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Date: Oct.

3-7, 2022


Level/Section GRADE 12
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the concepts about mental health
and well- being particularly stress and coping strategies in middle and late
Performance The learners shall be able to identify his/her own vulnerabilities and plan on how to
Standard stay mentally healthy while coping with stress.

Learning 1. Discuss the understanding of mental health and psychological well being to
Competencies identify ways to cope with stress during adolescence.
2. Identify causes and effects of stress in one’s life
3. Demonstrate personal ways to cope with stress and maintain mental health.
I.Specific Knowledge: Explain mental health and stress
Objectives Skills: Differentiate the common mental health disorders.
Attitudes: Appreciate ways in how to boost your morale, handle emotions better
and strengthen resilience by understanding mental health and psychological well
being during adolescence.
II. Subject Matter Mental Health and Stress

III. Procedure
A.Daily Routine 1. Prayer
2. Attendance
3. Safety Protocol

B.Motivation/Recall/ Short video about mental health


Answer the questions:

1. What is the video about?

2. Is the video telling us how important mental health is? Why?

Group Activity (5 groups)

Let the students think, write and create a short drama, a song, a dance or draw
about mental health.

Rubrics: :

Collaboration=20 %

Teamwork= 30 %

Content and knowledge= 50 %


100 %

Let the group judge each other.

Group 1- Group 2

Group 2- Group 3
Group 3- Group 4

Group 4- Group 5

Group 5- Group 1

C. Lesson Proper

Mental Health

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle
stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is
important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through

Mental illness refers to diagnosable mental disorders characterized by

alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior associated with distress and
impaired functioning.

Most mental health problems diagnosed in adulthood begin in adolescence.

Half of the lifetime diagnosable mental health disorders start by age 14; this
number increases to three fourths by age 24. Thee most common disorders
among adolescents include depression, anxiety disorders and attention-
deficit/ hyperactivity disorders. And substance use disorder.

Some Common Types of Disorders:

Symptoms Causes

1. Depression Disorder of emotion or Self- images, body

mood ( sadness, images, separation of
hopelessness, misery, parents, emotionally
inability to enjoy). On unstable parents,
cognitive aspects parents who have high
symptom manifest by marital conflict, and
negative conditions parents with financial
about self, world and problems. Poor
future. On motivational personal relationships,
symptoms are loss of experiencing peer
interest, lack of drive, rejection.
and difficulty on
starting in anything.
On somatic symptoms
are loss of energy,
sleep difficulties, loss
of appetite and weight
loss/ gain.

2. Eating disorder Extraordinary weight Feeling negatively

loss about their bodies and
highly motivated to
look like same- sex
figures in the media.

Types of Eating
Disorders: Persistent pursuit of
thinner built through
1. Anorexia Nervosa hunger. Intense fear of
gaining weight.
Weighing less than
what is considered
normal to their age
and height.

Binge eating and then

2. Bulimia Nervosa purges by self-
inducing vomiting or
using a laxative.

3. Anxiety Over worrying about Genes likely play a

future events and fear role in causing anxiety,
is a reaction to current as well as the home,
events. neighborhood, school,
and other
environmental factors.

Types of Anxiety:

A. Separation Anxiety Separation anxiety

Disorder disorder is diagnosed
when symptoms are
excessive for the
developmental age
and cause significant
distress in daily
functioning. Symptoms
may include:
Recurrent and
excessive distress
about anticipating or
being away from home
or loved ones.

B. Generalized Anxiety Generalized Anxiety

Disorder (GAD) Disorder (GAD) is
by persistent and
excessive worry about
a number of different
things. People with
GAD may anticipate
disaster and may be
overly concerned
about money, health,
family, work, or other
issues. Individuals with
GAD find it difficult to
control their worry.

C. Social Phobia

School or having to
speak in class.
Symptoms include
sweating, blushing, or
muscle tension . Often
overly sensitive to
criticism and having
trouble in standing up
for themselves. Has
low self- esteem,
become easily
embarrassed, and
become very shy self

D. Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder
thoughts ( obsessions)
that are unreasonable.
These thoughts come
into their minds a lot.

They then need to

perform certain
routines or rituals.
Children or
adolescents with these
disorder will often
repeat behaviors to
avoid some imagined
E. Panic Disorder When they feel very
scared or have a hard
time breathing and
their heart is pounding.
They may also feel
shaky, dizzy and think
they are going to lose
their mind or even die.
The teen or child may
not want to go to
school or leave the
house at all because
they are afraid
something awful will
happen to them.

F. Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder The symptoms include
(PTSD) jumpiness, muscle
tension, being overly
aware of one’s
nightmare, and other
sleep problems.
Feeling like they are
re-living the traumatic

Two Categories of Stress:

1. Eustress is a positive stress.

2. Distress is a negative stress.

Kinds of Stressors:

The five kinds of stressors are:

 Acute time-limited
 Brief naturalistic
 Stressful events sequences
 Chronic
 Distant

Acute Time-Limited Stressors

Acute time-limited stressors are ones given in a controlled environment such as a lab.
If you are part of a study, the tech may present you with a stimulus that causes some

level of anxiety for you. This could be presenting you with something that you have a

phobia of or making you do something you don't feel comfortable doing. The stressor

sparks intense stress but only for the time it takes to illicit a response.

Brief Naturalistic Stressors

Brief naturalistic stressors are ones that occur naturally in your environment such as

taking a test. The stress you experience usually only lasts for the time you are in the

stressful situation.

Stressful Events Sequences

Stressful events sequences happen when there is a traumatic event that causes

additional stressors. An example of this is if you are a victim of a natural disaster and

then have to deal with the loss of loved ones, belongings, and pulling your life back


Chronic Stressors

Chronic stressors are situations that happen that force you to change your identity or

social roles. If you become disabled, you will need to adjust your life to accommodate

your disabilities.

Distant Stressors

Distant stressors are stress that happened a long time ago but continue to affect your

immune system negatively because of emotional and cognitive issues. Some

examples of distant stressors include:

 Child abuse
 Prisoner of war
 Loss of a loved one
Common Effects of Stress:

On your body On your mood On your behavior

Headache Anxiety Overeating or under-eating

Muscle tension or pain Restlessness Angry outburst

Chest pain Lack of motivation or focus Drug or alcohol misuse

Fatigue Feeling overwhelmed Tobacco use

Change in sex drive Irritability or anger Social withdrawal

Stomach upset Sadness or depression Exercising less often

D. Analysis 1. What is mental health/ mental illness?

2. Differentiate the types of anxiety.

3. What are the types of eating disorders?

IV. Abstraction 1. Is mental health equally important as physical health? How?

2. What makes mental health different from physical health?

III. Application Make a concept map about mental health disorders.

V. Assessment
True or False: Write true if the sentence is true and false if the sentence is false.

___1. Mental illness is identical with being mentally disabled.

___2. People with mental illness are risky and disabled
___3. There is no cure for mental illness.
___4. Mental health is equally important to physical health.
___5. I cannot help my friend who has mental problems, only a psychiatrist can.

Answer key:
1. False
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. False

VI. Assignment Study our next lesson.

VII. Reflection
Make a short reflection of our lesson about the brain.

VIII. Remarks
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5


Position: T-III

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