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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Sec. ________ Score: ________

I. TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is False.
_____1. A persuasive speech must have a catchy introduction.
_____ 2. In a persuasive speech, the speaker has a goal to convince the audience or the reader.
_____ 3. Daedalus is the son of Icarus.
_____ 4. Perseus killed the Gorgons.
_____ 5. Reflexive and intensive pronouns can be used interchangeably in a sentence.
_____ 6. Listening is one of the macro skills in language learning.
_____ 7. A good speaker does not mind his audience.
_____8. A commercial ad uses a persuasive strategy.
_____ 9. Speeches should be delivered in an interesting and pleasing way so that the audience is
motivated to pay attention.
_____ 10. A Venn Diagram is used to show similarities and differences.

II. Multiple Choice.

Directions: Read the statement carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the black.
_____11. The following are parts of persuasive essay EXCEPT _____.
a. anecdote b. body c. Introduction d. conclusion
_____12. The following are characteristics of a persuasive essay EXCEPT one.
a. It contains facts and emotions.
b. Main purpose is to convince.
c. It presents arguments.
d. It moves the readers to actions.
_____13. The part of persuasive essay which presents reasons and evidences is….
a. Thesis statement b. body c. Introduction d. conclusion
_____14. The last part of the persuasive essay summarizing thesis and evidences is...
a. Introduction b. conclusion c. Body d. title
_____15. It is a general organizer or textual aids that can show the central thought with its
matching characteristics.
a. Concept Map b. Cause and Effect Diagram c. Venn Diagram d. Graphic
_____16. This is part of the story where the author introduces the characters.
a. Rising Action b. Falling Action c. Resolution d. Exposition
_____17. Which among the choices below has a correct sequence of the “plot of the story”?
a. Climax, Falling Action, Rising Action, Exposition, Resolution
b. Rising Action, Exposition, Resolution, Climax, Falling Action,
c. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution
d. Resolution, Rising Action, Exposition, Climax, Falling Action
_____18. This type of listening gives the listener pleasure maybe from the humor of blending of
voices in choric arrangements.
a. Appreciative b. Emphatic c. Comprehensive d. Analytical
_____19. The teacher asks the class to enumerate the different parts of the plot. Ethan raises her
hand to answer but the teacher did not call him. If you were Ethan what would you do?
a. Share the answer to your classmates. c. Write down the story and submit to the teacher.
b. Continue to raise hand until you are called. d. Walk out in the class.
_____20. Julia heard the news that a super typhoon will hit their province tomorrow.
If you were Julia what would you do?
a. Watch television the whole day. c. Prepare survival kits and be ready for
b. Laundry all your used clothes. d. Spend time to work the rest of the day.
_____21. Jeo and Joem are best friends. Both of them started to answer their modules together
but because of some household chores they failed to finish it before the submission day.
If you were Jeo and Joem what would you do?
a. Throw the modules. c. Blame my parents, classmates and teachers.
b. Inform and talk to my adviser about the problem. d. Submit my modules even
though they are not done.
_____22. The cost of electricity is very high. Your sister always leaves the lights or TV on when
she leaves the house.
You know that she is wasting a lot of electricity. What is the best thing for you to do?
a. Refrain from talking to your sister. c. Turn the lights and TV off.
b. Leave the problem to your parents. d. Remind your sister on the cost of
_____23. Susan was annoyed about all the sand getting in her clothes. She had been working
very hard with her brother to win the contest. Her father took a picture of her brother and her as
they carved the moat by the tall structure in the sand. What was Susan doing?
a. swimming b. building sand castle c. running at the beach d. taking pictures
_____24. Pam was on her way outside. She looked out at the dark gray sky. Then she went to her
room to
put on her raincoat, boots, and hat. Pam opened her umbrella as she stepped outdoors. From the
story you can tell that…
a. Its about to rain b. Pam wants to play c. The traffic is heavy d. Its sunny
_____25. Which of the following is not a reflexive pronoun?
a. Myself b. yourself c. everyone d. ourselves
_____26. Each morning, I brush my teeth and stare at ______________ in the mirror. Which
pronoun is fit to be used?
a. Himself b. Herself c. Myself d. Itself
_____27. Which of the following underlined words is not a reflexive pronoun?
a. I was in a hurry, so I washed the car myself.
b. You're going to have to drive yourself to school today.
c. He wanted to impress her, so he baked a cake himself.
d. Help yourself with a glass of water.
_____28. We need to believe in ourselves more. The underlined pronoun is _______.
a. Reflexive b. Intensive c. Indefinite d. Personal
Exploring the Sea of Goodness
Lee Emm
1.) Do you believe that a sea of goodness is possible in this world? 2.) I always believe it is
possible. 3.) Doing something good, no matter what the consequences will always make me
contented and secure.
4.) There are a lot of ways I can do such, especially in doing something “good” for others. 5.) The
steps are easy but zealousness, humility and consistency are the subtle ways. Here are the simple
6.) The first one is I imagine that I am in the place of the other person I’ll do good to. 7.) Next, I’ll
imagine how she’ll feel and react. 8.) That way, I’ll think doing good to others will make me at least a
better person. 9.) That will make me be grateful that I have done something good.
10.) With these simple but notable ways I can prove to myself, to others and to God that I can explore the sea
of goodness in this ever changing world. 11.) How about you, can you explore it also? 12.) I bet you can!
_____29. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. _
a. 3 b. 10 c. 4 d. 12
_____30. Exploring the sea of goodness, means you are practicing ______.
a. conscientiousness b. kindness c. humility d. sympathy
_____31. The word subtle in Sentence 5 means _________.
a. clear b. refined c. practical d. strained
_____32.The generalization or statement about the passage on life or human experience is to
a. bring out the best in you b. struggle against the odds
c. stand up for one’s belief d. take strength to bear up the odds

If you have endured a great despair,

Then you did it alone.
Getting a transfusion from a fire,
Picking the scabs off your heart,
Then wringing it out like a sock.
- from: “Courage” by Anne Sexton

_____33. The feeling that the writer intends us to have toward life is ________.
a. contentment b. fear c. courage d. hopelessness
_____34. The last two lines of the poem express _____________.
a. arrogance b. optimism c. courage d. warning
_____35. What is the not the best way to show courage according to these lines?
a. Face problems like a man b. Be motivated
b. Hide from problems d. Get up and move on

III. Read the following the statements below. Identify the different parts of the plot.
Choose your answers from the box. Write your answers on the blanks before the
Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution

Orpheus and Eurydice

______________36. Orpheus went back to earth alone and wandered the earth with his sad
songs longing for the time that he will be reunited with Eurydice.
______________37. Due to so much grief, Orpheus begged Hades, the God of the Dead, to allow
Eurydice to get back to life. Hades agreed with one condition.
______________38. Eurydice, Orpheus' beloved, was stung by a viper on the day of their wedding and
______________39. Orpheus, son of one of the nine muses and a Thracian Prince, had no rival there or
anywhere except the gods alone when it comes to music.
______________40. When Orpheus and Eurydice were on their way back to upper world, Orpheus
unintentionally disobey Hades' condition so Eurydice disappeared before his eyes.
Daedalus and Icarus
______________41. They devised a plan to escape. Daedalus warns his son not to fly too high
nor too low.
______________42. Daedalus hang the wings of Icarus in the Temple. He never flew again.
______________43. With so much excitement, Icarus flew closer to the sun causing his wings to
______________4. Icarus fell into the sea and died.
______________45. Daedalus, an architect with son Icarus were imprisoned by King Minos.
IV. Divide this pie chart and plot the following details. (5pts)

Recommended Diet

Fruit – 30%
Protein – 15%
Vegetables- 25%
Dairy – 16%
Grains- 9%
Other- 5%

Good luck!
Prepared by:

English Teacher



Principal I

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