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Week 13


Grade and Section:

Track and Strand:

Written Task No. 1:

Learning Area Competency
Health-Optimizing Physical 13. Observes personal safety protocol to
Education (HOPE) 12 avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypo- and
Quarter 4 - Module 3 hyperthermia during MVPA participation

Directions: Identify the type of health incidents that occur when

mountaineering. Write DE for dehydration, HYPE for hyperthermia , HYPO for
hypothermia, and OV for overexertion.

___________1. Decrease in urine exertion

___________2. Trouble forming words
___________3. Not secreting sweat despite the environment being very hot
___________4. Shivering
___________5. Swollen tongue

A. Match the health incidents in Colum A with the proper practices to avoid
such incidents in Column B. Write the letter of the best answer on the line
before each number.

_______6. Dehydration A. Wet a bandana and use it to cover your
_______7. Overexertion head.
_______8. Hypothermia B. Keep your body warm by wearing
_______9. Hyperthermia clothes in layers to adjust body your
_______10. Dehydration temperature.
C. Wear clothing with a cool natural fiber
or of cotton type.
D. Do not try to do too much physical
activities too soon.
E. Eat regularly throughout the
mountaineering activity.
F. Get enough sleep.
C. Choose one among the mountaineering spots in Philippines that you
would like to go to, then write five (5) preparations that you are going to do
before doing the activity.

15. ______________________________________________

Prepared by:

Teacher II, Tanay-Sampaloc Integrated NHS

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