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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name: __________________________________ Grade & Sec. ________ Score: __________

I. True or False. Write true if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect. Write your answer
on the space provided.
_______1. In speaking, eye contact should be established among the audience.
_______2. Gestures when speaking is only limited to hand movements.
_______3. In order to poke fun in a roast speech, never mind the listener’s feelings or emotion.
_______4. Variation of voice when speaking is a necessity in making the speech effective.
_______5. Cohesion is an important aspect in academic writing.
_______6. Eulogy is only meant for dead people.
_______7. It is important to include the happier times with the deceased in writing a eulogy.
_______8. Cohesive writing refers to the connection of ideas in a paragraph.
_______9. To write effective speeches, the logical links between ideas should not really be
_______10. Use of polite expressions is a must in writing a roast speech.

II. Multiple choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. In which part of the essay would you find the evidence
a. Introduction b. body c. conclusion d. counterargument
2. Which among the following is not an example of a starter in making an essay?
a. insult b. quotation c. story d. anecdote
3. Which of the following would most probably grab audience attention?
a. counter-argument b. introduction c. conclusion d. body
4. Which type of essay gives us explanation of a certain issue or topic and should be
a. persuasiveb. argumentative c. informative d. narrative
5. All except one comprises the basic composition of an argument?
a. claim b. reasons c. evidence d. bias
6. When you develop an argument, you are confirming your own position and building your
case. You use evidence such as facts and statistics to support your claim. Which of the
following could not help you develop your argument?
a. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
b. Presenting your argument based on emotions alone
c. Reviewing, addressing, and resolving your main points
d. Strongly expressing your convictions
7. The congested traffic situation in Iloilo has caught the attention of both the riding public and
lawmakers. As an Ilonggo, how can you persuade your “kasimanwas” to address the
problem through your essay?
a. Emphasize the importance of road courtesies and following traffic laws.
b. Indicate that over-speeding and beating the red lights is normal.
c. Inform them that ignoring road signs and safety measures is not a big
d. No need to mention since they are all consenting adults
8. What type of essay is needed in order for you to convince your reader especially the parents
in your locality that it is not safe to attend school on a face-to-face mode during this time of
a. informative essay c. persuasive essay
b. argumentative essay d. narrative essay
9. Which type of essay have a definite point of view and uses solid evidence and sound
a. informative essay b. persuasive essay c. argumentative essay d. none
10. What part of an argumentative essay contains the thesis statement?
a. introduction b. body c. conclusion d. end
11. Which of the following would be the best topic for an argumentative essay?
a. ABS-CBN shutdown b. My Favorite Teacher c. Flowers in Bloom d. school Intrams
12. If you want to stop bullying in schools, what type of essay would you write?
a. informative essay c. persuasive essay
b. argumentative essay d. short essay
13. Which essay should contain all necessary data, statistics, and information regarding the
COVID-19 pandemic?
a. informative essay c. persuasive essay
b. argumentative essay d. short essay
14. In writing persuasive essays, all should be employed except one?
a. use unsound reasoning c. use solid evidence
b. consider your audience d. be convincing
15. Which type of essay would best apply to the topic “ LGBTQ should not be discriminated”?
a. informative essay c. persuasive essay
b. argumentative essay d. short essay
16. A businessman gives a lecture on financial management, what type of essay did he prepare?
a. informative essay c. persuasive essay
b. argumentative essay d. short essay
17.You wanted to emphasize on the topic “aggressive driving should be avoided” , what type of
essay would you most probably write?
a. informative essay c. persuasive essay
b. argumentative essay d. short essay
18. What type of literary criticism asserts that a great deal of meaning in a text lies on how a
reader responds to it?
a. feminist b. Formalist c. moralist d. reader-respond
19. What type of literary criticism emphasizes the form of literary work to determine its meaning, focusing
on literary elements and how they work to create meaning?
a. formalist b. historical c. Marxist d. reader-response
20. What type of literary criticism examines the text from its time period, social setting, and author’s
a. formalist b. historical c. moralist
21. What type of literary criticism is concerned with understanding the role or power, politics, and money in literar
a. feminist b. formalist. c. Marxist Marxist d. reader-response
22. What type of literary criticism asserts that most literature throughout time has been written by men,
for men?
a. feminist b. formalist c. Marxist d. reader-response
he volunteer finished ___ of the barangay captain’s task.
most any many
2. Is ___ else going to vote for him?
each anyone most
3. You can choose ___ the bad leader or the evil one.
neither nor either
4. I like my ___ leader better than this one.
other another all
5. “Hey, resign from your post!” ___ shouted from the back of the stage.
somebody anybody nobody
(What is the appropriate pronoun that fits the sentence?)
23. The volunteer finished ________ of the barangay Captain’s task.
a. most b. any c. many d. other
24. Is ______ anyone going to vote for him?
a. each b. anyone c. most d. all
25. He already has _______ planned for his term as Mayor.
a. anything b. something c. nothing d. no one
Identify the underlined pronouns on the following sentences:
26. This class seemed to love reading.
a. Personal b. Demonstrative c. Indefinite d. Relative e. Interrogative
27. He did it all by herself.
a. Personal b. Demonstrative c. Indefinite d. Relative e. Interrogative
281. Please pay for the book you lost.
a. Personal b. Demonstrative c. Indefinite d. Relative e. Interrogative
28. Few ever earn 98 in Math.
a. Personal b. Demonstrative c. Indefinite d. Relative e. Interrogative
29. Anyone here likes music?
a. Personal b. Demonstrative c. Indefinite d. Relative e. Interrogative
Arrange the following sentences in appropriate number to form a coherent paragraph. Write the number on the
space provided.
_____ 30. But the best feature of the movie was its actors.
all of them, tall pale and extremely slim.
_____ 31.The set was ideal: looming shadows of large and unlighted houses, deserted streets, trees dipping
their branches over the sidewalk, and mist hugging the ground.
_____ 32. The sounds, too, were appropriate; especially terrifying was the hard was the hard hollow sound of
footsteps echoing throughout the film.
_____ 33. The set, sound, and actors in the movie captured the essence of horror films.

_____ 34. He decided to shoplift a candy bar at a small store near his school.
_____ 35. He walked to the candy aisle and look around.
_____ 36. Jason was not so sure whether he had been seen.
_____ 37. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder.
_____ 38. Jason was hungry but he had no money.
_____ 39. He quickly grabbed the candy and shoved it into his pocket.
_____ 40. It was the store manager.

Prepared by:

Teacher III


Principal I
2he volunteer finished ___ of the barangay captain’s task.
most any many
2. Is ___ else going to vote for him?
each anyone most
3. You can choose ___ the bad leader or the evil one.
neither nor either
4. I like my ___ leader better than this one.
other another all
5. “Hey, resign from your post!” ___ shouted from the back of the

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