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DMG I 2019/20 CAD Tutorials

Tutorial CAD3D 2019 – Practical Example

Name:________________________________________ Student Nº:___________ Course:__________
Name:________________________________________ Student Nº:___________ Course:__________
1 – (SolidWorks) Make a computer folder with your name and number, where you save your work in this exercise.
Crie uma pasta com o seu nome e número no computador, onde deverá guardar todos os ficheiros que criar para
este exercício.

1.1-Create an assembly model with Arduino Uno board and the HC-SR04 distance sensor.

Create a new component (box)

Click on Front Plane. This plane will be the base plane for the new part.

DMG I 2019/20 CAD Tutorials

A new part is cretaed on the left. Rename it (File -> Save as, press Ok on the warning dialog window) to Box. Close
the empty sketch (click on “Discard Changes and Exit” button).

Click on the Front Plane of Box part. On the Features tab click on Reference Geometry button and select Plane.

DMG I 2019/20 CAD Tutorials

Select “Flip offset” check box and change the offset distance to 5mm.

Click on “Plane1” and select the sketch button.

DMG I 2019/20 CAD Tutorials

Press Ctrl+8 and create a rectangle with the dimensions shown.

Build the box. Extrude with 40mm. Make a shell with a 1.6 mm thickness.

DMG I 2019/20 CAD Tutorials

Make the holes on the sensor side and on the Arduino connections side.

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