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STUDENT NAME:Andre Johosn DATE: 9/26/2023

GROUP MEMBER(S): Rose Lomprey Cristian Rivera

ENC1101: Murray Worksheet

DIRECTIONS: Complete numbers 1 – 7 as directed. Type your answers in the designated boxes labeled “Click or tap
here to enter text.”

1. Paraphrase Murray’s thesis (main idea) entirely in your own words.

Murrays Thesis is don't waste time if you have the skills don't waste money and time where there is better

2. Provide quoted textual evidence from his article. Use the sandwich method as instructed in TSIS CH 2 - 3. Ensure
the quote is properly punctuated according to the guidelines in section P-4 in Seagull. Be sure to include an
MLA-formatted parenthetical in-text citation (refer to section MLA-a in Seagull).

In his essay,"Are Too Many People Going to College," he argues that most students should not be going to
college to attain a bachelor 's degree when their skills and interests lie elsewhere (240)

3. According to Murray, which student should attend college? What is his reason for this recommendation?

Murray States that only those with strong academic aptitudes should be encouraged to attend college and that the
fundamental core information of a liberal education should be taught in elementary and middle school.

4. Provide quoted textual evidence from his article. Use the sandwich method as instructed in TSIS CH 2 - 3. Ensure
the quote is properly punctuated according to the guidelines in section P-4 in Seagull. Be sure to include an
MLA-formatted parenthetical in-text citation (refer to section MLA-a in Seagull).

“He also adds to his reasoning by mentioning that because of the advancement
of internet, physical libraries and the physical proximity of student and
teachers is less important. Because of the changes he noticed he believes that
people should go to college but not for liberal education.”( 506)
5. According to Murray, which student should not attend college? What is his reason for this recommendation?

According to Murray, students who are not academically prepared and motivated to attend college should not do so.
Murray argues that many students not suited for college drop out, acquire debt, and struggle to find employment.

6. Provide quoted textual evidence from his article. Use the sandwich method as instructed in TSIS CH 2 - 3. Ensure
the quote is properly punctuated according to the guidelines in section P-4 in Seagull. Be sure to include an
MLA-formatted parenthetical in-text citation (refer to section MLA-a in Seagull).

“But through the first half of the 20th century, there were all sorts of respectable reasons a person might not go
to college—not enough money to pay for college; needing to work right out of high school to support a wife,
parents, or younger siblings; or the commonly held belief that going straight to work was better preparation for a
business career than going to college. As long as the percentage of college graduates remained small, it also
remained true, and everybody knew it, that the majority of America's intellectually most able people did not have

7. Create a work cited entry for the Murray article (refer to section MLA-c in Seagull). Note that the hanging
indent may not work in this worksheet.

Murray, Charles. “Are Too Many People Going to College?” Graff, Gerald. They Say/ I Say. New York: W. W. Norton &
Company, 2012. 222-242. Essay.

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