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Module Title: Conditioning Exercises

Course Title: PATHFit I – Movement Competency Training

Course Number: PE 109
Course Description: This course reintroduces the fundamental movement patterns that consist of
non-locomotor and locomotor skills, which are integrated with core training to meet the demands
of functional fitness and physical activity performance. Emphasis will be on exercise regression
and progression for the enhancement of fitness and the adaptation of movement competencies to
independent physical activity pursuits. In conjunction with fitness and wellness concepts, exercise
and healthy eating principles, periodic evaluation will be conducted of one’s level of fitness and
physical activity, as well as eating patterns to monitor one’s progress and achievement of personal
fitness and dietary goals.
Total Learning Time: 2 (two) units / 2 (two) hours per week
Pre-requisites (if there’s any): None

Overview: Anybody can improve his quickness, power, coordination, etc. by incorporating
specific training into his worked routine. With proper training, a slow athlete can become faster.
This type of training enhances muscles strength, endurance, stability, and motor skills, developing
quick reactions and the ability to move efficiently.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. distinguish conditioning exercises according to purpose;
2. join in various physical activities in consonance with the national and global
recommendation set for Physical Education; and
3. exhibit enthusiasm during physical activities.

Indicative Content:
1. Conditioning Set Number I
2. Conditioning Set Number II

Conditioning Set No. 1
Cardiovascular Endurance
1. High Knee Lifts
S.P.: Standing position, hands on shoulders, elbows out at sides.
a. Raise and L knees in a marching rhythm, touching L knee to R elbow and vice versa.
b. Do exercise in one minute.
2. Twister
a. With your feet apart, turn your body from side to side (R to L) by raising your heels. R
knee slightly bent.
b. Swing R arm up in reverse “T” position shoulder level L elbow down the L arm
3. March and Hop
S.P.: Standing
a. March in place for one minute, raising your knees to hip level, swinging your arms back
and forth to shoulder level.
b. If the R knee is up, the L arm is raised forward and the R arm backward, palms down.
4. Jumping Jacks
S.P.: Standing position, feet together, arms down at the sides.
a. Jump and land with your feet apart. Raise your arms sideward shoulder level.
b. Jump to position.
c. Jump sideward, raise arms overhead.
d. Jump to position
Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)
e. Repeat all for one minute.
5. Heel Jacks
S.P.: Standing position, feet together, arms down at sides.
a. Hop on R foot, placing L heel (toes up) to second position, arms sideward.
b. Jump on both feet keeping them together, arms in front of the chest, palms down
c. Repeat (a) and (b) with the L foot.
d. Do the exercise for 30 seconds.
6. Leg Kicks
S.P.: Standing position
a. Kick R leg across your body and hop on the L leg can-can style at the same time,
swinging arms with the L in front toward R leg, and L arm downward. ct. 1
b. Repeat (a) in the opposite direction. ct. 2
c. Do exercise for one minute.
7. Teeter-Totter
S.P.: Hands on Waist, Feet Together
a. Hop on R foot, then on the L foot, extending the free leg sideward. When hopping on R,
bring R arm upward while the L arm is bent from the elbow, fingers pointing upward.
b. Bend knees as you land to cushion the impact.
c. Hop for 30 seconds.
8. Chest Press
S.P.: Standing position: Arms in reverse “T” position, palms facing front, fingertips
a. Press forearms together, elbows in line with the shoulder.
b. Jog in place.
c. Spread arms again as in starting position, keep on jogging in place.
d. Briskly do the exercise in 2o seconds as you continue to jog. Be sure not to let your arms
9. Body Pump
S.P.: Stride Stand Sideward
a. Reach up with the R am upward stretching the muscles along the sides. Put weight on
the L foot, Point the R foot sideward R, L hand is placed on L shoulder, elbow down.
b. Assume a half-knee bend position, arms in reverse “T”, and palms facing inward.
c. Repeat (a) to the L.
d. Repeat (b). Do the exercise for one minute.
10. Twist and Pump
S.P.: Stride Standing Position, knees slightly bent. Bend arms upward, elbows down, palms
facing front.
a. Gently twist torso slightly to the R and punch (fist closed) with the L arm to R. The toes
of the foot point sideward L.
b. Repeat (a) to the opposite side.
c. Repeat the sequence of one minute.

Conditioning Set No. 2

1. Arm Swinging – warming-up
S.P.: Stride stand sideward feet flat on the floor, arms crossed down in front
a. Swing arms sideward, shoulder level ct. 1
b. Return to starting position ct. 2
c. Swing arms obliquely upward ct. 3
d. Position ct. 4
2. Bouncing – warming-up
S.P.: Feet together, hands in hips
a. Jump forward with both feet ct. 1
b. Jump backward ct. 2
c. Jump sideward R and L ct. 3, 4
3. Deltoid Stretch – for flexibility of the shoulder and up back muscles
Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)
S.P.: Stride standing position
a. Gently pull your R elbow across your chest toward our opposite shoulders with the L
b. Hold stretch for 10 second
c. Repeat with the L elbow
4. Triceps Stretch – to loosen up your arms and shoulder muscles.
a. Raise R arm upward and bend the elbow so that forearm hangs behind the back as far
as possible.
b. Gently pull the elbow behind your head with the L hand creating a stretch.
c. Do it slowly. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Do not use drastic force to limber up.
Repeat with the other arm.
5. Biceps Stretch – stretches biceps and chest muscles
S.P.: Stand erect, clasp hands behind back.
a. With arms fully extended and without leaning forward, slowly move arms up as far as
you can.
b. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds.
c. Slowly lower arms back to starting position.
d. Repeat all for 2 more times.
6. Sit and Lean – flexibility
S.P.: Sit on floor with the soles of the feet together.
a. Grasp your ankles with your hands.
b. Lean your body forward slowly, pressing your forearms and elbows against inner thighs.
Hold for 15 seconds.
7. Lean and Stretch – flexibility
S.P.: Stride long sitting position, flexed ankle, toes up.
a. Raise R arm upward. Stretch as high as you can. L arm, in front of thighs, palms up.
Gradually bend to the L as low as you can.
b. Repeat (a) to the opposite side.
8. Quadriceps Stretch – flexibility
S.P.: Standing
a. With the R knee bent, hold the R foot near the R buttock. If tension could not be felt on
the front thigh, move knee backward, pulling the foot closer to the buttock until
discomfort is felt on the quadriceps. Hold stretch for 15 seconds.
b. Repeat (a) with the L leg.
9. Hamstring Stretch – flexibility
S.P.: Stride long sitting position
a. Bend sideward R and grasp R toes (hold 14 seconds)
b. Repeat (a) to L.
c. Lean forward, reach arms overhead. Be sure to bend from the hips and not from the
waist. (Hold for 15 seconds).
10. Hip Stretch – flexibility
S.P.: Full squat, extend R leg backward, weight is borne by the L foot, hands on either
side of the knee for support in balance.
a. Lower the front of your hip downward to create an easy stretch.
b. Hold for 15 seconds.
c. Reverse Note
- you should feel the stretch in the front of the hip and possibly in the hamstring and
groin. This exercise is excellent for lower back problems.
- don’t do this if you have knee problems.
11. Lower back and Hamstring Stretch – flexibility
S.P.: Pair-up. One of the partners assumes a long sitting position.
a. Bend slowly forward from the hips and try to grasp your ankle.
b. As your partner pushes you into the stretch, drop your head and touch your knees with
your forehead.
c. Hold this position for 15 seconds.
Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)
d. Return to starting position, repeat exercise as many times as desired.
12. Leg Raising – flexibility
S.P.: Standing, hands on waist
a. With the knees fully extended, raise the right leg in front as high as you can ct. 1
b. Lower right leg back to starting position ct. 2
c. Repeat (a) and (b) to the right side. ct. 3, 4
d. Repeat (a) and (b) to the rear ct. 5, 6
e. Repeat (c) ct. 7, 8
f. Repeat all with the L leg. 8 cts.

Piamonte, malones, Bernardo (2005), Foundations of Physical Fitness, West Visayas State
University Publishing House and Bookstore

Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)

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