacity with bodies and bones. AT some point and
time, poor people moved in and thought they found a home. They were
wrong. The dead were very much angered with the invaders and rose up and
killed them all or that's what the rumors say. The place looks like a strange
weird town as the homes and shops are built into the walls of the crypts. It
looks as if the people just suddenly abandoned the place. A total of 10 homes
and 12 shops are seen. As you look around at the closet house you see it's
door is barley hanging on. Inside by the torchlight a table is seen with
petrified food upon the tables. A meal for five never eaten. Suddenly! Goblins
attack! There are 5 goblins with spears and short swords and two goblin
archers. (The GM rolls a 5 and a 7 for two goblin archers firing at the party
and decides that both of them miss!) Two arrows strike from the shop
opposite of you! You see five small foul looking green men with pointed ears
and long noses and chins wearing piecemeal armor. The charge the party!
What do you do?
P1: Sister Telana attacks with her mace! “Foul demonic evildoers!” She rolls
an 18 and the GM decides that (goblin 1) is killed instantly when it rolls a 2
and she then spins and kills (goblin 2) that only rolled a 5!
P4: Hamster sneaks off into the shadows rolling a 15 and sneaks behind a
goblin that rolls a 13 to notice the sneaky little bastard. He almost notices
something when suddenly Hamster rolls a 12 and attempts to backstab
(goblin 3) with his roll of 14! The goblin feels the blade sticking in and turns at
the last second, backhanding Hamster and sending him flying into a shelf full
of dishes. Hamster rolls a 4 against the damage of the dishes and the GM
decides that that was too low so hamster is knocked out cold. The player
could spend his destiny points to change the outcome but decides to let his
character be knocked out and play opossum!
P3: Gonor attacks and rolls a 6 and misses horribly! He spends a Destiny
point and rerolls a 4! The gods do not favor him this day! He leaves an
opening and (goblin 3) gives him a deep stab, a kick, and a shield smash with
a roll of 19 giving him a Severely Injured status as decided by the GM! Pieces
of his piecemeal fly off and Gonor gets knocked into the wall breaking a shelf
full of curios destroying them. Gonor decides to not spend a Destiny point and
take less damage. He writes slightly wounded on his sheet. Now he is MAD!
P4: Radstad decides to cast a spell of fire! He takes his staff and encants foul
and forbidden sorceries of fire against (goblin 4) rolling a 10 against the
goblin's roll of a 6, causing the goblin to be thrown back and slightly burned
and injured!
Does the party survive the battle with the goblins? What adventures do they
face in the future? Who cares! Go make and play your own damn adventure
and quit nosing around here!


This is expanded magical rules after play testing. It is much the same except
on need not spend a Destiny point IF he rolls really high, but woe to one who
pushes this and rolls low! When casting magic one will make up the spell on
the spot. One will describe the desired effects of their magic! One simply will
roll the dice and try and get as high as they can. The higher the roll the better
the effect. You can pretty much do any harmless spell that comes to mind. At
the cost of 1 Destiny Point you may cast a spell at a far range that last a few
rounds without having to roll as high. You may actually do a spell that harms
at close range at a cost of 1 Destiny Point with more added to create more
damage and to effect more than one victim and/or at a farther range or one
can just try it and hope to roll high. One can try and do this by just simply
rolling but the Game Master will require a much higher roll with failure
causeing a greater failure result. One must roll a dice for each spell and roll
high. Magic can be dangerous and backfire so don't roll a “1”! Most Wizards
have spells that do damage like a magic missile, or spells that control the
mind like charm, or even more powerful spells such as fireballs and lighting


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