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Calling in sick


When is a time you have called in sick to work?

If I don’t feel able to go work or to do my job


1. What wakes Lynn? An alarm.

2. Lynn gets ready for what? For work.
3. Where does Lynn lie down? She was lie down at
the couch.
4. Lynn does not feel well. She has a fever. Her
body aches. She is sick.
5. Whom does Lynn call? Why? She calls her boss;
she will not be able to work.
Option A:
Every day at six in the morning Lynn's alarm rings,
she gets up, take a shower, gets dressed and makes
breakfast to go to work; however today Lynn feels
tired and feverish, she doesn't want to get out of
bed, she feels sick. she takes a pill but does not
improve, so she calls her boss and tells him that she
woke up sick, that she is going to the hospital to be
checked out. She still doesn't know if she's going to
be disabled and she will informs her boss that as
soon as she feels better she will return to work.

Option B:
The last time I got sick, was on march and call my
boss, I had stomachache gone from work for two

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