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Al Lexus P. Arevalo
Travel for Spain
On May 1, 1882, he began writing farewell letters to his friends and
family. Using the name Jose Mercado, Jose Rizal's departure for Spain
was made possible, his brother Paciano gave him some money, while
Saturnina gave him a diamond ring and a Jesuit priest gave him
recommendation from Ateneo authorities to the Jesuit fathers in
Barcelona, Spain.
Travel for Spain
On May, 3 1882, Rizal left the on board the Spanish streamer ship SALVADORA
bound for Singapore.

He made friends with his fellow passenger and even the Captain of
the ship Donato Lecha. (chess)
After 5 days of sailing, the Salvadora reached Singapore
Visits historic places, temples botanical garden, art galleries and
the statue of Thomas Standford Raffles (Founder of Singapore in
Travel for Spain
From Singapore he boarded the DJEMNAH, French streamer bound
for Europe in May 11, 1882.

On May 17, 1882, Djemnah made its stop over at the Port Galle
(Ceylon/Sri Lanka)

Picturesque but lonely, quite and at the same time sad

Voyage crossing Indian Ocean to the Cape of Guardafui
"Barren Coast of Africa"

"Inhospitable land but famous"

JUNE 11, 1882, Rizal ship arrived in NAPOLI (ITALY)

Mt. Vesuvius
Castle of Saint Telmo
June 16, 1882. Rizal Arrived in Spain's second
largest city CATALUNYA
Schoolmates from Ateneo welcomed him
While in Barcelona, Rizal wrote a nationalistic essay entitled
Love of Country (Amor Patrio) pseudonym Laong

Basilio Teodoro Moran publisher of Diariong Tagalog

Amor Patrio was published on August 20, 1882, in two
He urged the Filipinos to love their motherland. He
wanted them to be free, people with dignity & honor
according to God's plan and not slaves.
Among the significant developments in Rizal's life in Madrid
was his becoming a mason. He came in close contact with
Spanish liberals and republicans who were mostly masons.

he discovered the possibility of becoming a mason so he

joined the Masonic lodge called acacia in Madrid with the
masonic name Dimasalang
Two reasons why Rizal was impelled to join masonry; first,
to secure, freemasonry's aid in his fight against the friars
in the Philippines. Second, to utilize masonry in his fight as
his shield to combat
While in Madrid, the Filipinos including Rizal were having
financial problems. However, they were inspired by the
victory of Juan Luna and Resurrecion Hidalgo
Christian Virgins
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Rizal's Education in Spain

Rizal followed a systematic and well-organized schedule of study. He

completed his medical course and was conferred the degree of Licentiate
in Medicine by the Universidad Central De Madrid on June 21, 1884 that
made him full pledged physician qualified to practice medicine.

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Propaganda Movement

Reforms desired:

Equality of the Filipinos and Spaniards before the laws

Assimilation of the Philippines as a regular province of Spanish
Restoration of the Philippine restoration in the Spanish Cortes
Filipinization of the Philippine parishes and expulsion of the friars
Human rights for Filipinos, such as freedom of speech, freedom to meet
and petition for redress of grievances

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La Soladaridad

Nuestro Proposito

Our aspirations are modest, very modest, our program,

aside from being simple, is clear: to combat reaction, to
stop retrogressive steps, to extol and adopt liberal ideas, to
defend progress: in a word, to be a propagandist, above all
of democratic ideas in order to make supreme in all nations
here and across seas

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The aims therefore of La Soladaridad are described to collect, gather.
Liberal ideas which manifested in our daily lives in the field of science, art,
politics, art, literature, commerce, agriculture, and industry

We shall also discuss all the problems relating to the general interest of
nation and seek solutions to those problems in high level and democratic

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Filipinas Dentro De Cien Anos

We know their present.

Now, what will their future be?
Will the Philippine Islands continue to be a Spanish colony, and if so, what
kind of colony? Will they become a province of Spain, with or without
autonomy? And to reach this stage, what kind of sacrifices will have to be
made? Will they be separated from the mother country to live
independently, fall into the hands of other nations, or ally themselves with
neighboring powers?

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